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-   -   CCA backs raise of license fee- Thoughts? (

mr crab 04-09-2014 12:47 PM

I'll make a guess and say the matty guides will lose customers to the galveston and Sabine guides. It's common sense, I can book a fishing trip and go catch 5 trout, or pay approx. The same price to go catch 10. Easy call for most people.

mr crab 04-09-2014 12:49 PM

A perfect example of what's gonna happen with these changes is what happens during the fall flounder run in the Sabine ship channel. Go check out how many tx plates you see in the la causeway ramp parking lot. There is even a Sabine guide whose motto is "La Limits because Tx limits suk"....... now some Tx limits suck worse than others in the eyes of somebody who hires a guide once or twice a year. The flounder laying on the east bank of that channel are the same fish laying on the west bank. But the limit is 500% different? And might I add that most off the fish on either side of that channel come from the la estuaries, and get harvested all year long at a maximum of 10/angler/day. Don't know how many of y'all were actual out there last fall, but I was out there several days every week, and there was certainly no shortage of fish.....on either bank

mr crab 04-09-2014 12:50 PM

cca sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"W" 04-09-2014 12:56 PM

You want people to support CCA you have to make people believe in the CCA, CCA has to show strong ties to your area for equal benefits ( not sunshine pumpers)

People stop believing and that's why the Star is falling off like Obama rating. Star once gave 3 boats out on each zone
Now down to 1 18ft stripped boat...

CCA hits a HR on our Lake... I'm 100% on board and back in, but Making front page news for a reef is not an big deal to anyone and let's add bouys also..sunshine pump it

MathGeek 04-09-2014 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by keakar (Post 679277)

IMO they have become more about political activism and feel good legislations then science based conservation now. I think the way to return them to what we think is the right path is to work from within and from the outside to let them know they no longer speak for the majority of their supporters when they take the positions they do on certain things.

IMO instead of working to protect fishermans rights they have become environmentalists who often look to restrict those rights through increased fees and regulations.

maybe they haven't changed at all and they never were on our side but rather we had a few interests that happen to be the same so we mistakenly "thought" they think like we do? who knows for sure but like them or don't like them, support them or don't support them, its as simple as that.

one thing is true, they stand for the positions they take and the positions they take speaks volumes as to their goals and agendas so opinions don't really matter, just look at what they do and are trying to do.

Yep. Well said.

Deadly D 04-09-2014 12:57 PM

I gave up on CCA (Cancer Causing Agent) 8 yrs ago cause I could see where it was headed when I heard politicians talking about it

MathGeek 04-09-2014 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 679278)
Screw snapper, how many days a year can one get out and fish snapper??? You can fish speckle trout, reds and flounder just about 300 days a year

Fight to save that.... talked to an offshore charter boat guide who said he might have 60 days give or take of days with good weather to make successful trips with customer

This is a good point. We might be past the point of no return on red snapper. It may well be a better strategy to focus on specks, redfish, flounder, and tripletail. I bet if they had their way, CCA would push for LA regulations much closer to TX and FL in many species. The federalization of snapper accomplished that quickly and perhaps irrevokably. Better to fight for the species that remain. At some point, snapper will become a huge nuisance and the herd will need thinning.

biggun 04-09-2014 01:30 PM

Don't U think we could be better served in us banding together as to get the LAWMAKERS that are NOT pro fisherman out of office..

OH. I'm sorry.. I'm sure there ARE Democrats on this site that DID NOT vote for Obama????

Top Dawg 04-09-2014 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by biggun (Post 679307)
Don't U think we could be better served in us banding together as to get the LAWMAKERS that are NOT pro fisherman out of office..

OH. I'm sorry.. I'm sure there ARE Democrats on this site that DID NOT vote for Obama????

