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"W" 09-18-2013 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by Duck Butter (Post 628378)
Anyone that does not believe saltwater intrusion is bad in SW La, please just do the following:

1. Call or stop by the LDWF office in Lake Charles and 'axe' a biologist there about saltwater intrusion effects on the marshes of SW La

2. Head straight down 27 from there to Cameron Prairie NWR and axe someone there if saltwater intrusion is affecting them negatively

3. On the way there check out the marshes to the west and east side of the road and look at all that open water

4. At 82 head east to Rockefeller and stop in and talk to a biologist or manager there about saltwater intrusion and how its affecting management there

5. Keep heading west and look to the north side of the road and notice all those big old live oaks along the side of the road that saltwater killed

6. Keep heading east til you cross the Intracoastal and talk to a rice farmer in Vermilion Parish and see if saltwater is affecting them

7. Stop by in Lafayette and drink a beer with me:grinpimp:

Head down 82 and you can not see the water because it is so over grown

Call rice farmers anywhere south of I 10 and they will all tell u about saltwater when in a drought ... we were sucking up saltwater in the 70's and 60's and 50's and 40's when there was zero rain for months ( nothing new)

noodle creek 09-18-2013 10:09 AM

Duck Butter, come up with a better argument that hwy 27 and 82. Lmao no **** it's dead, it was under 10ft of ocean water.

Guess what too, it's all starting to come back.

It doesn't matter what you do to protect marshes, when a major hurricane comes every 25 years and covers everything in 10-15 feet of ocean water, it's all going to die. It's all a cycle that has been happening for forever. Don't compare our side of the state to the east side, that has the mississippi river levied off and tons and tons of man made canals dug throughout the marshes. The marsh off of 82 is coming back and starting to look great. Hell besides a few places on the south side of 82, eerything is so overgrown you can't even see into the marsh. It wouldn't make one bit of difference what had been done to the marsh that still doesn't look good, the hurricane did that, and it'll happen again and again in the future.

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 11:37 AM

nevermind, see y'all next thread

I have said plenty:rotfl:

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by noodle creek (Post 628402)
Duck Butter, come up with a better argument that hwy 27 and 82. Lmao no **** it's dead, it was under 10ft of ocean water.

Guess what too, it's all starting to come back.

It doesn't matter what you do to protect marshes, when a major hurricane comes every 25 years and covers everything in 10-15 feet of ocean water, it's all going to die. It's all a cycle that has been happening for forever. Don't compare our side of the state to the east side, that has the mississippi river levied off and tons and tons of man made canals dug throughout the marshes. The marsh off of 82 is coming back and starting to look great. Hell besides a few places on the south side of 82, eerything is so overgrown you can't even see into the marsh. It wouldn't make one bit of difference what had been done to the marsh that still doesn't look good, the hurricane did that, and it'll happen again and again in the future.

It doesn't matter how many feet its covered, if saltwater stays in those systems for long enough it will kill it. That is the point. The wiers are there to keep the highly saline water from getting back there. That is it, we know what will happen when highly saline water gets on plants. You just said it = 'its all going to die'. Now I have said enough:rotfl:

"W" 09-18-2013 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Duck Butter (Post 628441)
It doesn't matter how many feet its covered, if saltwater stays in those systems for long enough it will kill it. That is the point. The wiers are there to keep the highly saline water from getting back there. That is it, we know what will happen when highly saline water gets on plants. You just said it = 'its all going to die'. Now I have said enough:rotfl:

Really?? Been having high salinity all up on west side and Marsh is green green green

(until winter)

"W" 09-18-2013 11:58 AM

Weirs are fine when open!! They have been keep open for years and years until Rita blew them out( mother nature takes care of her self)

Once repaired they were still keep open until this new "Duck Hunting Management took over "

Now that the duck grass is built up they want to make sure the duck grass dont die!!!

So new duck hunting management has set up salinity stations to monitor there grass growth!!

BassYakR 09-18-2013 12:03 PM

Its all about who pays the most money! Always has been and always will be....

