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Andy C 09-25-2017 02:03 PM

What's y'all's thoughts
I'm posting this here so everyone can comment please keep it clean.
What are your thoughts on the NFL? I understand they have the right to protest given to us by the Constitution, but they are paid entertainers and get paid very well and very very few of them are actually doing anything about what they say is wrong. So what are they protesting because very few are doing anything?? Is it because they don't like Trump? Or because he said "what if"... I do not feel that a paid Entertainer should get involved in politics in any way. Whether it's Hollywood, NASCAR, football, baseball, hockey, Rodeo, or any other sport, do that on your own time and on your own money, not on one of the four major networks!!! Personally I will not watch the NFL and I will not support any of the NFL sponsors which kills me because I love Coors Light but I will never buy another case as long as they sponsor the NFL!! Again please keep your opinions clean and let's keep this in an open forum for discussion.

Feesherman 09-25-2017 02:28 PM

It wont be on my television again. I'll stick to college ball.

Andy C 09-25-2017 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Feesherman (Post 826633)
It wont be on my television again. I'll stick to college ball.

Let's hope they don't try that crap!!!

Reefman 09-25-2017 03:07 PM

These players are highly paid entertainers. I do not need their personal political viewpoints forced upon my viewing a football game. We have 24hr news media for that. The owners need to step up "if ya knell you don't play and I don't pay".
As it is, the NFL, over the past several years, is losing their fan base . This will really affect the number of viewers on game days. NFL ratings will fall along with TV revenues causing a re-thinking on player salaries. Maybe a more realistic salary base will come from it.
Still prefer to watch college and high school football.

lil bubba 09-25-2017 03:20 PM

I'm finished with anything nfl or saints . These guys don't have a clue what they protesting . They only protesting Pres. Trump . A lot of players who are good can get all the media time they want for a REAL protest without putting down the national Anthem. Bunch of cry babies that didn't get their way in the election . Enough people boycot nfl and local team and it will be over faster than it started .

Dogface 09-25-2017 03:45 PM

I won't watch any game or program that has anything to do with the NFL. Can't believe that the owners let these over paid athletes get away with disrespecting the country. 90% of them don't even know what they are protesting.

Andy C 09-25-2017 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dogface (Post 826639)
I won't watch any game or program that has anything to do with the NFL. Can't believe that the owners let these over paid athletes get away with disrespecting the country. 90% of them don't even know what they are protesting.

A truer statement has never been made

marshrunner757 09-25-2017 04:24 PM

Sadly, the steelers has been my team since I started watching. Now, they can kiss my azz and NFL will not be on my TV. I hope the whole organization implodes.

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lil bubba 09-25-2017 04:42 PM

jopete 09-25-2017 05:11 PM

i'll never watch the nfl again after what these classless fools have done.

protest on your own time. the saints are supported by the Louisiana taxpayers. we are paying them to protest. what a bunch of arrogant people.

to hell with the nfl.

swampman46 09-25-2017 06:37 PM

Well the movement has begun. I'm also done with the NFL until I see owners growing a spine. THEY are the boss-NOT the players! Owners should put the message out, "This is my team, and these are my uniforms you wear! Any disrespect to either, then don't bother coming back!" These owners are so scared of losing these players, that they are letting them get away with all this. Oh...and make no mistake...the media is absolutely loving this!

I plan on watching the beginning of the Cowboys-Cardinals game tonight, only because of what I heard Jerry Jones announced a few days ago. "Anyone kneels during the National Anthem can get their a-s-s off my team." Or something to that effect.

Oh and to Sean Peyton with his Trump comment-don't talk too much fool-your head is already on the chopping block as coach. College ball is looking better and better.

bjhooper82 09-25-2017 06:41 PM

I'll never watch another NFL game either. I'm not going to repeat what others have already said but I feel the same. I've always liked college football better and love my LSU Tigers, but I can promise you if they start this crap too, I won't watch them anymore either.

worm 09-25-2017 06:48 PM

I'm done with the NFL hope they go bankrupt.

RayneCajun 09-25-2017 07:19 PM

10 - 15 years from now , the only thing Colin Kaepernick will be known for is killing the NFL! I quit watching the NFL about 15 years ago, sure as heck not starting now!!

swampman46 09-25-2017 07:28 PM

OK I've seen enough-and FU Jerry Jones-freakin liar! It's all up to people like us now!

T-TOP 09-25-2017 07:38 PM

Just like everyone else, will not have the NFL on my television.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

marshrunner757 09-25-2017 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by swampman46 (Post 826664)
OK I've seen enough-and FU Jerry Jones-freakin liar! It's all up to people like us now!

They kneeled?

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Smalls 09-25-2017 08:27 PM

There is a simple solution to all of this--stop paying the NFL to play the National Anthem!!

The US military PAYS professional sports leagues to play the anthem at the start of a game. Millions of dollars. Started around 2009.

Just go back to pre-2009. Simple.

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sniper3726 09-25-2017 08:40 PM

I read the Jerry Jones never actually said that , apparently it was an untrue statement that went viral .
Both teams , coaches , and owners interlocked arms and knelt before the anthem played , I assume to show unity backing the players rights who choose to kneel . They all then stood arms interlocked as the anthem played .
I then turned it off . Disheartened as to the direction this country is headed . It is a much bigger problem than the NFL and there concern over possibly losing players and the almighty $

smooth move 09-25-2017 08:41 PM

this is a free country. people have died so that these guys have the right to do this. i also have the right to not support anything involved with it. i won't watch the NFL and i won't knowingly support any of it's advertisers. when the pocket book starts to get thin, the owners will do something about it.

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