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capteddie 04-22-2012 12:02 AM

Offshore Venice LA
The weather gave us a little break at the end of last week and I made it out three days and Capt Pittman made it out one day. I started off on wednesday with a group from Pittsburg, PA. The goal of the day was tuna as always. First rig of the day and the first pass we hook up to a 30 pound tuna before about a dozen sharks turned him into a head. Sharks were so thick there I didnt even consider putting bait in the water and we quickly moved on to spot number two. First pass there was a yf on the mirrolure and one on a frenzy popper while we were fighting the first one. Thats a much better start. Caught a couple more bf before the troll bite shut off and we started chunking. I started with pogies to chunk with and thats all it took as we set up a slow steady bite to pick up five more yf. One of the guys liked to jig so I set him up with a new jig Ive started using sold by anteater jigs and he also picked up two yf on the jig to finish off our limit.

We headed a little closer to shore to look for more trouble and we found some as we got a nice wahoo off one rig then a bunch of blackfin at the next stop on poppers. The overall surprize of my year might be the cobia I caught on a bomber cd 30 while I was trolling for wahoo. That was definitly a first for me.

The current was ripping and made it hard to jig up the ajs but with the anteater jigs we put our limit in the boat and headed to the house.

The next day I had Tim Hesbens and his father in from tampa. Of course tuna was the goal. I got live pogies this morning pretty easily and went to work with some live chum. It worked real well at first as we put a pair of yf in the boat and a jumbo bf but they turned off real quick on the live bait but tim and his father managed to get three blind strikes by yf on poppers to put a total of five in the boat. I went off looking for cobia today but of course we couldnt connect real well. We lost two good ones at the boat and put a small one in the boat as well as a limit of ajs and a couple scamps.

Capt Mike had them the next day on the twin vee and they traveled around looking for some bigger yf and they finally got about an 80 pounder in the boat to go with a few smaller fish.

The last day I had Steve Roberts and his guys in from houston and this was as flat calm a day as it gets and pretty good action on the chum. The first drift I made we put 4 yf in the box and broke one off as we had plenty of action. After that it slowed a little but we still put 5 more in the boat before noon to finish off our limit. The current was slower today and we were able to get our limits of ajs on teh anteater jigs pretty quickly and we made it to the dock for 245 with a limit of yf and ajs. Cant beat that.

The best part of the week was the farthest I made it offshore was about 14 miles.

Saw this coast guard sailboat in the river on the last day. I cant ever remember seeing a boat like this before

Garfish 04-22-2012 10:40 PM

Meat hauls!!

DUCKGOGETTER 04-24-2012 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by garfish (Post 422556)
meat hauls!!

x2 and thanks for the report

jgannard 04-24-2012 08:00 AM

X3 a lotof meat. Nice catch !!!!!!

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