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pricecb 08-19-2014 04:03 PM

I think the local and state police need to just pull out 100% let them do what they want.

Let everyone know they will be leaving and they are on there own. Have an armed convoy go through and pick up any refugees and relocate them.
If they want to destroy the area they live let them. NEVER NEVER rebuild or police the area again. make it a 0 tax rate with 0 tax dollars going in or out.

Top Dawg 08-19-2014 04:26 PM

duckman1911 08-19-2014 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by pricecb (Post 715080)
I think the local and state police need to just pull out 100% let them do what they want.

Let everyone know they will be leaving and they are on there own. Have an armed convoy go through and pick up any refugees and relocate them.
If they want to destroy the area they live let them. NEVER NEVER rebuild or police the area again. make it a 0 tax rate with 0 tax dollars going in or out.

I like the sound of this. I would add that if you decide to stay you don't get to change your mind and leave after everything is destroyed. It is yours.

southern151 08-19-2014 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by pricecb (Post 715080)
I think the local and state police need to just pull out 100% let them do what they want.

Let everyone know they will be leaving and they are on there own. Have an armed convoy go through and pick up any refugees and relocate them.
If they want to destroy the area they live let them. NEVER NEVER rebuild or police the area again. make it a 0 tax rate with 0 tax dollars going in or out.

The problem with this is that there are many folks there that actually own homes and, businesses. Businesses that haven't been destroyed have been brought to a definite halt due to this stupidity. As a business and, homeowner, I feel terrible for those caught in the crossfire.

Goooh 08-19-2014 05:06 PM

Go protest the protestors.

pricecb 08-19-2014 05:06 PM

It would be cheaper to buy them out at 120% of the value of the business or home then to continue to support and police the area.

chuzo 08-19-2014 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by pricecb (Post 714965)
Uninformed, uneducated, people who believe they are victims and belive white people want to hold them down. They wake up everyday and someone is telling them the rich white man has more than you and he took it from you. Doesn't excuse them. it is a reflection of our politicians taking the easy way out rather than telling the hard truths.

Kind of like telling a fat kid it's not his fault and giving him an ice cream cone. When what he really needs is two a day football practices and a diet

Don't know about anyone else but I don't care what color you are just let me make a living and do some fishing.


eman 08-19-2014 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Armand16 (Post 715016)
His friend said he was shot in the back. He said Brown was running away, there was a shot, Brown stopped as if he was hit, then turned around around with his hands up.
But there are other witnesses who claim that when Brown turned around he started running at the officer. The wound pattern seems consistent with that story, because it goes from the hand, up the arm, to the shoulder, to the head. So it looks like he wasn't shot while he had his hands up, if he ever had them up.

Looks like the adrenaline had the LEO jerking the trigger . Every shot left of center mass.

pricecb 08-19-2014 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 715096)
Looks like the adrenaline had the LEO jerking the trigger . Every shot left of center mass.

Could have been the broken eye socket. Think that would have all of our aim off.

Tell you what ole boy to chase after him after that beating the guy is a hero. Most would have balled up back in the car and been happy to be alive.

Lake Chuck Duck 08-19-2014 05:48 PM

Not sure how true it is but just ready that KKK members from 3 states are heading to Ferguson. Something about protecting businesses. If its true and they run in to the panthers. Oh man look out!

keakar 08-19-2014 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by pricecb (Post 715080)
I think the local and state police need to just pull out 100% let them do what they want.

Let everyone know they will be leaving and they are on there own. Have an armed convoy go through and pick up any refugees and relocate them.
If they want to destroy the area they live let them. NEVER NEVER rebuild or police the area again. make it a 0 tax rate with 0 tax dollars going in or out.

the only problem is that only 20-25% are local hoodlums and the other 75% are bussed it out of town professional protesters that live off of government checks because they supposedly cant work because of depression or some other lame BS but they spend weeks marching and sleeping in tents all over the country. these are the same stupid college uneducated liberal socialist America hating occupy idiots and they keep living off of mom and dad while they practice domestic terrorism without even knowing what the facts involved are for the excuse they use to be thugs and be lawless.

what they should do is arrest anyone without proof of rlocal esidency and if they don't live in the state then file charges of crossing state lines with the intent to incitement to riot and domestic terrorism

pricecb 08-19-2014 06:23 PM

I watched a little bit on tv last night I refuse to look at to much they really shouldn't be showing or glorifying these people like they are now.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. People throwing stuff at cops, pulling up signs and trying to build a blockade across the roads. Taunting the police. I wouldn't have made it as a cop for long. .

duckman1911 08-19-2014 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lake Chuck Duck (Post 715100)
Not sure how true it is but just ready that KKK members from 3 states are heading to Ferguson. Something about protecting businesses. If its true and they run in to the panthers. Oh man look out!

