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"W" 08-28-2013 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 622453)
Finally an intelligent comment :spineyes:


AceArcher 08-28-2013 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 622434)
I think we should air strike them hard for a week and just stop!!!


What would Regan Do


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 622453)
Finally an intelligent comment :spineyes:


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 622468)

and then he goes and pulls out a meme... lol...

newguy 08-28-2013 11:40 PM

we should stay out of it all together. no way to verify which side actually did use the chems. Actually, assad would not benefit from using chems on civilians KNOWING that a potential smackdown would follow..not saying he didnt..Im sure it would never come to it but do not under estimate the Russian military, if they were so much of a pushover we would have hit Iran a LONG time ago..that is the ONLY reason we didnt hit Iran..imo. Bottom line is it's not our fight.

Montauk17 08-29-2013 06:13 AM

“If Damascus is attacked, Tel Aviv will become a target and a full-scale war against Syria will essentially justify an attack against Israel,” a senior Syrian army official told Fars News Agency on Tuesday.

“If Syria is attacked, Israel will also be set on fire and such an attack will, in turn, engage Syria’s neighbors,” the source added.

The source also warned the US and other western states that if Syria “becomes weak,” certain “irresponsible” groups will be formed which will endanger Israel’s security.

“Thus, a US attack on Syria will herald frequent strikes and attacks on Israel, not just by Damascus and its allies in retaliation, but by extremist groups who will find a ground for staging their aspirations,” he said.

mcjaredsandwich 08-29-2013 07:52 AM

Russia has also moved warships into the Mediterranean.

Goooh 08-29-2013 07:52 AM

--Freshman Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was among the first to voice his opposition to a possible missile strike in the region.

"The United States armed forces doesn't exist to be a policeman of the world," Cruz told Fox News Monday, "I certainly hope the reaction isn't simply lobbing some cruise missiles in to disagree with (Assad's murderous actions."

The statement gives important insight into what kind of foreign policy approach the potential 2016 presidential candidate subscribes to and a clue into how the GOP may be evolving its approach on foreign policy.

His libertarian, anti-interventionist viewpoint is yet another voice among the younger generation of Republicans in the U.S. Senate and in direct conflict with the older longer-serving defense hawks serving there such as John McCain, R-Ariz.

And he's not alone. Another potential Republican candidate for the presidency in 2016 also strays from GOP party leadership on foreign policy.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has long been a thorn in the sides of old guard Republicans, crusading against foreign aid to Egypt and for cuts to the Defense Department. And up until now, he has carried many of his campaigns against the old-guard GOP foreign policy, alone.

Paul has also been an outspoken advocate against military intervention in Syria, blasting

President Barack Obama for his decision to arm Syrian rebels this summer without a vote of approval by Congress.--

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Matt G 08-29-2013 08:18 AM

Somehow this is Bush's fault.

AceArcher 08-29-2013 07:01 PM

Glad to see the Brits still have the Nard's to say no.

iron man 08-29-2013 08:59 PM

From my pov, stay the hell out of each others business...

iron man 08-29-2013 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by mcjaredsandwich (Post 622548)
Russia has also moved warships into the Mediterranean.

This is true. Saw 3 destroyers "shadowing" us on deployment. They pulled alongside when we were running flight ops. Wish I coulda got a picture of that.

CajunSaint 08-29-2013 10:21 PM


southern151 08-30-2013 10:49 AM


CajunSteelsetter 08-30-2013 11:44 AM

It seems from the information being given to the public that it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. There are too many factions that will be forced to play their hand out of necessity if serious military action is taken against Syria by the U.S. The a limited air strike against infrastructure targets will not cripple the Syrian government completely, but will only validate future retaliation against U.S. assets and our allies. Anything short of a complete, full scale demolition of their forces will only serve as a provocation. In that case it will most likely cause the president to feel obligated to finish pi$$ ing on the ant pile and put boots on the ground. It's never in the best interest of our nation to put Private Joe Snuffy on the ground to kill bad guys when ultimately the conflict cannot by any conceivable means be put to a swift resolution and the U.S. will have nothing more to show for it than when they started.

Decisive strike and clear message, not some wimpy two day affair, or better yet just keep saying how dissapointed you are with them using those nasty chemical weapons and leave it at that!

swamp snorkler 08-30-2013 12:01 PM

U.N. should be taking care of this not the US

AceArcher 08-30-2013 07:08 PM

There has been an attack on a school compound by a plane said to have belonged to the assad regime. The bomb was of a napalm / incendary type. It would be amazing to me if the Assad regime were actually stupid enough to attack a school with children having no military value less than 24 hours after america stated it would retaliate, knowing that there was enourmous support for america to not intervene.

I cannot decide if the assad regime has legit gone insane, if the rebels are inciting the violence to garner public support of a strike, if we are watching a real live dog being wagged, or if their is a third party attempting to escalate the situation.

On a side note the UN has stated that it's experts have finished their collection of materiels from the chem weapon sites. And will present a full report on the subject within no more than 2 weeks.

I think there may be a whole lot more to this whole ball of wax than we will ever know.

Goooh 08-30-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by AceArcher (Post 622997)
There has been an attack on a school compound by a plane said to have belonged to the assad regime. The bomb was of a napalm / incendary type. It would be amazing to me if the Assad regime were actually stupid enough to attack a school with children having no military value less than 24 hours after america stated it would retaliate, knowing that there was enourmous support for america to not intervene.

I cannot decide if the assad regime has legit gone insane, if the rebels are inciting the violence to garner public support of a strike, if we are watching a real live dog being wagged, or if their is a third party attempting to escalate the situation.

On a side note the UN has stated that it's experts have finished their collection of materiels from the chem weapon sites. And will present a full report on the subject within no more than 2 weeks.

I think there may be a whole lot more to this whole ball of wax than we will ever know.

Anyone who would eat the organs of their opponent would surely stage attacks on their own side of the fight, and sacrifice a few hundred innocent lives to expedite outside aid (i.e. U.S./Allies/UN)and further their agenda to overthrow the govt...

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Montauk17 08-30-2013 08:10 PM

I really have no words as to what is going on right now. I hate to see what other BS they pull in the next couple years.

AceArcher 08-30-2013 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 623013)
Anyone who would eat the organs of their opponent would surely stage attacks on their own side of the fight, and sacrifice a few hundred innocent lives to expedite outside aid (i.e. U.S./Allies/UN)and further their agenda to overthrow the govt...

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I don't disagree Gooooh... It's particularly troubling that it's these same "cannibals" who have been identified as terrorists who we as a country are sending weapons to.

I think this just heightens the need to let the dust settle before we or other countries jump in with guns blazing.

hawgsquatch 08-31-2013 04:42 AM

I wonder why Libtards think its cool to kill folks with guns, bombs, and crappy policy, but if you use chemicals its bad? I also wonder when the Democrats are going to tell G.W. he was right about those weapons of mass destruction. And when they find those weapons you know who's finger prints are going to be all over them.....Saddam Hussein. I do think it is ironic that either side in this thing would happily execute any woman in the world who used birth control or wore a bikini to the beach. Lovely culture they have over there. If we really want the bad guys dead, just give Israel a green light and twenty four hours...........lots and lots of dead bad guys. Better yet we could just drill our own oil and let them all starve to death? Hmmmm.........?

Clampy 08-31-2013 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by hawgsquatch (Post 623089)
Better yet we could just drill our own oil and let them all starve to death? Hmmmm.........?

Now that's a plan

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