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bjhooper82 08-08-2015 09:40 PM

Concealed Weapon Permit
Got my class done today! Now I have to head to BR Monday and do the fingerprinting and the rest of the paperwork at the State Troopers Headquarters. I really enjoyed the class. It was very informative. Now I need to find a good holster. What do you guys use or recommend? There was a guy in the class today that was doing his renewal and recommended the Crossbreed Supertuck.

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Loneshark 08-08-2015 09:55 PM

I use a hybrid holster from Wright Leather Works for my XDS and a cheap De Santis pocket holster for my bodyguard .380.

marty f 08-08-2015 09:59 PM

there are 1000s out there. I have 4 different ones I use. inside pants holster, out side pants, each a leather one as well a heavy duty nylon (not that cheap flimsy crap)

Get a good one that you are comfortable with!

And thank you for being pro active!!!

Dogface 08-09-2015 07:01 AM

I use the Crossbreed Appendix model. It takes a lot of trial and error to find the one that is comfortable enough to use all day, every day. Most people I know including myself have a drawer full of holsters we tried before finding the right one.

CajunChristian 08-09-2015 07:49 AM

Alien Gear, same as most of the other kydex holsters, half the price. And yes, if you're smart, you'll alter the holster to fit you.
If you're worried about your carry weapon staying pristine looking, put it on a shelf and get another gun. Pretty does not protect you, functional does. And ALWAYS remember, the deadliest weapon you carry is your BRAIN, use it!
The secret to carrying forever is a comfortable belt. If you try using the WalMart specials, you will cease carrying because it's too uncomfortable.
I order my belts from Wilderness. They are reinforced tactical belts made for concealed carry.
I have worn the Original Instructor belt for over 15 years. I still have and use the first one I ever bought, that's how good they are.
For the first 6 months, you will think EVERYONE is looking at you and can see your weapon. Truth is that the sheeple are so clueless, they wouldn't see your weapon if it fell out of your holster. Going to a public bathroom is another adventure, I try to avoid the public restrooms for the squatting.
I am involved in our Church Security also. I wear that Wilderness Instructor belt with a full size S&W M&P 40, a double mag holder, tactical flashlight, handcuffs, radio, and my cell phone. I won't say I don't notice the weight, but it would be impossible with a plain leather belt. We train year round in the Church and at the range. When we train, we wear ALL equipment we patrol with.
Find a GOOD tactical class and go. You will learn volumes. We, as a Church Security Team are lucky enough to have a few SWAT team members and tactical experts in our Church. Their instruction is invaluable. Some folks remain unarmed even though they carry a gun! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You don't need to shoot to practice. Empty your weapon and then make absolutely sure it's empty again. Practice drawing from concealment, it's harder than you think. If you have never been in a firefight, your brain will shut down and all you can rely on is muscle memory. If you have not practiced, you're screwed.
Get yourself some good Concealed Carry insurance. I use CCW SAFE.
If you are involved in ANY shooting, you will go bankrupt protecting yourself, even though it's a good shooting.
You are at the beginning of a long learning experience, enjoy it. And always remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Shawn Braquet 08-09-2015 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by CajunChristian (Post 767619)
Alien Gear, same as most of the other kydex holsters, half the price.
If you're worried about your carry weapon staying pristine looking, put it on a shelf and get another gun. Pretty does not protect you, functional does. And ALWAYS remember, the deadliest weapon you carry is your BRAIN, use it!
The secret to carrying forever is a comfortable belt. If you try using the WalMart specials, you will cease carrying because it's too uncomfortable.
I order my belts from Wilderness. They are reinforced tactical belts made for concealed carry.
I have worn the Original Instructor belt for over 15 years. I still have and use the first one I ever bought, that's how good they are.
For the first 6 months, you will think EVERYONE is looking at you and can see your weapon. Truth is that the sheeple are so clueless, they wouldn't see your weapon if it fell out of your holster. Going to a public bathroom is another adventure, I try to avoid the public restrooms for the squatting.
I am involved in our Church Security also. I wear that Wilderness Instructor belt with a full size S&W M&P 40, a double mag holder, tactical flashlight, handcuffs, radio, and my cell phone. I won't say I don't notice the weight, but it would be impossible with a plain leather belt. We train year round in the Church and at the range. When we train, we wear ALL equipment we patrol with.
Find a GOOD tactical class and go. You will learn volumes. We, as a Church Security Team are lucky enough to have a few SWAT team members and tactical experts in our Church. Their instruction is invaluable. Some folks remain unarmed even though they carry a gun! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You don't need to shoot to practice. Empty your weapon and then make absolutely sure it's empty again. Practice drawing from concealment, it's harder than you think. If you have never been in a firefight, your brain will shut down and all you can rely on is muscle memory. If you have not practiced, you're screwed.
Get yourself some good Concealed Carry insurance. I use CCW SAFE.
If you are involved in ANY shooting, you will go bankrupt protecting yourself, even though it's a good shooting.
You are at the beginning of a long learning experience, enjoy it. And always remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

Out of curiosity, is the entire congregation aware of the "Church Security Team" or is it kept secret? Not jabbing or anything just curious. Part of me thinks it would be better as a secret but then again I could see where it would be better to known. I'm guessing the congregation is aware of it and that y'all are strategically seated to better optimize impact in case a situation arises.

