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capteddie 02-18-2013 09:53 PM

offshore Venice LA
The fishing is definitly picking up in venice as we move through febuary. The weather is the only thing holding us back as the last couple of trips we have been handfeeding yf at the boat. We hooked one that in was in the 200 pound range but had some bad luck and I guess a king swiped the line and cut us off o on the main line. The kings and sharks have been a pain in the butt but the tuna reward is usually worth it. The best fish I pulled up this week was a 150 yf caught by some guys from st louis. He ate the chunk about 10 feet from the boat right before a shark could get it.

The aj bite is picking up although they havent been hitting the jigs too well recently and most of mine have come on live mullet. I think the current has just been a little too strong to get my anteater jigs in the right place to hook up.

The best day I had on wahoo we got five up to 75 pounds with them coming on a combo of bombers and rapalas

We did hook two makos and land one. A nice 160 pound eater. The other mako ate a tuna bait so that ended up in a broken 80 pound leader and a lost circle hook although we did get a few jumps out of him.

Hopefully we get some stable weather soon so we can get out and whack some fish.

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