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bgizzle 07-09-2013 03:03 PM


mr crab 07-09-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by swamp snorkler (Post 603417)
I have a cousin who is openly gay, he just came out the closet about 6 years ago, I been knowing since he was 3 or 4 he was going to be gay. I honestly believe he was born that way. He was even engaged to get married to a girl. I have to give him props for trying to be straight but I guess it wasn't his thing.

I totally know what you mean. A little boy that was a few years older than my oldest daughter used to come over all the time and play with my daughters. To say this kid had a little sugar in his tank would be putting it lightly. But he was only about 8-9 at the time so I don't think he knew what sex was, much less what gay was. But sure as shootin.....kid turned out queer as a 3 dollar bill. I honestly think he was born that way. Not a choice he made, therefore not something he should be judged on. I do not think that all gays are born that way though. I think a lot of them gravitate to that lifestyle for social reasons or attention that it brings them.

swamp snorkler 07-09-2013 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Matt G (Post 603442)
Tell that to the jihadist killing in the name of their religion........ How many wars have been fought based on religion throughout history? Even Christians are guilty of it.

80%, the others are faught over borders or oil

Goooh 07-09-2013 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 603394)
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.

Even so, people are free to do as they please. Freedom of religion also means freedom to not follow the bible, I respect others people's freedoms just as they should respect mine

jdunbar 07-09-2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Matt G (Post 603442)
Tell that to the jihadist killing in the name of their religion........ How many wars have been fought based on religion throughout history? Even Christians are guilty of it.

don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't kill

that's all the religion I need...

Montauk17 07-09-2013 03:17 PM

I agree religion divides people....I could type for hours but it's not worth it.

Pat Babaz 07-09-2013 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by jdunbar (Post 603439)
doesn't it say somewhere in there to "love thy neighbor"? I thought that religion was supposed to preach tolerance, and peace.

Homosexuallity is clearly a sin in both the old and new testaments of the bible. Just like any other sin, the bible tells us to hate the sin and not the sinner. I believe we are to pray for their salvation and encourgage thier repentance while at the same time not condoning the sinful behavior.

Montauk17 07-09-2013 03:18 PM

Matt G 07-09-2013 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by jdunbar (Post 603448)
don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, don't kill

that's all the religion I need...

Myself included. I have never read th bible and I don't intend to because I do not need a book written over 1,000 years ago to tell me how to live. Nor do I need a book written yesterday to tell me how to live. I live my life by what I assume is right. Some of it was taken from the Catholic religion and some was taken from pure common sense. It has kept me out of prison thus far. Will it get me into heaven? Hopefully!

mikedatiger 07-09-2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pat Babaz (Post 603450)
Homosexuallity is clearly a sin in both the old and new testaments of the bible. Just like any other sin, the bible tells us to hate the sin and not the sinner. I believe we are to pray for their salvation and encourgage thier repentance while at the same time not condoning the sinful behavior.

They didn't even have a word for homesexuality back in biblical times so it can be interpreted however someone wants to interpret it.

While I don't condone the practice, what two consenting adults do behind closed doors is their own business. Homosexuality has always existed and is well documented over the course of history. Even the mighty spartans openly participated in homosexual acts - so I guess I am saying, time to move on...

jdunbar 07-09-2013 03:28 PM


swamp snorkler 07-09-2013 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pat Babaz (Post 603450)
Homosexuallity is clearly a sin in both the old and new testaments of the bible. Just like any other sin, the bible tells us to hate the sin and not the sinner. I believe we are to pray for their salvation and encourgage thier repentance while at the same time not condoning the sinful behavior.

You can pray till you blue in the face for some peoples salvation and it's not going to happen. For these people Jesus taught that you should knock the dust off your sandals and move on. Matthew 10:14

mriguy 07-09-2013 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dink (Post 603375)
End of life decisions, wills, rights as a couple I am behind.

But I am a religious man. I hold my Marriage vlose to my vest. It is a privlege given to us by our church. Not the Govt.

These couples should have the same rights, but it should be called something else. Wether it be Civil Unions or not. Just not marriage

Exactly, well said Dink

Ragin_Cajun 07-09-2013 03:54 PM

This is how ULL got in the mix.

I know some very heavy doners to the university that refuse to give another penny to the university because of this. Their family name in on one of the buildings!

"W" 07-09-2013 03:54 PM

Adam and Eve...Not Adam and Steve

"W" 07-09-2013 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ragin_Cajun (Post 603461)
This is how ULL got in the mix.

I know some very heavy doners to the university that refuse to give another penny to the university because of this. Their family name in on one of the buildings!

Now we know why ASR is such a big USL fan!!! He is a Packer, , Mean Backer

meaux fishing 07-09-2013 04:09 PM

Ive seen a couple of movies where there were two women kissing and I didnt have any problem with it;):D

Goooh 07-09-2013 04:18 PM

God is a tolerant God, he tolerates all the messed up stuff we do. Why would he smite someone that may actually be a better person overall than all of us, but likes to take a wiener in the butt now and again?

jdunbar 07-09-2013 04:20 PM

thank goodness! Now I don't feel so bad about my interspecies erotica fetish!

Dink 07-09-2013 04:25 PM

Cowboys are gay. Theres a movie about it........

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