CajunChristian 08-09-2015 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Shawn Braquet (Post 767623)
Out of curiosity, is the entire congregation aware of the "Church Security Team" or is it kept secret? Not jabbing or anything just curious. Part of me thinks it would be better as a secret but then again I could see where it would be better to known. I'm guessing the congregation is aware of it and that y'all are strategically seated to better optimize impact in case a situation arises.

Shawn, the law states that the Pastor must announce or place in the bulletin once a year, that we have an armed security team. My best guess would be that about 25% know, the other 75% never even thought that far. We are as discreet as possible. We all carry concealed and check each other for printing. Only way to know if someone is on the Security team is if they wear one of those Surveillance earpieces, and those are clear, vey hard to see. We stay as inconspicuous as possible. We have 5-7 on duty every service. They are strategically placed.
The few folks that finally realize we have a team are very pleased. We stay in contact with ALL the children's ministries by radio and have a member near that location.

Shawn Braquet 08-09-2015 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by CajunChristian (Post 767644)
Shawn, the law states that the Pastor must announce or place in the bulletin once a year, that we have an armed security team. My best guess would be that about 25% know, the other 75% never even thought that far. We are as discreet as possible. We all carry concealed and check each other for printing. Only way to know if someone is on the Security team is if they wear one of those Surveillance earpieces, and those are clear, vey hard to see. We stay as inconspicuous as possible. We have 5-7 on duty every service. They are strategically placed.
The few folks that finally realize we have a team are very pleased. We stay in contact with ALL the children's ministries by radio and have a member near that location.

I asked mainly because that has been the topic of discussion lately in my lunch group at work, specifically churches. It'd be a perfect place for a Muslim attack due to the typical building design(few exits) and typically no one would be armed. With that being said what is the law as far as CC in a church. Is it legal for an individual to CC in a church with out the pastor announcing it or bulletin?

CajunChristian 08-09-2015 12:38 PM

To CC in church, there are several facets of the law to fulfill:
1. The announcement that there is an armed security team must be either announced by the Pastor or it must be placed in the bulletin.
2. The carrier must have a valid CC permit.
3. The carrier must attend tactical training every year a minimum of 8 hours.

If an individual does not fulfill any of those requirements, including that eight hours of training, they cannot legally have a concealed weapon in a church. Just because you have a concealed carry permit, there are still restrictions in place. There's limitations about where you can carry that weapon.
We discourage individuals that are not on the security team from carrying in our church. We like to know who is armed and who is not armed. And we find a surprising number of carriers that do not know the law.

The bigger problem for churches now is called "due diligence". With the attacks against churches in this country, church leadership can no longer claim they had no idea violence was possible in THEIR church. If an incident happens, and it can be a child incident, a spousal incident, anything, the victim can and usually will sue the Church for not protecting them. A blind man can see we have a problem with violence in church, why did they do nothing? Churches must practice due diligence. That kind of suit will bankrupt a church and destroy the membership. It's much cheaper to form a security team than to do nothing. At least the church attempted to prevent the incident.
I have set up security teams for 6 churches, written their SOP, guided them through tactical strategies for their particular church. It's 10 times more popular than the public thinks.

duckman1911 08-09-2015 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by CajunChristian (Post 767619)
Alien Gear, same as most of the other kydex holsters, half the price. And yes, if you're smart, you'll alter the holster to fit you.
If you're worried about your carry weapon staying pristine looking, put it on a shelf and get another gun. Pretty does not protect you, functional does. And ALWAYS remember, the deadliest weapon you carry is your BRAIN, use it!
The secret to carrying forever is a comfortable belt. If you try using the WalMart specials, you will cease carrying because it's too uncomfortable.
I order my belts from Wilderness. They are reinforced tactical belts made for concealed carry.
I have worn the Original Instructor belt for over 15 years. I still have and use the first one I ever bought, that's how good they are.
For the first 6 months, you will think EVERYONE is looking at you and can see your weapon. Truth is that the sheeple are so clueless, they wouldn't see your weapon if it fell out of your holster. Going to a public bathroom is another adventure, I try to avoid the public restrooms for the squatting.
I am involved in our Church Security also. I wear that Wilderness Instructor belt with a full size S&W M&P 40, a double mag holder, tactical flashlight, handcuffs, radio, and my cell phone. I won't say I don't notice the weight, but it would be impossible with a plain leather belt. We train year round in the Church and at the range. When we train, we wear ALL equipment we patrol with.
Find a GOOD tactical class and go. You will learn volumes. We, as a Church Security Team are lucky enough to have a few SWAT team members and tactical experts in our Church. Their instruction is invaluable. Some folks remain unarmed even though they carry a gun! PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You don't need to shoot to practice. Empty your weapon and then make absolutely sure it's empty again. Practice drawing from concealment, it's harder than you think. If you have never been in a firefight, your brain will shut down and all you can rely on is muscle memory. If you have not practiced, you're screwed.
Get yourself some good Concealed Carry insurance. I use CCW SAFE.
If you are involved in ANY shooting, you will go bankrupt protecting yourself, even though it's a good shooting.
You are at the beginning of a long learning experience, enjoy it. And always remember, with great power D

