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juicegoose 01-27-2015 07:43 AM

Launch at Freds.
I had a chance to drive by freds and check out the launch you guys told me about. there were a couple trailers there but has anyone actually launched a 22' bayboat out of this launch? Looks steep and rocky. Not sure launching would be a issue but pickup might be a mess.

What say all of you?

Cripley 01-27-2015 08:06 AM

Bro I have never heard of someone launching at Fred's u got to keep going past Fred's it's called Hebert's it's a nice launch man sounds like either u misunderstood and should have kept going past Hebert's or someone was pulling your chain

BassYakR 01-27-2015 08:07 AM

I wouldnt suggest launching there... i launched my 15ft there once and it was really sketchy it just drops straight off.. not much slope.

Duffy.yyz 01-27-2015 08:37 AM

Definitely go to Hebert's and pay, or Calcasieu Point.

juicegoose 01-27-2015 08:53 AM

There is a launch there with a box to pay 2 bucks. I didn't know it existed until the point closed and someone mentioned it as an alternative. It is for sure not a well kept launch. I launch at hebert's and prien if need be but when your camp is less then a mile from calc point it's hard not to try and find closer options.

Thank god calc point will be done for spring time.

BuckingFastard 01-27-2015 09:11 AM

good place to lose a trailer haha

Gottogo49 01-27-2015 09:23 AM

Good place for kayaks or small aluminum boats until CP gets fixed.

BayBolt23 01-27-2015 11:08 AM

I used the launch at Fred's about a month ago but it wasn't a 22ft boat! Launched a 18ft flat with no problem

redchaserron 01-27-2015 12:37 PM

Be careful where you park if you launch on a Sunday. You may come back to find that you're blocked in by 50 Harleys.

Gerald 01-28-2015 01:00 AM

I launched a 16' boat there a few weeks ago.

Years ago, a friend launched his 22' bay boat there.

The "ramp" drops off fairly sharply so you don't need to back down too far.

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