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Mako19 04-09-2015 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Clampy (Post 748253)
He shot the saddle out of his hands.
Watch out now we got John Wayne on SC

Now poor dude has some saddles with holes all over them!

simplepeddler 04-09-2015 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Nickt87 (Post 748179)
Where you think he was headin? To the local community center to volunteer and help disabled citizens? Maybe heading to te police station to turn himself in? In all reality he was probably swiftly enroute to the bank to pay his back logged child support!

Worst part out of this whole deal is now there are another 2-10 fatherless African American kids on the streets.

Not paying child support means they were fatherless anyway

simplepeddler 04-09-2015 10:51 AM

just a lazy attempt by the cop...........he never once took a running step towards the guy........

in a vacuum I can agree with just about every point...but life does not place in a vacuum.....the laws are written mostly around what is and not what if's...........based on the what is, this cop is toast.

we can what if it all day long and make many many assertations to support our views on this.

He has been charged, will likely be convicted and the family will sue regardless of the outcome.

noodle creek 04-09-2015 11:00 AM

Just watched video, no way in hell he should have shot the guy. The guy running has about a 10 second 40 time, that cop could have easily run him down. No way was that shooting justifiable.

That being said, in other situations such as car chases etc., I would 100% support the criminal being killed before they harm someone innocent. In this situation, the guy was going nowhere fast, and the cop had his identity. Not to mention there was another cop right there close by.

Clampy 04-09-2015 11:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 85630

Mako19 04-09-2015 11:50 AM

Yea, the whole department should go down for thiS.

They had the cop as being innocent until the video surfaced.

swampman46 04-09-2015 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mako19 (Post 748289)
Yea, the whole department should go down for thiS.

They had the cop as being innocent until the video surfaced.

Wait...this is far from over. Other heads will roll.

biggun 04-09-2015 07:41 PM

Guys.. I'm a former Game Warden... All my LET, taught me THERE IS NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON TO SHOT any fleeing unarmed person.. Period..

Game wardens HAVE by far the most latitude when it comes to probable cause, vehicle stops, and search..

Officer is going to spend A LONG time with Big Bubba. His children will also be without a father.

Andy C 04-09-2015 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mako19 (Post 748257)
Now poor dude has some saddles with holes all over them!

Yes I did !! When i get home I will post picture.. !!!

Andy C 04-09-2015 11:05 PM

There the one thing that saved me on there law suite!!

Top Dawg 04-12-2015 07:45 PM

Bluechip 04-12-2015 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Top Dawg (Post 748837)


jbert22 04-13-2015 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Top Dawg (Post 748837)

Thanks for that info. Don't let one cell phone video convince you that this officer is in the wrong. Im not saying he is innocent or guilty but know the facts before gettin all worked up. I have never seen the U.S.A. so race divided until these last few years, have you??? and its gettin old.

Goooh 04-13-2015 06:39 AM

Never seen it so race divided? Where have you been?

How can anyone be allowed to shoot a citizen in the back?

rustyb 04-13-2015 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 748881)
Never seen it so race divided? Where have you been?

How can anyone be allowed to shoot a citizen in the back?


Top Dawg 04-13-2015 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 748881)
Never seen it so race divided? Where have you been?

How can anyone be allowed to shoot a citizen in the back?

Just curious. I don't think it was right either. More facts will come out. But would u say if the officer was shot with his pistol instead of the taser before the criminal fled, would the shooting be justified then?

Goooh 04-13-2015 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Top Dawg (Post 748893)
Just curious. I don't think it was right either. More facts will come out. But would u say if the officer was shot with his pistol instead of the taser before the criminal fled, would the shooting be justified then?

That many times in the back? Not in my opinion. The guy was unarmed and wasn't on his way to a mass murder, maybe he was getting away from a cop that probably gave him an indication of a threat (not sure why, cops are all so level headed and honest).

There are too many variables in that hypothetical, the focus should be on the actual scenario.

The only reason you shoot someone, unarmed, in the back that many times is out of aggravation and being pissed off. Dude was running no more than a regular person's brisk walk. Call back up and search for him, and give the man a trial - he is still a person and still a citizen of the U.S.

Liberty and justice for all, and if this is justifiable then I am ashamed of our country.

Top Dawg 04-13-2015 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 748900)
That many times in the back? Not in my opinion. The guy was unarmed and wasn't on his way to a mass murder, maybe he was getting away from a cop that probably gave him an indication of a threat (not sure why, cops are all so level headed and honest).

There are too many variables in that hypothetical, the focus should be on the actual scenario.

The only reason you shoot someone, unarmed, in the back that many times is out of aggravation and being pissed off. Dude was running no more than a regular person's brisk walk. Call back up and search for him, and give the man a trial - he is still a person and still a citizen of the U.S.

Liberty and justice for all, and if this is justifiable then I am ashamed of our country.

I agree. That was excessive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

PEACEKEEPER 04-13-2015 09:43 AM

Firstly i would like to apologize to society for this very avoidable incident! I feel obligated to say that to each of you b/c i do this job! I represent this job! I took the burden doing this job not because i got to hurt anyone or got the chance to shoot somebody! I took this job for the right reasons! To help and defend the innocent! Do not let this incident ruin your perspective of what i am here for. I am sure if mr. Scott was alive today he would love to change his mind and not fled. Still without judgement, from what has been seen so far mr. Scott should have not been shot! I could sit here and type a tyrad about what i think is wrong with society. B/c i think society is responsible for alot of actions of citizens and leo. One thing is there is "no limits" some people will go to nowdays to steal, rob, kill, etc. To those who support us please continue to pray for us everyday. For those who have a dislike for us, pray for us too so i will make the right decisions in a milli-second. Because i stepped forward to do the job you could not do! I joke sometimes when people aske me how my days going by saying, "if it's good for me, then it's bad for someone else." some say i have a hard job i respond jokingly by saying, "yep, in all my years i have not had one person call me and ask to come by their house because they where having a good day".

marty f 04-13-2015 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by PEACEKEEPER (Post 748905)
Because i stepped forward to do the job you could not do! .

WOW................... easy there big fella :shaking:

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