The problem is YOUR CCA are in cahoots wit the lawmakers!

keakar 04-09-2014 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by mr crab (Post 679285)
cca sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dang mr crab, that's like 6 posts within 2 minutes, I dont think there is any shortage on page space but you can use the edit button to add to your first post ya know ;)


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 679292)
This is a good point. We might be past the point of no return on red snapper. It may well be a better strategy to focus on specks, redfish, flounder, and tripletail. I bet if they had their way, CCA would push for LA regulations much closer to TX and FL in many species. The federalization of snapper accomplished that quickly and perhaps irrevokably. Better to fight for the species that remain. At some point, snapper will become a huge nuisance and the herd will need thinning.

they already are by having stories posted through their network of friends and supporters about how speck stocks are in trouble because catches of "trophy" sized trout are on the decline so we should all "voluntarily" ask for our regulation limits to be reduced to 15 or even down to 10 and the size limits increased with the reason being that's all one person needs to feed his family that day. there was something like 5 or 6 articles about how "LA speck populations are in trouble" and "drastic reductions needed in LA speck limits" last year all using fewer reported landings of large fish as "all the proof they need"

they got far too many weekend warriors to go along and agree with them that limits must be reduced by saying it will mean everyone can then be able to catch 6 lb trout, what a freakin crock yet if you tell lies often enough and sound serious enough people will believe anything you print

"W" 04-09-2014 01:34 PM

The Rate the CCA is falling off due to lack of production there will be one boat for over all STAR winner by 2020

Montauk17 04-09-2014 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 679313)
The Rate the CCA is falling off due to lack of production there will be one boat for over all STAR winner by 2020

Your source of info is off once again. Star had a great year last year.

"W" 04-09-2014 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 679318)
Your source of info is off once again. Star had a great year last year.

Compared to what??

biggun 04-09-2014 02:23 PM


Wrong!!!!!!!!!!! Again!!!!!!!!!!!

3FLa 04-09-2014 04:01 PM

Biggun adn W
Biggun, you are lying again. As to red snapper, where was CCA last week when Gary Jarvis took the Louisiana Recreational fisherman to the cleaners. Where was CCA in late March when the commercial fishermen took CCA to the cleaners regarding red snapper quotos. Does anything come out of your mouth that is true, or do you just like to make threats over the internet and not in person.

Please get your facts straight. It is best to remain silent and let people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

W....I can assure you than there will be less than 1 boat fishing the STAR by 2016. That is a promise!

noodle creek 04-09-2014 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by CajunMade (Post 679254)
Biggun, as I said, you like to run your mouth on a keyboard but keep in shut in public when I am around. As to federal law, when you use the internet to get a group of people to conspire to physically harm someone, then you have broken federal and state law. You may not be as smart as you think you are.

It is typical CCA mentality that when you cannot argue the facts attack someone personally. Well your mouth and fingers do not scare me.

I dislike CCA of Lousiiana because it is a self serving group of liars. Nothing more, nothing less. I am a heavy supporter of CCAUSA, because it is real. You want to know how their funds are spent, ask them, they will tell you, verbally and in writing. Go ask CCA of Louisiana that question, and see if you get an answer.

Here are facts, not my opinion:

(1) CCA fabricated the data it had on bowfishing, then lied in a legislative hearing, under oath, about the data;

(2) CCA lied about the data it had on tripletail;

(3) CCA, despite its mission statement, refuses to take a stand on public vs. private waterways;

(4) Despite constant pleading from Ted Venker (V.P. CCA USA), and Vitter's office, CCA of Louisiana failed to appear at a United States Enviromental and Public Works committee hearing on SB 1079 (Rigs to Reef); thus the bill died in committee;

(5) Just recently (March 26, 2014) CCA of Louisiana failed to appear, despite multiple request to do so, at a Washignton D.C. administrative hearing on catch shares. Commercial fishermen, in a suit by Gary Jarvis, were cleary successful regarding red snapper. That decision, which will greatly restrict the recreational fishermen, was just confirmed by a D.C. federal court on Monday;

(6) CCA of Louisiana is owned by a group of individuals from Texas(Louisiana Sec. of State records), who owned interest in companies that remove oil rigs from the Gulf of Mexico at a great profit (La. Mineral Board lease argeements and Texas Sec. of State records;

(7) CCA lied to its membership about its relationship with the Louisiana Landowners Assocaition until your Grand PuPyia was put under oath and had to admit it works with LSA on numerous projects. (Maybe that explains fact #3).

I was at every one of the above mentioned hearings, and have copies of all transcripts, which are public record. I also heard numerous lawmakers in Washington and Louisiana refer to your little group as the Capitol Clowns Association, references which still remain on public record at the Library of Congress.

