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jpeff31787 07-21-2009 02:23 PM

O yeah! Sounds like the trips I make with my sister and g/f lol But they don't fish unless I've found them already lol they make me do all the work

longsidelandry 07-21-2009 02:30 PM

Haha, I would throw their lines out to show them where to cast then sit back and watch. I would die laughing when the younger one would hook up with a nice red and he would start getting all excited and screaming. That little turd caught the 2 biggest ones out of the 4, lol.

jpeff31787 07-21-2009 02:36 PM

usually how it goes! lol The girls always start getting more bites than me at the beginning of the day. Last time they each caught fish before me! lol I was casting far away from the boat and they were casting about 10 foot off the side getting bites. I thought it was just some croakers or some trash, but nope it was specs. Some nice ones too! Love it though, I try to get them out there as often as I can

longsidelandry 07-21-2009 03:36 PM

I don't know if anybody knows about this or not but they will be building a new boat launch in Delcambre. It will be further down the canal than the current one so you won't have to idle past all the shrimp boats. The state/parish just purchased the land from a family friend of ours and should be starting the new construction within the next few months from what I'm told. It will have a double backdown launch with enough space to be able to tie your boat up and it's out of the way. It will also have some slips that the shrimp boats will be able to back up into right next to the parking lot and sell shrimp straight off the back of their boats. They will also put a pavillion up to assist in fishing tournaments and stuff like that. There will be one of those ticket machines where you put your money in and you get a ticket to put on your dashboard for parking.

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