I bet they will be arrested on sight. The black panthers will be allowed to prance around like a bunch of faries though. F the panthers is what I say. Stick a glock in their mouth and they wont be quite as ballzy. Somebody in Ferguson needs to draw a line in the sand and drop the hammer on the first animal that crosses it. I could clear the streets with one rifle round.

duckman1911 08-19-2014 08:39 PM

If the reports I have have read. IF. I do believe the officer was right to use deadly force. As a citizen I would have down the same thing. At the same time I do believe there is a real issue with law enforcement and the use of force in this country.
We are at a time when even a verbal disagreement with a cop is viewed as commbative behavior by law enforcement. They are quick to use those tasers. Tasers and pepper spray ruined law enforcement imo

Ilovestohunt 08-19-2014 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by redaddiction (Post 714935)
Black on Black crimes don't fit their agenda.....pathetic!!!

Or make them money!! This country may never get over the damage done the past 20+ years with this crap!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ilovestohunt 08-19-2014 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by duckman1911 (Post 715123)
I bet they will be arrested on sight. The black panthers will be allowed to prance around like a bunch of faries though. F the panthers is what I say. Stick a glock in their mouth and they wont be quite as ballzy. Somebody in Ferguson needs to draw a line in the sand and drop the hammer on the first animal that crosses it. I could clear the streets with one rifle round.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

pricecb 08-19-2014 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by duckman1911 (Post 715150)
If the reports I have have read. IF. I do believe the officer was right to use deadly force. As a citizen I would have down the same thing. At the same time I do believe there is a real issue with law enforcement and the use of force in this country.
We are at a time when even a verbal disagreement with a cop is viewed as commbative behavior by law enforcement. They are quick to use those tasers. Tasers and pepper spray ruined law enforcement imo

I agree. It seems that he did what was necessary. But there is defiantly a attitude with our police force. It was once the few that were bad eggs. Now even question one and they pull that " you got a problem boy" attitude. Im not as combative as I once was but I'm still to stubborn to just surrender my rights. Never never never give a statement to a cop without an attorney present. They are trained to write reports you aren't trained to give one.

Don't remember who said this but it is so true.
In communist Russia people would fear the knock at the door in the middle of the night. In free America today we fear the local swat team busting the door down with guns pointed to your face.

noodle creek 08-19-2014 09:17 PM

Why on earth isn't every business owner in this town sitting in the business just waiting for this to happen. Kill a pile of those punks and it'll all stop.

marshrunner757 08-19-2014 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lake Chuck Duck (Post 715100)
Not sure how true it is but just ready that KKK members from 3 states are heading to Ferguson. Something about protecting businesses. If its true and they run in to the panthers. Oh man look out!

I researched this. The Klan organization says the guy over one of the self proclaimed groups is not a registered member of the Klan. He's saying its someone looking to make money.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

fishinpox 08-19-2014 09:50 PM

Uneducated , no role models , society where being a "thug" or "gangster" is cool . I question myself " how would I look at this if the cop was black or m brown was white or the cop white and the kid white" either was rioting, looting in your community solves nothing , I would also hope that I'm educated enough to have the same feeling regardless of color . The problem isn't furgeson mizzou it's What has become accatable all over America . It ok to teach your kids how to work the system so they don't actually have to work , it's ok to have role models who are criminal rappers , it's cool to wear shirts that say " stop snitching " it's cool to play the knock out game, until one of these role models steps up and says all this is bull crap! And shows the uneducated that stuff is trash! And it's actually cool to support your family by working, and role model should be god , working to help others is cool . Until there is major change in thinking nothing will change

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