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 628445)
Weirs are fine when open!! They have been keep open for years and years until Rita blew them out( mother nature takes care of her self)

Once repaired they were still keep open until this new "Duck Hunting Management took over "

Now that the duck grass is built up they want to make sure the duck grass dont die!!!

So new duck hunting management has set up salinity stations to monitor there grass growth!!

So, when the wiers were back in place the 'duck grass' came back? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, wonder why? Perhaps the lower salinity behind a functional wier:eek: So the wiers are doing what they were designed for, who woulda thunk it:spineyes:

noodle creek 09-18-2013 12:49 PM

DB, I thought you were done with this thread. I am aware that it doesn't matter how much water is covering it (i don't know why you would assume i was trying to make some kind of point there anyway), but my point is that all the work that is being done to keep the saltwater out (weirs) will be ruined as soon as the next hurricane comes along. You will be right back to having dead marsh and big open water.

noodle creek 09-18-2013 12:52 PM

Also, DB, why aren't there weirs on east bank of Sabine Lake? The marsh over there looks pretty dang healthy to me w/out weirs. Are you 100% sure that the duck grasses in the marsh behind the weirs would not have come back if the weirs weren't there?

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by noodle creek (Post 628455)
DB, I thought you were done with this thread. I am aware that it doesn't matter how much water is covering it (i don't know why you would assume i was trying to make some kind of point there anyway), but my point is that all the work that is being done to keep the saltwater out (weirs) will be ruined as soon as the next hurricane comes along. You will be right back to having dead marsh and big open water.

On lunch break so present for a minute:rotfl:

So, by that way of thinking we should just not even rebuild houses, duck camps, stores etc. along the coast as after 'all the work being done....will be ruined as soon as the next hurricane comes along' :confused: If that was the case no one would live along the entire east coast or Gulf coast because all of them have been hit by big hurricanes.
You can't predict hurricanes or earthquakes or tornadoes, just have to deal with them as they come along. Rita and Katrinas are pretty 'unusual' hurricanes, those don't come around that often thankfully.

off topic sorta but
Come to think of it, there really isn't anywhere in the US that is 'safe' from a natural disaster (earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc.) Boulder, Co of all places just got flooded

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by noodle creek (Post 628456)
Also, DB, why aren't there weirs on east bank of Sabine Lake? The marsh over there looks pretty dang healthy to me w/out weirs. Are you 100% sure that the duck grasses in the marsh behind the weirs would not have come back if the weirs weren't there?

I do not know why there are no wiers over there, I thought someone said there were actually wiers on that side? Wiers would have to be installed by someone's request, guess whoever owns land there didn't request a wier to be installed? Are you talking about Sabine NWR?

(duck grasses coming back) - No one can predict what would happen if wiers were or were not there with 100% accuracy. But we KNOW that there is a timeframe (or threshhold) where brackish marsh can withstand a certain salinity for a certain amount of days before it dies (many papers published on this). Same with many plants and other environmental factors there are studies that show exactly how many days a certain plant can be overtopped with water before it dies. I want to say bald cypress seedlings are like 90 days overtopped before they die, but anyways I have a paper around here somewhere talking about salinity threshholds on plants see if I can dig it up later

edit: hold on a minute I read over this

"Also, DB, why aren't there weirs on east bank of Sabine Lake? The marsh over there looks pretty dang healthy to me w/out weirs"

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the outlet of Sabine (Sabine Pass) a natural waterway? Ship Channel in Big Lake is not natural, Sabine Pass is natural or is at least shallower than the Ship Channel correct?

Your answer is a manmade Ship Channel vs a natural pass what we have been discussing since page 1 (until W got us all sidetracked!)

map of Louisiana marsh types, Sabine side appears to be intermediate marsh as Calcasieu is brackish, and they are two totally different animals

ckinchen 09-18-2013 01:14 PM

This state is really struggling with Salvinia right now, mother natures fix of a storm would get this problem under control. It's coming you just don't know when.

