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capt hoop 06-26-2012 11:14 AM

New state waters announced
La. has now given us a new boundry as far as fishing goes. In stead of the old 3 mile state waters the new state water line is 10.3 miles out. The odd number has to do with the way they do the measuring. At presant I was told the limits were up to the individule warden but I can not see how that can be.

Has anybody else heard anything about this?

latravcha 06-26-2012 11:33 AM

Anything diffrent for snapper this year?

capt hoop 06-26-2012 11:37 AM

Nothing this year but they are looking to make our red snapper season a lot better next year. We still have a lot of other snapper available.

eman 06-26-2012 11:43 AM

Untill and if congress approves this. The federal game wardens will still be enforcing The rules as they are written now . In all the post about the changing of the boundries there is a caution to all fishermen. Allthough the state of louisiana recognizes these boundry changes . any fish caught in violation of federal law is up to the fishemen. Do so at your own risk.

latravcha 06-26-2012 01:02 PM

I hqave been fishing and hunting for 30 years and have only seen a federal GW twice and neither was while fishing.

capt hoop 06-26-2012 07:51 PM

The federal boundrys have been moved to 10.3 miles for fishing. La was the only state with waters as close as 3 miles and that was put in place for the oil industry and taxes. I talked to some agents yesterday and the said they will honor the new boundry lines. That was from the guys that patrol the Venice waters.

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