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cmdrost 07-07-2009 09:14 AM

What does CCA mean to you?
Lets hear the good and the bad. Also what you'd like them to do.

I'll start.....most know I'm heavily involved with CCA. I feel they do much good for the state of LA but also know they have dropped the ball on a few things (most recently their assistance on the management of Red Snapper).

#1 - I'd like to see them get more involved with LDWF, i.e., giving them monies to help study fisheries & fisheries management. Help build fish hatcheries for flounder & redfish like they have done in TX.

#2 - Help build better facilities, boat launches, parks, reef projects, etc.

#3 - Continue to grow elementary school corriculum to educate & encourage youngsters on outdoors/fisheries. They've started this, but it needs much help.

"W" 07-07-2009 09:47 AM

Everybody has their good and bad with the CCA....I think they have done a great job for our state....The BIG change I love to see is DROP the Politics!!! Too many politicians that have say so!!! I think we the fisherman and members should have more say so than the BIG pockets!!!!

Big Kahunaz 07-07-2009 10:45 AM

If i were to relate CCA to last weeks fishing trips it would stand for Cant Catch Anything!

007 07-07-2009 01:19 PM

Until they change their stance on the snapper issue, they're dead to me.

LaAngler 07-07-2009 07:15 PM

some of their stances on the grouper issues in florida along with support for snapper closures on the atlantic side seem pretty off to me.....

i think they need to be fierce on the issues like they were when it was a small grassroots org. mostly importantly please fight for the recreational anglers!

change rules for STAR to allow for easier catch and release, which i heard was already in the works.

make the shootout artificial only.....:rotfl:

redfishman 07-07-2009 07:19 PM

If this is too strong,please kill the post::pissed::pissed:

CCA can kiss my ARSE. The organization is strictly political -fulfilling chapter "quotas" to the state and national coffers. It's NOT about "Conservation". Folks are being dupped by their GREED. Greed for themselves ,not for any"Conservation"

(I need a cold beer ..... get back to 'ya)...:pissed:
20 minutes later: (a six pack gone)......

Years back Livingston parish "HAD" a very tight knit Chapter of approx 30-40-active members who fished together and knew each other in the larger community of Church-family-business. The monthly meetings were looked forward to and the fund raising banquets were profitable for the "State"
Members ,using their local connections enlisted the support of local business which gave generously.
A few months after the banquet the "State" chapter decided to:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger: the Livingston chapter by disbanding them and joining them with the Baton Rouge chapter. This is after the "State" coffers have been filled with Livingston money. Of course the local chapter is wondering ***-*** are you friggin' doing? Livingston ,proud of their own SEPARATE identity did not want thier efforts ,donations and business commitments going to Baton Rouge where that specific chapter had its own identity. CCA arrogantly shoved that down the throats and up the ARSE with sand. Pizzed alot of folks off. The "State level" secretary who was from Livingston Parish ,oddly was "fired" several days before Christmas after a complaint was voiced to the National office.( just a coincidence).

I challenge any CCA officer, either at the chapter or STATE level to refute this!!!! Come on.... Bring it on.... And if anyone does, Maybe you can explain lower memberships on the local level. ( It's the economy....right???):shaking::shaking: This hasn't been happening in the last couple of years.
This is the short version....

I'm willing to go the long version with some help if CCA wants to air the laundry on their end!!!!:cheers::cheers:

Big Kahunaz 07-07-2009 10:30 PM

make the shootout artificial only.....:rotfl:[/QUOTE]

I 2nd that!
I recall reading about the Star wanting to make the tourny better and wanted recommendations from us fisherman. So they add a division and take out the split in the summer months for one long tourny.? VHAT? :spineyes:
Might as well end it after the first month the STAR begins.

"W" 07-07-2009 11:41 PM

IM 100% on Shootout artificial only!!! No red and whites with croakier and shrimp...

Let the real fisherman use there skill to compete!!! I think we should vote on the issue this year!!!

cmdrost 07-08-2009 08:30 AM


CCA LA member numbers are actually on the rise. They are re-organizing old chapters. I agree with you it was b.s. was happend to Livingston.

I hate the banquet side of CCA! I understand every organization has to raise money, but it seems to be all CCA LA is worried about right now.

