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MathGeek 12-19-2013 11:00 PM

The family is standing by Phil:

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate. We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.


duckman1911 12-20-2013 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by specknation (Post 653164)
I can't believe this topic is getting this # of post, frankly I could give a rats *** about the Duck show. And he knew better than to say what he said, it was his way of saying see ya I had enough.

Its not about "the duck show" its about the fact that eveyone is allowed to speak their minds unless you're white and straight. If you're white and straight and you speak your mind you get labeled as a hater.

FF_T_Warren 12-20-2013 07:57 AM

^ what he said

BigChaf 12-20-2013 09:26 AM

X 2

kb7722 12-20-2013 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by SULPHITE (Post 652885)
... and are there gay mallards and what type of call do they respond to???


Slightly higher pitch with a bit of a lisp

MathGeek 12-20-2013 11:03 AM

Many folks are saying that A&E merely exercised their rights as an employer to suspend Phil.

If they really believe this, then they must also believe that any private employer has the right to suspend employees for making statements in support of homosexuality.

Do they?

Or are they hypocrites who only believes employers have the right to suspend employees for asserting positions on one side of a debate?

Free speech works both ways. If employees have the right to make statements in support of homosexuality without fear of employment actions, then employees must also have the right to make statements on the other side of the discussion.

"W" 12-20-2013 11:36 AM

Shot two gay ducks this a.m. And sent them on a email to GLAAD

Smalls 12-20-2013 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by specknation (Post 653164)
I can't believe this topic is getting this # of post, frankly I could give a rats *** about the Duck show. And he knew better than to say what he said, it was his way of saying see ya I had enough.

Well you would be one of the few. This is one of those deals that I can't see how anyone can stand on a fence here. He did not say "I hate gays" or "I hate blacks". He said what he believed. He said it isn't right, and it's against what God intended. This country has fallen to a point where you can't speak what you believe without being condemned anymore. Freedom of speech means nothing. You can say what you want, as long as it doesn't offend any of the pansies in the country. And that is not meant as a remark to gays, that's meant towards ANYONE that can't handle another person's beliefs. PANSIES!!!

"If You can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen has turned into "If you can't stand the heat, turn it off."

bmac 12-20-2013 01:52 PM

Somewhere along the line I picked up the rule of "No talking politics, sex, or religion at work". Celebrities are always "at work" and everything they do is scrutinized. How many of us would be fired or suspended from work if we made the same statement in a company wide email?

Smalls 12-20-2013 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by bmac (Post 653259)
Somewhere along the line I picked up the rule of "No talking politics, sex, or religion at work". Celebrities are always "at work" and everything they do is scrutinized. How many of us would be fired or suspended from work if we made the same statement in a company wide email?

You know that's a good point, but they're "jobs" are a lot different than ours. The workplace structure, or lack there of, is not the same as what me and you experience every day. So in other words, a celebrity can't have an belief system, or if he does, when asked about it, he isn't supposed to tell the truth? Not all celebrities are held in the same light. Look at the constant comparison between Phil and Miley. She does ridiculous stuff and is pretty much rewarded for it. People come out all the time in support of Obama or the LGBT community, and they are applauded. Come out and do something to the contrary though, and you get a slap on the wrist because you aren't "accepting".

When's the last time a reporter asked you about your opinion on politics or lifestyles? I'm not going to lie to some stupid reporter just because I'm afraid of what may happen at work. These statements were not made on a live broadcast, that reporter purposely asked that question of him. He did what he believed to be right and told the honest answer. And now he is being criticized for it.

That is what is wrong with this country now. Nobody wants honesty, they want a lie. They want to feel good inside. No one can handle the truth, that not everyone likes everyone else. It's not a perfect world. We are taught as christians to respect others, but people don't do that; but when you demanding respect, it makes it 10 times worse.

Would this even be a major topic in our society if the LGBT community kept to themselves and didn't constantly make a scene of everything or demand to be treated the same? Maybe so, I don't know, but I think too much of the world is concerned with what other people think.

