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Pat Babaz 11-02-2016 10:08 PM

Watering deer
Its been so dry on my lease, we don't have a lot of large creeks... only some small branches and they are dryed up. I was thinking about setting up maybe like a kidde pool by my feeders and filling them with water. Has anyone ever tried anything like this around here(piney woods)? I'm thinking the water might draw them in more than the corn right now. It's just an idea I am kicking around, wanted to get some other opinions. Thanks

meaux fishing 11-02-2016 10:38 PM

Depends on how long it's been dry there and how far a water source is probably. It wouldn't hurt to try it though. Make sure you put a camera to see what's drinking your water

swamp snorkler 11-03-2016 06:31 AM

My buddy hunts some piney woods in MS, his feeders were throwing corn and it was staying on the ground, the deer just weren't coming around to eat it like they were previously (2 months ago). He put out 2 water troughs with a camera and within 2 days he had deer showing back up on the camera.

DaPointIsDaBomb 11-03-2016 07:46 AM

I have been putting out a trough of water Mosquitoes were breeding in it. My cousin told me to put some kook aid mix in to keep the skeetets out. I put orange koolaid mix in it just to be festive for Halloween looks cool. Saw a hummingbird drinking from it a few weeks back

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