I would love to see them get back to grass roots CONSERVATION efforts.

cmdrost 07-08-2009 08:34 AM


I've been in the STAR meetings and been pushing very hard for years for STAR to promote catch and release. At least give the angler the option if they want to release the fish. Calcasieu Point is the only option to do so right now on Big Lake.

This year we were instrumental in raising the trout minimum size for STAR from 24 inches to 26 inches, hopefully saving a few extra trout.

LaAngler 07-08-2009 01:33 PM

not to get too far off topic but does texas STAR kill all the fish also?

cmdrost 07-08-2009 01:49 PM

yes, but they have an 8lb min to even weigh a fish for TX STAR.

007 07-08-2009 11:08 PM

Don't everyone forget where the cca actually started.

eman 07-09-2009 03:40 PM

I used to be a member of CCA and then the hunger for the big $$$ took over the agenda.
I kept my membership untill the louisiana CCA chapter refused to get into the fight against the posting of public waters and i found out that other states CCA groups did get into the fight against gates and WON!
Now why if other states can do it ,Why can't CCA Louisiana?
Is it $$$ or politics or both?:eek:

"W" 07-09-2009 03:51 PM

I don’t think the STAR kills a lot of big fish…..Once the 1st week is over and everyone knows what weight to shoot far……I think most would be amazed at how many big trout are killed on Big Lake buy guys who only meat fish!!!! Some just don’t know and keep everything 7 lbs or 1 lb doesn’t matter to 75% of fisherman out there!!! I have seen guys at the jetties in August slamming HUGE trout on Croker and shrimp keeping all the big ones and letting the 3lber go……
I hardly ever keep anything over 4lbs to eat……I rather a small trout than big one!!! I don’t think we should push the CCA to make our fishing laws as liberal as Texas…..I live in a liberal America and pay liberal taxes….SURE THE HELL don’t want my fishing to turn Liberal!!! Our fishing system in Big Lake is fine the way it is…. Only change I would like to see is a 14inch minimum…. I think we need to lose the name Trophy lake also….If we keep pushing our limits down and makings slots then you will have a TROPHY LAKE FOR SURE…..AND 100xs the Texas flat boats

cmdrost 07-10-2009 08:52 AM

I don't think Big Lake will ever lose the "trophy lake" moniker. It keeps getting published in magazines, local & national, proclaiming it to be the best. Saltwater Sportsman has repeated claimed Big Lake as Top 3 nationally for catching big trout. Hence much more pressure and the need for reduced limits on the lake. I don't see the limits changing here anytime, so don't worry about that.

I too would like to see a 14" min, but have yet to hear the health of the fishery since the last bump. LDWF has become tight lipped on SPR numbers, which to me, is a bad sign.

cmdrost 07-10-2009 09:23 AM


I think that fight is between law makers and land owners. I'm surprised to hear other state chapters of CCA got in that fight and won, and if that is the case, you need to bring it up to CCA LA. One thing about CCA, they are followers, meaning if one state or chapter is successful, then others will follow suit. You ought to bring it up to someone.

"W" 07-10-2009 09:41 AM

I think the fight Eman is talking about is where landowners blocked of waterways and called it private! I see two sides to this story also…. We have family land where a canal runs through it, that is attached to a public waterway. Both sides are ours and the canal dead ends at us….Before we gated it there was to many trespassing and hunting on private property.. We never would have blocked it off if guys were just fishing!!! So seeing both sides of the fight it’s hard to pick a side!! Landowners own land and pay taxes. Some think they have the right to every body of water navigate able by boat! I would not want someone tell me what I can and can’t do with my own land!

Gerald 07-10-2009 01:27 PM


I don't think Big Lake will ever lose the "trophy lake" moniker. It keeps getting published in magazines, local & national, proclaiming it to be the best. Saltwater Sportsman has repeated claimed Big Lake as Top 3 nationally for catching big trout. Hence much more pressure and the need for reduced limits on the lake. I don't see the limits changing here anytime, so don't worry about that.
Will.........where did you get this information??? The LDWF did not say that a reduction in limits was needed on Big Lake.

cmdrost 07-10-2009 02:52 PM

I'm not Will. LDWF also didn't say it wasn't needed. They stated SPR levels were on the decline and have been for a while now. They also said SPR levels had declined below the sustainable average with they themselves set.

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