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silver_snipe 11-15-2013 10:47 PM

That is an interesting article. I do not dispute that the study showed the average wait time of 79 days for a hernia repair. The search that I did was for running with a hernia and most of the sites that hit were from Europe mainly the UK and several stated the 4-5 year waiting time. Is that accurate? I have no idea. Were the sites I read scientific studies? no. What I do know is I want the government out of my healthcare and my personal life as much as possible. The funny thing is I have actually given them way more control of my healthcare than I like.

Were changes needed? Yes. Is Obamacare or socialized medicine close to being the answer? NO

On principle I also disagree something is better than nothing.

AceArcher 11-15-2013 10:56 PM

Fair enough.

My main dislike for "obamacare" is that it simply a mandate law written by the insurance companies themselves so that they can justify large rate increases while reducing actual coverage levels.

Frankly from it's very inception it was a classic case of trusting the fox to be in the hen-house because the fox looks like a trustable fox.

Not sure what your referring to by saying you disagree with something is better than nothing?

silver_snipe 11-15-2013 11:02 PM

Just you said some coverage is better than no coverage. In principle I disagree with that. Now in specifics I may agree. sometimes it is better to have nothing than a little bit.

I agree with you on "obamacare" plus I can't wrap my mind around how the government can mandate you buy a product from anyone. The cost of healthcare coverage is going to skyrocket.

"W" 11-15-2013 11:06 PM

perfect country song

Docked my boat and set my lines out for a drift , lit up a blunt and wished! What if I smoked the whole dime bag and catch all the fish!

silver_snipe 11-15-2013 11:11 PM

W do you recommend Hawaiian or Columbian?

meaux fishing 11-15-2013 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by silver_snipe (Post 643984)

Now can I get in on the popcorn rotation?

would that be pop, pop, pass to the left or the right?

silver_snipe 11-15-2013 11:16 PM

I lean right so I guess it's Pop, Pop, pass to the right just don't mess up the rotation

Goooh 11-16-2013 09:41 AM

Apology sent MG.

I still fill the same, but over my coffee this morning realize that I could have left out the insults in my first response to you.

MathGeek 11-16-2013 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 644068)
Apology sent MG.

I still fill the same, but over my coffee this morning realize that I could have left out the insults in my first response to you.

Apology accepted.

Gottogo49 11-16-2013 09:57 AM

Back on the original post, there are a bunch of folks who troll the ship channel rocks in Prien by l'Auberge and in the PPG cut. They catch plenty of trout but it's not that much fun to me. I like to move the rod a little to make the bait move more erratically. I don't fish spinnerbaits much because it can be cast and wind. To each his own, whatever floats your boat or sinks your boat and fills your ice chest. Unfortunately, some of the trollers in Prien will put-put right by where you are casting and want to have a conversation while they are running through your spot.

duckman1911 11-16-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 644068)
Apology sent MG.

I still fill the same, but over my coffee this morning realize that I could have left out the insults in my first response to you.

Alcohol mixed with internet. Yep I've been

Goooh 11-16-2013 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by duckman1911 (Post 644075)
Alcohol mixed with internet. Yep I've been

No alcohol involved! I'm just me

AceArcher 11-16-2013 10:15 AM

I'm so sorry i just Couldnt resist
1 Attachment(s)
With this guys smile i just couldn't resist

duckman1911 11-16-2013 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 644078)
No alcohol involved! I'm just me

We've all those moments when we could use a "do over".

duckman1911 11-16-2013 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by AceArcher (Post 644081)
With this guys smile i just couldn't resist

Lm ao.. I noticed that on the original pic MG said "internet approved pics". Wonder what kind of non approved pics he has? Lm bo.
Just messin with ya MG

Goooh 11-16-2013 10:49 AM

Lol, it didn't register

CustomRod 11-16-2013 11:35 AM

Man, this thread has something for everyone.

Don't know about trolling the ship channel, but I've fished the Causeway and Trestles in Lake P. and have seen the technique work there.

Many years ago in the cove at Cypremort Point I was having a decent day on the trout. Saw a guy paddling a pirogue with two rods with lines out in the back. He was slaying the trout! I actually stopped to watch for a while. That trolling required a lot of work.

MG, I'm going to disagree on your assessments of fishing with guides. First off, where a guide launches is dependent on so much more than whether hs is industrious or lazy. On BL I've only fished out of Calcasieu Point but I can't see it making a difference since the entire lake is accessible with an appropriate boat.

I fished three days with a guide in Dularge and we left from his camp each day because he kept the boat in the water. We fished completely different areas each day, and I don't know if other launches were even an option.

In Lake P. the guide launched in Mandeville for the causeway and Dockside for the trestles because the run across open water could be minimized.

Here on the east coast of Florida we have many areas requiring idle speeds because of Manatees. I make occasional scouting trips with a guide friend I build rods for. In the past we always used the most central launch, but now we do select different ramps because it's not practical to have to go through the idle zones to move from one spot to another.

Fishing with a guide can be as lazy or as intense as you make it. I don't treat it any different than a trip with any other good fisherman. I always want the guide to fish because I learn local techniques as well as areas. I like to bring home a few fish, but I expect to fish for the entire time of the charter, not just come in with an early limit. I can clean my own fish. I do my share of netting fish and handling the boat as necessary, and I take care of my own tackle.

Want to help my son with his calculus and physics ;)

youmyboyblue 11-16-2013 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by fishinpox (Post 643765)
this is so fawking gay .... troll deez nuts

Now this is a funny post.

MathGeek 11-16-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by AceArcher (Post 644081)
With this guys smile i just couldn't resist

Had the whole family laughing out loud.

AceArcher 11-16-2013 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 644146)
Had the whole family laughing out loud.

I hope the little guy is not mad at me for doing it. He has a great smile... very enthusiastic... :)

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