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Duck Butter 09-03-2015 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by 3FLa (Post 685802)
I thought your were not responding anymore

Now, I cannot speak for anyone else, and I am a CCA hater, but let me tell you what I and my friends did. We spent over $275,000.00 of personal money in the last two years doing things which CCA's refuses to do----protect recreational sportsmens rights. In the last three years, I have personally spent over 38 days in Washington D.C., 123 days in Baton Rouge, 29 days in Florida, 13 in Texas. My friends, have done the same. And not one time did I or anyone else ever ask you to give us a penny, nor did we make public our actions, unlike your little posses' love of fanfare.

So while you were in your little reival in New Orleans, I was at a Washington D.C. adminstrative hearing trying to save the red snapper season, a hearing that CCA was invited to and failed to appear. A hearing where a federal judge call your group's omissions "suspect" and "contrary". Then you got on this site and denied that happen, until two days later when your group posted exactly what I said on its very own website.

I have been able to meet with State Senators and Reps, as well as U.S. Congressmen. All these officals respect our little group and will return phone calls to us, unless we mention the "C"apitol "C"lowns "A"ssociation (their name, not mind).

We have hired our own lobby group and have paid them over $67,000 over the last 12 months, again from our own money to support the rights CCA refuses to defend.

Not one of us ever received a salary, nor have we asked for one, nor will we every ask for one.

When CCA was in bed with the Louisiana Landowners Association and refused to involve itself with the public vs private waterways, despite its very own mission statement, our group donated over 33,000 acres of personal land across the country so the public could have a place to recreate.

We did all this behind the scenes and without any fanfare. Even received a threat from you, which again fell on deaf ears.

But we are tired of always getting negative reactions and setbacks because of your group, and that is why will be have our own tournament (2015), called the Galaxy (because Galaxies eats Stars).

More details will soon follow, but here is a general overview: It will be free to fish; It will be 202 days; It will have over 2.5M in prizes, including one tagged fish worth 1M; there will be weekly giveways to all contestants with each week's prize being worth approx. $175-$250.00.

The one and only stipulation of the Galaxy will be that you cannot be a registered member of CCA/STAR. Furthermore, if you registered with Galaxy and catch a STAR tagged fish, you win $50,000.00.

CCA tags 50 fish, we will tag 100. A tagged fish will be worth $25,000.00, not the first one caught, but all of them. If you catch any tagged fish with a child (<15) in your group, you get an extra $5,000.00; if you catch a tagged fish with a wounded veteran in your group, you get an extra $2,500.00 extra and the veteran gets $2,500.00; any tagged redfish harvested with a bow will awarded an extra $10,000 over any above its tag value.

Is this real--very!

Will this hurt CCA--Yes!

Is our goal to destroy CCA-Yes

Why--We spend a whole bunch of money to support recreational fishermen to only be setback by the likes of CCA-Louisiana.

What Next--Form a legitmate group of concern individuals, throughout the gulf coast who actually support the rights of ALL recreational fishermen, not a choosen few.

get your facts straight before you accuse others of not doing anything.

Bump bump.. Been a year and a half, whats the status brah?

noodle creek 09-03-2015 02:31 PM

Oh snap

jl8200 09-03-2015 04:05 PM

It wasn't till the beginning of this year till I had a boat that I could fish all over the lake with so previously I never fished the south part of the lake much. I still am stunned at all of the oyster dredge boats that you see "parked" all over the place in the south part of the lake. I don't see how there are enough oysters in the lake to sustain all of those boats. Its crazy the amount of people dredging. I don't see how there's any oyster left in the lake.

keakar 09-03-2015 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by jl8200 (Post 771753)
It wasn't till the beginning of this year till I had a boat that I could fish all over the lake with so previously I never fished the south part of the lake much. I still am stunned at all of the oyster dredge boats that you see "parked" all over the place in the south part of the lake. I don't see how there are enough oysters in the lake to sustain all of those boats. Its crazy the amount of people dredging. I don't see how there's any oyster left in the lake.

its like that across the state in all areas, they should outlaw dredging the same way they did gill nets and make them go back to tonging or hand harvesting them only.

dredging "rapes" the bottom and leaves nothing but destruction and long term loss of fish habitat behind wherever it goes.

I know of several prime areas that more often then not always held limits of fish but after they were raped by the dredgers and 6 years later you still cant pick up more then a dink here or there in those locations if that even

keakar 09-03-2015 04:29 PM

im sick and tired of this whole thing really, saying CCA helps fishermen is akin to saying Obama is championing conservative causes lol.

just like the idiots who voted for Obama (students and uninformed idiots) and will continue to vote for socialists just because they are not republicans, there will be those who are clueless and never pay attention to what CCA does and really stands for so they will support it. some just support it to play the star lottery and wouldn't care if it was the devil itself.

CCA and Obama are the same, they are both the worst things that could be, yet both are here to stay, because there is no one out there spreading the truth about what they stand for and what they are doing to ruin this country.

those who actively support and promote CCA ,support their efforts that are hurting fishermen and that is the plain unbiased truth

"W" 09-03-2015 04:36 PM

CCA likes easy fights

Add 3 tail limit
Add 15 trout Limit

That's easy !!

Stop oyster raping lmao not in a million years ! They have zero plan in action , will never have a plan in action

The oyster fisherman politics make the CCA there *****

MathGeek 09-03-2015 09:05 PM

Oysters in Big Lake are still in sad shape.

Duck Butter 09-04-2015 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 771773)
Oysters in Big Lake are still in sad shape.

Yep but I don't recall CCA ever saying they were going to tackle that issue. The Galaxy though is gonna save the world

BassYakR 09-04-2015 08:12 AM

They dont have to say it! its in their Damn name! Costal Conservation Association!

MathGeek 09-04-2015 12:49 PM

CCA is recognizes the importance of oysters to a productive fishery and has been working hard for many years to preserve and restore essential oyster reef habitat in Texas.


seachaser250 09-04-2015 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 771825)
CCA is recognizes the importance of oysters to a productive fishery and has been working hard for many years to preserve and restore essential oyster reef habitat in Texas.


Thanks for posting that MathGeek. I've been pretty neutral on this issue.......... Yea CCA doesn't do it all but they do some good.

This proves they are making a choice to not fight this battle for LA fishermen.

Natural Light Kid 09-04-2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Duck Butter (Post 771793)
Yep but I don't recall CCA ever saying they were going to tackle that issue. The Galaxy though is gonna save the world

Did you just drop the mic on W?

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