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wishin i was fishin 02-14-2019 08:45 PM

Early Spring Meltdown
Well, with more people posting on FB now there are a few posts where people are melting down.

Reminded me of the meltdowns that used to happen here.

Luv2fish 02-14-2019 09:56 PM

Haven't been here in a while, what is FB

TidewateR 02-15-2019 09:09 AM

At first I thought this thread was going to be about high river water!

What FB thread are you referring to?

DaPointIsDaBomb 02-15-2019 10:05 AM

You guys need to join the foremost group on FB and get our migration back again. People hotcropping up north are keeping our rightful birds from migrating south. Join us in the fight to bring back the duckbeat to Louisiana and put an end to flooding crops and ice eaters and short stopping OUR ducks!

Xpress21 02-15-2019 10:54 AM

There’s been flooded corn in Missouri for a 100 years. Juvenile bird population is down in the ballpark of 60% over the past 6-8 years. Couple that with fields holding so much rain water along the fly way is why we had so few birds this past season. There was thousands of new places holding water this winter. And I can tell you for a fact when it comes to the juvenile bird population for this season, it’s down again. Predators or the real issue with our duck hunting in South La. But we’re working on it....

Natural Light Kid 02-15-2019 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Xpress21 (Post 846890)
There?s been flooded corn in Missouri for a 100 years. Juvenile bird population is down in the ballpark of 60% over the past 6-8 years. Couple that with fields holding so much rain water along the fly way is why we had so few birds this past season. There was thousands of new places holding water this winter. And I can tell you for a fact when it comes to the juvenile bird population for this season, it?s down again. Predators or the real issue with our duck hunting in South La. But we?re working on it....

You?re with Delta?

Xpress21 02-15-2019 12:37 PM

Yes sir. And I’m not gonna get into any bashing of the other organizations. They all try to do good things for our duck hunters. And all play a key roll in the many aspects.

wishin i was fishin 02-15-2019 12:41 PM

FB = Facebook...

Natural Light Kid 02-16-2019 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Xpress21 (Post 846892)
Yes sir. And I?m not gonna get into any bashing of the other organizations. They all try to do good things for our duck hunters. And all play a key roll in the many aspects.

Gotcha. Just confirming.

ckinchen 03-16-2019 11:01 PM

GMO corn. Heard a from a few people that believe gmo corn is hurting reproduction

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