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duckman1911 08-29-2016 06:23 PM

No Insurance or Insurance Scam
Something about the sound of a wreck. When you hear enough of them you know the sound. Had one today by our shop. Heard it and went to look. One vehicle no injuries. He was parked on our lot.. called the police and reported the accident along with his plate number and reported the other vehicle had left the scene. A few minutes later she shows back up. No injuries. Her and the other guy start talking while I cakk pd and report the other driver is back on scene. When she heard e reading her tag number to the officer she came running saying no no no. I hung up and said too late then walked away. The guy followed for a nit saying hey hey hey to me. They both left out with tires squeeling

nozediver 08-29-2016 06:54 PM


keakar 08-29-2016 07:06 PM

probably one or both with drugs and maybe one or both also without insurance

duckman1911 08-29-2016 07:53 PM

Sorry for so many typoes. Dang phone

BananaTom 08-30-2016 05:18 AM

Something illegal about both of them

Goooh 08-30-2016 07:03 AM

This is very compelling, do you have a blog we can follow? If not, you should think about starting one.

MathGeek 08-30-2016 07:57 AM

In most states it's the driver's duty to report, but that is only required if there are injuries or if the damage exceeds a certain threshold. As a good Samaritan, I don't think I'd get involved unless there is apparent injury, in which case I'd call 911 and report the injury the best I could.

I don't think folks need their lives complicated by police on the scene of accidents where they are not needed. There are a lot of great police out there, but they are busy and likely have better things to do. There are also a few police that like to go on fishing expeditions and may take the opportunity to invade people's privacy or enhance revenue by writing tickets without sufficient evidence of the underlying violation.

If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.

Buhz 08-30-2016 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 805469)
In most states it's the driver's duty to report, but that is only required if there are injuries or if the damage exceeds a certain threshold. As a good Samaritan, I don't think I'd get involved unless there is apparent injury, in which case I'd call 911 and report the injury the best I could.

I don't think folks need their lives complicated by police on the scene of accidents where they are not needed. There are a lot of great police out there, but they are busy and likely have better things to do. There are also a few police that like to go on fishing expeditions and may take the opportunity to invade people's privacy or enhance revenue by writing tickets without sufficient evidence of the underlying violation.

If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.


fishfighter 08-30-2016 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 805469)
In most states it's the driver's duty to report, but that is only required if there are injuries or if the damage exceeds a certain threshold. As a good Samaritan, I don't think I'd get involved unless there is apparent injury, in which case I'd call 911 and report the injury the best I could.

I don't think folks need their lives complicated by police on the scene of accidents where they are not needed. There are a lot of great police out there, but they are busy and likely have better things to do. There are also a few police that like to go on fishing expeditions and may take the opportunity to invade people's privacy or enhance revenue by writing tickets without sufficient evidence of the underlying violation.

If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.

yeah cause we all know how honest people are, no police report to see who is at fault just means 2 people paying deductible to fix their own vehicle

BananaTom 08-30-2016 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 805469)
If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.

Have you actually tried that yet??

I had a minor crash, in a parking lot, other driver fault, police would not respond, private property. I drove to the station and got one. My insurance paid, and I was out my $1000 deductible. I called them, and they said "No Police Report, No Subrogation" I said I have a police report, sent it to them, they subrogated, I got my $1000 back.

swamp snorkler 08-30-2016 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 805469)

If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.

That only works on Private Property

duckman1911 08-30-2016 09:09 PM

MG has a point. The issue is the wreck happened on a highway but our prperty was used as rally point. On our property you belong to me at that point.

duckman1911 08-30-2016 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 805464)
This is very compelling, do you have a blog we can follow? If not, you should think about starting one.

I'll start one and name it for you. I'll call it trash fish. I have many other names in mind but I don't want to get too racey for you.

redchaserron 08-31-2016 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by MathGeek (Post 805469)
In most states it's the driver's duty to report, but that is only required if there are injuries or if the damage exceeds a certain threshold. As a good Samaritan, I don't think I'd get involved unless there is apparent injury, in which case I'd call 911 and report the injury the best I could.

I don't think folks need their lives complicated by police on the scene of accidents where they are not needed. There are a lot of great police out there, but they are busy and likely have better things to do. There are also a few police that like to go on fishing expeditions and may take the opportunity to invade people's privacy or enhance revenue by writing tickets without sufficient evidence of the underlying violation.

If I'm in an accident where no one is injured, I'd prefer to simply exchange insurance info and be on my way, with a plan to report the event to my insurance company later that day. If my insurance company wants me to file a police report, I can do that without calling police to the scene. A few quick photos of the vehicles will be more important to my insurance company than a police report in the event of claims for exaggerated damage.