I can't tell you how many thousand dollars and countless hours we have spent in my marsh this year trying to get rid of this stuff. We are fighting a loosing battle and my lease is not worth paying for at this point.

Sorry for the rant and off topic post....

Regarding the coastal issues at the end of the day man create our issues with the ship channel on the west side and controlling the river on the east side and now man is trying to fix what he already screwed up and could be making the problem worse. Trying to play God is not always the right answer.

noodle creek 09-18-2013 01:17 PM

Salvania made it into our marsh this year as well, thankfully not around my blind yet

meaux fishing 09-18-2013 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by ckinchen (Post 628460)
This state is really struggling with Salvinia right now, mother natures fix of a storm would get this problem under control. It's coming you just don't know when.

I can't tell you how many thousand dollars and countless hours we have spent in my marsh this year trying to get rid of this stuff. We are fighting a loosing battle and my lease is not worth paying for at this point.

Sorry for the rant and off topic post....

Regarding the coastal issues at the end of the day man create our issues with the ship channel on the west side and controlling the river on the east side and now man is trying to fix what he already screwed up and could be making the problem worse. Trying to play God is not always the right answer.

You just need some more water back there

PaulMyers 09-18-2013 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by meaux fishing (Post 628465)
You just need some more water back there

Hopefully this Friday and Saturday!

Did you get my text?

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 01:37 PM

SALVINIA:work:!!!!!!! Stuff is ruining everything

T-TOP 09-18-2013 01:41 PM

Don't think we can compare Sabine lake and big lake on this topic. Big lake has had much more work done to it(ship channel). Sabine also has the river, which when both rivers are high and Toledo bend is flowing water, Sabine lake gets much more fresh water. Big lake has a 60' deep ship channel which I would think drastically increase the influence by gulf tides...

BuckingFastard 09-18-2013 01:44 PM

so i started reading from page 1... made it 6 pages before i became tired of reading the useless internet bs and ive skipped to the end. did i miss the part where anyone actually had useful information and possible links to how we can be kept up on the weir subject? or did everyone just continue to anonymously try to talk trash? cause i dont know if a single one of you is at all credible now! i had to check my web address each page to make sure i wasnt being sent to the wrong place. Wheres the beef?

PaulMyers 09-18-2013 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by T-TOP (Post 628471)
Don't think we can compare Sabine lake and big lake on this topic. Big lake has had much more work done to it(ship channel). Sabine also has the river, which when both rivers are high and Toledo bend is flowing water, Sabine lake gets much more fresh water. Big lake has a 60' deep ship channel which I would think drastically increase the influence by gulf tides...


T-TOP 09-18-2013 01:53 PM

My bad! Lol

PaulMyers 09-18-2013 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by T-TOP (Post 628480)
My bad! Lol

Just trying to do my part.

I'm waiting for the Salt Water Barrier thread. LoL

Duck Butter 09-18-2013 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by BuckingFastard (Post 628475)
so i started reading from page 1... made it 6 pages before i became tired of reading the useless internet bs and ive skipped to the end. did i miss the part where anyone actually had useful information and possible links to how we can be kept up on the weir subject? or did everyone just continue to anonymously try to talk trash? cause i dont know if a single one of you is at all credible now! i had to check my web address each page to make sure i wasnt being sent to the wrong place. Wheres the beef?


There is useful info scattered throughout you just have to wade through W's memes and his anger with being wrong but there was a good post on the conversations that went on during Ws last fishing trip on page 2 or 3 :grinpimp:

also you better get out your cold weather gear, cuz it is going to freeze soon!

"W" 09-18-2013 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by ckinchen (Post 628460)
This state is really struggling with Salvinia right now, mother natures fix of a storm would get this problem under control. It's coming you just don't know when.

I can't tell you how many thousand dollars and countless hours we have spent in my marsh this year trying to get rid of this stuff. We are fighting a loosing battle and my lease is not worth paying for at this point.

Sorry for the rant and off topic post....