For the record, I agree with you on the "No politics, sex, religion" at work. It's especially important with the government, but I don't think it's right anywhere. It's not good business to be at ends with your coworker.

duckman1911 12-20-2013 03:43 PM

Im friends with several gay people I would bet that not one of them were offended by what Phil said. They work, fish and live their lives like the rest of us. When the "being gay" topic gets brought up they all agree that its the few gay wackos that are constantly stirring the crap and making the headlines. They laugh at how pathetic those people must be to have to do things like that to get attention.

pricecb 12-20-2013 04:39 PM

When this show first started A&E would add bleeps in the dialog to make it sound like they were using bad language. Phil called A&E and had one of the producers fly down to Monroe. In the discussion he told the producer to stop editing the show to make them look like they were trash. The producer told him he couldn’t do anything because they had contracts. Phil told him that he might have contracts but he had lawyers and God on his side and the truth would come out.
A&E stopped the editing.
This man has never pretended to be anything other than what he is. It is time for people to stop being so offended about everything when they don’t like the message being said. If you don’t like the show or the people don’t watch it. I don’t watch the kardashians, jersey shore, or many of the other (what I consider trash TV) shows. That’s my choice. It’s also the choice of the TV channel to put on or take off whatever they want as a privately owned company.
If A&E is crazy enough to let the show go I am sure many other channels will be more than happy to jump right on in.
One other side note. Could all this be for show? Do you think the 14million + that watched the show last season will at least double or triple in January? No matter what happens Phil and A&E are gonna clean up this spring with some big $$$.

specknation 12-20-2013 07:47 PM

All this sounds great, but reality is he knew what he said would cause this firestorm. And as far as the Duck Show the first few episode where decent, UNTIL HOLLYWOOD WRITERS CAME IN AND WROTE SCRIPTS FOR THE DUCKMEN. It has become staged crap.

Goooh 12-20-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by specknation (Post 653320)
All this sounds great, but reality is he knew what he said would cause this firestorm. And as far as the Duck Show the first few episode where decent, UNTIL HOLLYWOOD WRITERS CAME IN AND WROTE SCRIPTS FOR THE DUCKMEN. It has become staged crap.

Because the duckmen aren't actually that interesting after 3 episodes. If they were, a&e would just play their hunting videos to bring in the masses.

simplepeddler 12-20-2013 08:01 PM

The man is a genious..........
I think they may well have indeed executed the perfect plan to hand gridande a contract

all star rod 12-20-2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by specknation (Post 653320)
All this sounds great, but reality is he knew what he said would cause this firestorm. And as far as the Duck Show the first few episode where decent, UNTIL HOLLYWOOD WRITERS CAME IN AND WROTE SCRIPTS FOR THE DUCKMEN. It has become staged crap.

Yep....I do not even watch that garbage is the hillbilly equal to the kardashins (sp). They act like they are poor red neck trash but they drive 60k vehicles..lmao....Phil knew exactly what he was

He is more popular now than ever!!

"W" 12-20-2013 08:18 PM

The viewing for the duck dynasty marathon was cut in half than normal

jdog1908 12-20-2013 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by meaux fishing (Post 652916)
Heres a quote from Phil after the article came out:

"I myself am a product of the '60s; I centered my life around sex, drugs and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other."

I've got nothing but respect for that man


It's odd,the libs preach free some point we in the "fly over states" are gonna have enough of this crap!!

jdog1908 12-20-2013 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Msucowpoke51 (Post 652921)
Just read in an article that a represenative of the gay club that called A&E to take action said that He (Phil) clearly knows nothing about the majority of Louisianans ... seriously? he cant be serious?

he must be speaking about a few certain blocks in NOLA

Smalls 12-20-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by specknation (Post 653320)
All this sounds great, but reality is he knew what he said would cause this firestorm. And as far as the Duck Show the first few episode where decent, UNTIL HOLLYWOOD WRITERS CAME IN AND WROTE SCRIPTS FOR THE DUCKMEN. It has become staged crap.

I'm confused as to why the "Duck Show" is the focus here. To most people I've talked to, its not. Its about the backlash towards his comments. The liberals and LGBT community can say whatever they want, but when a conservative or Christian speaks about their beliefs, its wrong and they are persecuted.

I could careless about what happens to the show. Its the fact that yet again, if someone speaks out against the masses, they get snuffed out.

Its the principle of the thing.

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