Very well written and excellent points.
Kydex is cheap, functional and effective. An all day everyday gun will go through hell. Sweat, lint and scrathes. Take care of it but don't stress out about keeping it pretty. It is a tool not a show piece. Practice as often as you can. Me personally I'm not a big fan of multiple guns in multiple carry positions. I carry a full size 45 during the cool months and a G23 when its hot but always in the same place. Find a system you like and practice practice practice. As stated earlier your best weapon is your brain but you want to build muscle memory also. Your hand knows where your gun is. Sime uspsa courses would be fun and teach you a lot about your weapon system.

duckman1911 08-09-2015 02:09 PM

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. You can't miss fast enough to win.

Dogface 08-09-2015 02:19 PM

We have a team also. We have 4 uniformed security guards and 8 CC security team members scattered around the church during services. We try to have 1 CC team member near each of our 6 doors entering the church auditorium. The uniformed officers are stationed at the doors entering the building from the outside. Like Cajun Christian mentioned, we do 8 hours of tactical training per year and practice year round. Just a guess but I doubt that no more than 10% of the 2000 that are there on any given Sunday are aware of the identity of the CC security team members. Train hard and stay safe!!! And Duckman is exactly right, when you train --slow is smooth and smooth is fast!

duckman1911 08-09-2015 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dogface (Post 767675)
We have a team also. We have 4 uniformed security guards and 8 CC security team members scattered around the church during services. We try to have 1 CC team member near each of our 6 doors entering the church auditorium. The uniformed officers are stationed at the doors entering the building from the outside. Like Cajun Christian mentioned, we do 8 hours of tactical training per year and practice year round. Just a guess but I doubt that no more than 10% of the 2000 that are there on any given Sunday are aware of the identity of the CC security team members. Train hard and stay safe!!! And Duckman is exactly right, when you train slow is smooth and smooth is fast!

Yep bro. Have seen many people try to make the hits happen fast. I have been guilty of this myself. Shoot to your ability to make good hits. The speed will come on it's own.

Gerald 08-09-2015 02:34 PM


I seldom comment on a topic like this, but what you have done with your church and other churches goes way beyond what the average person would do for there community.

Thank You ..... and your other security team members.

CajunChristian 08-09-2015 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Gerald (Post 767678)

I seldom comment on a topic like this, but what you have done with your church and other churches goes way beyond what the average person would do for there community.

Thank You ..... and your other security team members.

Thank You. I have set up Church Security Teams for the past 15 years , I enjoy it, I enjoy sharing it. We actually have 3 medical doctors on our Safety and Security Team, that title also helps make it more palatable to Church Elders that see no need for a team as such. Our medical personnel do not carry.
My first statement to a Church member wanting to join the security team is, "if you are not willing to give your life to protect our congregation and children, this may not be the ministry for you".
As for the congregation noticing the Security Team, the majority are clueless.

meat killer 86 08-09-2015 03:50 PM

Did mine 4 days ago. Didn't have to drive to baton rouge. Just did mine at the local sheriff's office. Mailing stuff in tomorrow.

marty f 08-09-2015 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by CajunChristian (Post 767657)
We discourage individuals that are not on the security team from carrying in our church. ..

What do you do when you suspect someone is carrying, not a suspect but a regular member or reg joe blow? ask them to leave?

CajunChristian 08-09-2015 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by marty f (Post 767692)
What do you do when you suspect someone is carrying, not a suspect but a regular member or reg joe blow? ask them to leave?

No. We call another team member to assist. That team member is assigned to discreetly record the conversation with his phone. That is our SOP when any team member has interaction with church members, we record EVERYTHING. We ask the person if we can talk privately. We make them aware of the law and ask them not to carry in church, for their safety, as it could become very confusing if something happens. We have not had an unpleasant interaction yet. Our Pastor has given us the authority to ask them to leave if they refuse to comply with the law.

duckman1911 08-09-2015 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by CajunChristian (Post 767694)
No. We call another team member to assist. That team member is assigned to discreetly record the conversation with his phone. That is our SOP when any team member has interaction with church members, we record EVERYTHING. We ask the person if we can talk privately. We make them aware of the law and ask them not to carry in church, for their safety, as it could become very confusing if something happens. We have not had an unpleasant interaction yet. Our Pastor has given us the authority to ask them to leave if they refuse to comply with the law.

I understand the law but you ask a person to not carry for their own safety? I don't understand that. I carry for my own safety. I don't trust anyone else to do the job for me or my family. I understand the church has policies and maybe that's why I don't go to any? You and your team are probably very good shooters and if so shouldn't they know who the bad guy is?

Dogface 08-09-2015 06:43 PM

Not sure what Cajun C meant and don't want to speak for him but I do know that if something happened in a church and someone with a CCL was involved and he didn't attend the required 8 hour course he would be in trouble. Maybe that's what he meant by "for their safety".

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