Regarding the coastal issues at the end of the day man create our issues with the ship channel on the west side and controlling the river on the east side and now man is trying to fix what he already screwed up and could be making the problem worse. Trying to play God is not always the right answer.

I wish it would start like wild fire behind the weirs

That is one reason they would love to have saltwater!!

Can I get a few samples to plant with duck grass

mstulb 09-18-2013 07:30 PM

It really is all political don't want to name names but certain people are members of a hunting club back there that have political clout. They never fish calcasieu unless guided a dozen times a year and honestly don't know nor care about the estuary. There duck numbers were down so they started locking down the weirs to keep the salt out.

I believe the weir system used to be managed by either WLF or the Core, and may still be but political figures are def making the calls. They have never had the gates closed so frequently over the past three years. And it is/will effect the fishing due to lack of shrimp run .Plain and Simple-

They are locking it down strictly to keep,the salt out to increase bird #'s-

Duck Butter 09-19-2013 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by mstulb (Post 628561)
It really is all political don't want to name names but certain people are members of a hunting club back there that have political clout. They never fish calcasieu unless guided a dozen times a year and honestly don't know nor care about the estuary. There duck numbers were down so they started locking down the weirs to keep the salt out.

I believe the weir system used to be managed by either WLF or the Core, and may still be but political figures are def making the calls. They have never had the gates closed so frequently over the past three years. And it is/will effect the fishing due to lack of shrimp run .Plain and Simple-

They are locking it down strictly to keep,the salt out to increase bird #'s-

If you owned land back there and were a rice farmer, would you really want saline water on your rice fields? :shaking:

But you are correct by saying its all for ducks. That is what Cameron Prairie NWR and Sabine are here for - management of waterfowl. If you get saltwater in your moist-soil units you are managing for waterfowl, it kills it plain and simple which means no food for ducks and less waterfowl for you and I to shoot. Lose lose to me:confused:

T-TOP 09-20-2013 07:35 PM

Opening the weirs tomorrow morning!!

duckman1911 09-20-2013 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by BuckingFastard (Post 628475)
so i started reading from page 1... made it 6 pages before i became tired of reading the useless internet bs and ive skipped to the end. did i miss the part where anyone actually had useful information and possible links to how we can be kept up on the weir subject? or did everyone just continue to anonymously try to talk trash? cause i dont know if a single one of you is at all credible now! i had to check my web address each page to make sure i wasnt being sent to the wrong place. Wheres the beef?

You made it all the way to page 6? Damn you got some patience man. After page two I just skip to the parts where dubbya is gettin

Will"E"Fish 09-20-2013 07:58 PM

Ttop u wrong just leftGrand and they were open.


"W" 09-20-2013 09:25 PM

Im sure they will be open later this week!!!

Just hope it keeps raining

meathauler 09-20-2013 09:50 PM

5 inches so far. Set the shrimp free sweetlake.

spoony 09-20-2013 10:06 PM

Duck season . Cant see boats back there til after teal season. I bet they open up to water level only.

rdenison 09-20-2013 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 629220)
Im sure they will be open later this week!!!

Just hope it keeps raining

You think they will announce the opening of the weirs on their phone hotline before they open or will they open them, then announce it a day or so later ?

"W" 09-21-2013 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by spoony (Post 629229)
Duck season . Cant see boats back there til after teal season. I bet they open up to water level only.

They only close for Big Duck season not teal

huntin fool 09-21-2013 12:23 PM

How much rain did big lake get? Got between 10-12 inches in the bluff
I imagine da weirs got a lil freshwater

meathauler 09-21-2013 02:54 PM

Grand lake got around 11

"W" 09-21-2013 03:28 PM

At my camp we got close to 8inchs

Which is at Heberts landing

slickfish 09-22-2013 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 629365)
At my camp we got close to 8inchs

Which is at Heberts landing

we got 8.000001 here at Sabine.

"W" 09-22-2013 07:14 AM

We got 8.199999 inchs

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