15 Trout Limit Discussion PUBLIC
This is not about Politics or Religion
This is about an Epic fail on our lake and needs to be talked about |
Completely agree, Waltrip. Those studies you refered to before, any where I could find them to check em out? I've never come across them in all my broad researching I've done.
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Here is some more info
I will be making banners and signs to place at the landing soon to contact the CCA and other leaders that until proven other wise we want our 25 Trout limits back http://www.seagrantfish.lsu.edu/reso...2008/10-08.htm |
Cool deal. Have to check it out sometime.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make before, and as I've stated, I am not trying to argue with you or say you don't know what you're talking about, but going off of my background in ecology, there are too many variables that say if you too everything away from those fish, or you increased that population past its K, fish are going to move out of the system. Telemetry studies only tell you so much, and most telemetry studies do not tag every individual. I completely agree with you, there are a LOT of fish out there. But nature has a way of balancing itself. I understand these fish will live in this system all their life, but those telemetry studies show how fish move based on salinity. Who can argue that they will not do that in response to a food shortage. No one, because 1) we don't know what constitutes a food shortage for trout, and as you have noted, on a calm day the lake is alive with bait fish, and 2) we just don't know how they would respond to a shortage because as far as I can tell, we have not experienced such an event because it is an open system and bait fish will move in and out. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk |
Well i know this...I fish over 100 days a year and when I fish I always locate bait so unless our fish or dumb, blind and have zero instinct I know for a fact we dont have lack of food One thing I have learned is dont over think a easy problem...you can use the moon, sun, stars ,rain ,wind or even how it hangs in the mourning but its not that hard of a problem. What has changed ?? 1)2005 Hurricane 2)2006 Trout Limit to 15 what could cause a problem? Hurricane? Blew our levees at Grand and Lambert bayou and trout and redfish population exploded to record numbers the next few years NO REPORTS of any type of fish kills Lake was loaded with bait and had a huge shrimp bloom My data books have 2006-2007-2008 my largest numbers of fish caught thus far Limit change? Still catch larger number or trout Still have tons of bait and shrimp Lack of big trout vs pre limit change We have had real wet years and real dry years and all my books show me catching close to the same numbers of fish each month from year to year....with some months i have fished more days than other due to weather We have 60 foot ship channel that could be holding all the larger trout and no one is catching them.....?? |
One thread wasn't enough?
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if this needs to go public lol then you need to post on the "other" site....oh wait you can't......
But...he can't and neither can anyone else. |
This is a private site. Whether we like it or not. It is a buisness. |
W, you can't even keep a thread from going under...how you expect to get this limit reversed? :smokin:
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Lets see....O because Some guys got butthurt over some big trout pics and need a reason to go to Baton Rouge to cry so the 15 limit using Texas water with bad estuary's info to compare to our great fishery |
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