You see, bigmouth, we spent a considerable about of money to investigate CCA of Louisiana before we make allegations. What I stated above are facts, not opinions. Your very latest post states a whole lot about CCA of Louisiana. You and others admit you protested bowfishing ban, yet your "board" went against its very own membership in pushing that issue. Oh, I sorry, the membership did not get a vote, the board made the decision in executive session re: the bowfishing ban.

Again your threats have fallen on deaf ears. So go to your little revivals, get lied to, then appear on CCA's behalf at public functions.

For those who cannot t recognize the "board" members, here is a tip: They are the grown men, who are wearing heavily starched purple Cabelas' fishing shirts, with an embroided gold "CCA" on the front. These grown men, will be wearing goofy looking fishing shorts, with a belt that has either colored fish on it or bearing a multiple silver stamped "LSU". These guys will also have some type of strange fishing shoes on.

As a whole, these clowns will look like illegitmate queer offspring from an illicit affair involving Mike the Tiger and Wilma Flintstone.

And if that is not enough info, these clowns will be the arrogant, want-to-be fishermen, who think they fish better than anyone else because of the before mentioned costume.

Caveat: This in by no means bash of my beloved Tigers, I have two degress from LSU. It is just an statement of fact about CCA.

CajunMade is owning this thread. If what he is saying is true, the screw CCA. Where is a CCA supporter (Biggun) that is willing to put up some facts that are citable?

noodle creek 04-09-2014 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by CajunMade (Post 679359)
Biggun, you are lying again. As to red snapper, where was CCA last week when Gary Jarvis took the Louisiana Recreational fisherman to the cleaners. Where was CCA in late March when the commercial fishermen took CCA to the cleaners regarding red snapper quotos. Does anything come out of your mouth that is true, or do you just like to make threats over the internet and not in person.

Please get your facts straight. It is best to remain silent and let people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

W....I can assure you than there will be less than 1 boat fishing the STAR by 2016. That is a promise!

Boom. Sounds like CajunMade is more in the "know" and follows these issues more closely than anyone else.

meaux fishing 04-09-2014 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by CajunMade (Post 679359)
Biggun, you are lying again. As to red snapper, where was CCA last week when Gary Jarvis took the Louisiana Recreational fisherman to the cleaners. Where was CCA in late March when the commercial fishermen took CCA to the cleaners regarding red snapper quotos. Does anything come out of your mouth that is true, or do you just like to make threats over the internet and not in person.

Please get your facts straight. It is best to remain silent and let people think you are a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

W....I can assure you than there will be less than 1 boat fishing the STAR by 2016. That is a promise!

how can there be less than one boat fishing the star in 2 years?

biggun 04-09-2014 04:51 PM

I was at that Meeting in Kenner.. As were MANY CCA MEMBERS.. Commericals DIDN"T Take the Rec.'s to the CLEANERS in the Snap Meeting in Kenner I can Assure U...

Where WERE U.. Mr. CajunMADE???

Alternative 5 of Amendment 28 state that If the Gulf Council allows for than 9.2 millions pds. of Snaps the REC.'s would be given 75% of that amount over 9.2..

Comm.'s would be given 25% more of their 51 % share they NOW enjoy..

The way the RS stock assessment is done is based on data 30 yrs old..

They only count NATURAL BOTTOMS ANF STRUCTURE.. Not ONE RS is counted that lives on every offshore platform in the GoM..

If they used a more modern stock assessments criteria.. Our own LWF has data supporting larger creel and season on snaps..

ONE of the other problems I have is the Taking out of Offshore platforms and Killing all types of marine life when Dynamite is used to blow the legs.. It kills everything.. not just Snaps..

That's is a waste of the resource.

I'm a 3rd party safety consultant who works for one of the largest oil and gas Company's in the GoM...

Does that make me responsible for the BP disaster?? Or the Oil company that are taking out rigs. No that Is your current President directive..

Mr. CajunMade..

If U know so much about CCA LA. Please tell us Kool-Aid drinkers, what Ur organization CCA-USA stands for and UR Mission Statement..

SO I do my due diligents, my eyes opened, and can be educated in your awesome organization!!!!!!

keakar 04-09-2014 05:38 PM

have to agree this thread is going to get to 20 pages :rolleyes:

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