If I'm in an accident where damage is significant enough to involve my insurance, I'm calling police to the scene.

eman 08-31-2016 07:20 AM

If i am in ANY accident LEO will be called. Reason? i had worked a very hard 16 hr shift and was coming home. Sitting at a red light i nodded off let my foot off the brake rolled forward and bumped the car in front of me. i did damage the bumper a bit so we exchanged info . i went home and after sleeping called the number to arrange to pay for bumper. .No answer tried a couple more times no answer a few weeks latter i get served papers. being sued for pain an suffering loss of income etc. Only thing that saved my butt was a friend that knew the woman and worked with her. he documented her doing her job and gave it all to my lawyer. when her lawyer saw the video he told her to accept payment for the bumper and move on.

duckman1911 08-31-2016 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 805595)
If i am in ANY accident LEO will be called. Reason? i had worked a very hard 16 hr shift and was coming home. Sitting at a red light i nodded off let my foot off the brake rolled forward and bumped the car in front of me. i did damage the bumper a bit so we exchanged info . i went home and after sleeping called the number to arrange to pay for bumper. .No answer tried a couple more times no answer a few weeks latter i get served papers. being sued for pain an suffering loss of income etc. Only thing that saved my butt was a friend that knew the woman and worked with her. he documented her doing her job and gave it all to my lawyer. when her lawyer saw the video he told her to accept payment for the bumper and move on.

Man I'm glad you didn't get screwed on that one. Sue happy people are everywhere :(

fishfish 08-31-2016 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 805595)
If i am in ANY accident LEO will be called. Reason? i had worked a very hard 16 hr shift and was coming home. Sitting at a red light i nodded off let my foot off the brake rolled forward and bumped the car in front of me. i did damage the bumper a bit so we exchanged info . i went home and after sleeping called the number to arrange to pay for bumper. .No answer tried a couple more times no answer a few weeks latter i get served papers. being sued for pain an suffering loss of income etc. Only thing that saved my butt was a friend that knew the woman and worked with her. he documented her doing her job and gave it all to my lawyer. when her lawyer saw the video he told her to accept payment for the bumper and move on.

This is spot on. I'm calling the cops. My wife is a court reporter, non courtroom stuff, traveling to take deposition for personal injury and such. She comes in everyday with the most crazy stories you can think of. Every lawyer she's ever worked with has told her, call the cops no matter what happens or who's fault it is. They're going to sue. You'd be shocked if you knew half the scams and bs that goes on.

Matt G 08-31-2016 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by eman (Post 805595)
If i am in ANY accident LEO will be called. Reason? i had worked a very hard 16 hr shift and was coming home. Sitting at a red light i nodded off let my foot off the brake rolled forward and bumped the car in front of me. i did damage the bumper a bit so we exchanged info . i went home and after sleeping called the number to arrange to pay for bumper. .No answer tried a couple more times no answer a few weeks latter i get served papers. being sued for pain an suffering loss of income etc. Only thing that saved my butt was a friend that knew the woman and worked with her. he documented her doing her job and gave it all to my lawyer. when her lawyer saw the video he told her to accept payment for the bumper and move on.

Yep. I've actually been in a fender bender where I was in the wrong and the lady was torn on if she should call the cops. I told her all we legally had to do was exchange info and be on our way, but if I were her husband, I'd be pretty pissed if she didn't call LEO for a report. She did and I got a driving award.

MathGeek 08-31-2016 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by BananaTom (Post 805507)
Have you actually tried that yet??

I had a minor crash, in a parking lot, other driver fault, police would not respond, private property. I drove to the station and got one. My insurance paid, and I was out my $1000 deductible. I called them, and they said "No Police Report, No Subrogation" I said I have a police report, sent it to them, they subrogated, I got my $1000 back.

It's been a long time since I've been in an accident that involved insurance - the late 1980s. Slid off an icy street and took out a mailbox back in 2010, but settled that one in cash.

Other family members have had a few along the way - never in a hurry to call police unless the other driver wanted to. I don't think it has every been required by the insurance we carried or our current policy. They want a quick report, and they want you to exchange info. That's it.

As it happens, my wife is involved in a lot of legal cases involving auto crashes as an expert witness. There are a lot of bogus cases out there, but police reports are of very little use, because they are so low quality and are unreliable. Usually neither side bothers to depose the responding officers or call them as witnesses, because they don't recall anything other than what they wrote, and they aren't even very solid for verifying the facts in the police report.

Pictures and the emt reports are much more valuable than police reports. Pictures document the actual damage to the cars, end emt reports document the injuries immediately noticed by the occupants. But the targets of bogus lawsuits are much more likely to be the car companies and other parties with deep pockets.

But sure, call the police if you are concerned with the other party exaggerating claims or representing facts inaccurately to place you at fault. It seems like all our accidents have been the rear end variety where shifting fault is very hard.

But an accident plus a ticket is gonna hurt the insurance bill over the next 3 years a lot more than just the accident, especially for teens.

MathGeek 08-31-2016 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by duckman1911 (Post 805575)
MG has a point. The issue is the wreck happened on a highway but our prperty was used as rally point. On our property you belong to me at that point.

Yeah, good to get a referee on the scene if it's happening on your property.

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