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Feesherman 04-11-2015 08:34 AM

Avocado Tree
Well fellas I bought myself an avocado tree. Gonna attempt to grow my own fruit. The variety is the Fantastic. Sposed to be very cold hearty. Intend to leave it in a pot so that I can get it out of the cold when need be. Any tips on growing fertilizing and pot growing fruit trees? I know not to water to much as they are susceptible to root rot. Also know that it is an A pollinator and that it will do better with a B pollinator present. Currently looking for a Bacon variety tree.

FF_T_Warren 04-11-2015 08:37 AM

Not positive but the only avocado tree I've seen was in Florida and that sucker wasn't fitting in any pot. Thing was about 20ft tall and that wide too

Feesherman 04-11-2015 09:18 AM

They can get that big but they can also be kept in a pot with proper pruning

bjhooper82 04-11-2015 10:53 AM

Can't offer you any advice but please keep us updated on how this works out. My wife makes an amazing guacamole and i would love to grow my own avocado's too.

Cappy 04-11-2015 12:06 PM

I have never known of one around here making it. Peggy says she read an article about some one in Houma recently. They reported that their tree finally started baring fruit after 20 years of nothing. We have tried several times and failed for assorted reasons. PLEASE keep us posted.

Cappy 04-11-2015 12:11 PM

I been looking on line and the general thought is they are slooooooow to mature and bear fruit

Goooh 04-11-2015 12:27 PM

7 years

papap 04-11-2015 05:06 PM

I was told to buy a soft skin one. My boss has several north of Houston and does well with them.

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