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SULPHITE 11-16-2012 12:16 PM

with the legalization of mary jane...hostess was poised for a stellar increase in units sold!!!

Big Flounder 11-16-2012 12:38 PM

I guess the union is not going to start harvesting the marry jane!

"W" 11-16-2012 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by SULPHITE (Post 517684)
with the legalization of mary jane...hostess was poised for a stellar increase in units sold!!!

LMAO ...

Purple Back 11-16-2012 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by PBJ (Post 517656)
In 2008 when the stock market crashed our company did not give us our yearly raise because they did not know how bad the recession would be. Everybody understood the situation and nobody had problems with it (we are non-union). Since the recovery of the economy and the fall out of natural gas prices, our company is making record quarterly profits and we never got that yearly raise we missed.......


Bass2222 11-16-2012 01:24 PM

People don't realize that the rich have to make money for u to make money.
Rich making money=normal people making money
Rich not making money=normal people definately not making money

PUREBAY2200 11-16-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by SULPHITE (Post 517684)
with the legalization of mary jane...hostess was poised for a stellar increase in units sold!!!


I think the snack food companies had a hand in getting "mean green" legal..... It's only a matter of time until its sold like beer, cigars & dip.

Spunt Drag 11-16-2012 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by PBJ (Post 517656)
In 2008 when the stock market crashed our company did not give us our yearly raise because they did not know how bad the recession would be. Everybody understood the situation and nobody had problems with it (we are non-union). Since the recovery of the economy and the fall out of natural gas prices, our company is making record quarterly profits and we never got that yearly raise we missed.......

Noooooooo! Big business would never be greedy!

PBJ 11-16-2012 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Purple Back (Post 517727)


RickLafayette 11-16-2012 04:42 PM

Looks like Moochelle Obama was behind this high calorie diabolical coup.

T-TOP 11-16-2012 04:50 PM

W your Comprehension is as bad as your grammar!! Read your article a few more times, see if you can fully understand what you posted??? Dumb ***!

"W" 11-16-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by T-TOP (Post 517818)
W your Comprehension is as bad as your grammar!! Read your article a few more times, see if you can fully understand what you posted??? Dumb ***!

Union Killed 18,500 Jobs

Twinkies now made in China

Unions Killing jobs daily :D:D


"W" 11-16-2012 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by T-TOP (Post 517818)
W your Comprehension is as bad as your grammar!! Read your article a few more times, see if you can fully understand what you posted??? Dumb ***!

All I need to read FYI

Hostess said a strike by members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union that began last week had crippled its ability to produce and deliver products at several facilities, and it had no choice but to give up its effort to emerge intact from bankruptcy court.

T-TOP 11-16-2012 05:51 PM

Mad??? Just making a suggestion to you... Obvious you don't fully understand what has happen to hostess... And you have ZERO knowledge of these unions you try and insult... You are a funny little fellow

"W" 11-16-2012 05:52 PM

Are American Unions Increasing Poverty Rates?

American unions are a major cause of unemployment in the U.S. and they have greatly increased the number of children and families living in poverty by stunting the U.S economy.
In the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, President Obama’s own former economic advisor Lawrence H. Summers said, “Another cause of long-term unemployment is unionization. High union wages that exceed the competitive market rate are likely to cause job losses in the unionized sector of the economy.”
There are reasons other than relatively inflated union workers’ wages and benefits causing an undeniable increase of outsourcing and overseas placement of production facilities from this country – for example high taxes and government overregulation. However, the AFL–CIO, national trade union center, the largest federation of unions in the United States, and other large unions, are major culprits.
While American steel companies, automobile production and other traditional industries continue to downsize and increasingly outsource production of components, unionized Green companies like Solyndra are failing within months of receiving massive, low-interest loans from the federal government that amount to taxpayer-funded union slush funds. Solyndra was touted as a successful Green company by President Obama months before the company went belly-up and left taxpayers to pay the company’s half-billion-dollar government-backed loan. Solyndra claimed it could not compete with foreign companies but where the government money went is the subject of an ongoing FBI investigation.
In the U.S., unionized workers are on average paid much higher wages than non-union workers and generally receive superior benefits and pensions. The result of such artificial wage inflation through union negotiations, strikes, political campaign donations and sick-outs is that American companies lose the ability to compete with foreign companies. The relentless phenomenon of economically downsizing America is no longer a 600-pound gorilla that voters can simply ignore. American companies are moving entire operations overseas and outsourcing jobs to foreign companies leaving more and more union workers and non-union employees standing in the unemployment line or permanently unemployed. Many recent polls indicate that Americans’ patience and empathy for union strikes and protests are wearing thin.
States like California are choosing Chinese companies to supply major U.S. infrastructure because unionized American companies can’t compete. For example, over $6 billion of a $7.2 billion contract to rebuild the Oakland –to-San Francisco bridge was awarded to the Chinese because unionized American companies could not successfully compete. The massive steel work for the bridge was built and assembled in China and shipped to California on Chinese vessels while American unionized companies sat on their hands. Americans were relegated to assembling and paving the complex new bridge.
If unions remain strong, expand and continue to demand inflated wages and benefits for union bosses and their workers, an ever-more globalized economy will continue shrinking the share of jobs available to unionized workers and other Americans.
The results will include permanently higher unemployment, soaring government deficits, double-dip recessions and further increases in American poverty rates. The situation will surely become more severe for the U.S. and most of Europe as more developing nations offering the same products for less enter a global economy in mass.
Unionization is the 600-pound gorilla in the unemployment line and it doesn’t discriminate between union workers, non-union workers or small businesses.

"W" 11-16-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by T-TOP (Post 517828)
Mad??? Just making a suggestion to you... Obvious you don't fully understand what has happen to hostess... And you have ZERO knowledge of these unions you try and insult... You are a funny little fellow

I have 100% knowledge of it....... Unions killed 18,500 jobs

read my above ^^^^^

Before 2020 Unions here in LA will be gone or bankrupt

T-TOP 11-16-2012 06:00 PM

Who wrote that??? You are a simple minded little man..... You should stick to things you atleast know a little about "fishing" or something..

T-TOP 11-16-2012 06:02 PM

You been sand bagging that article waiting on this opportunity to use it???

"W" 11-16-2012 06:04 PM

Hoss you don't have to cover up for Unions .. Job loss by union workers is at all time highs

That is facts...

T-TOP 11-16-2012 06:06 PM

Facts from who??? Where do find these facts?? Internet??? Oh wait they can't put anything on Internet that's not true...

T-TOP 11-16-2012 06:09 PM

W you have no experience, knowledge, say so, a union vote, or anything else that qualifies you to make an attempt at talking about any union facts. It's not your fault... It's just the facts....

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