And that was part of the 15limit deal ,give big lake the title of Trophy lake |
No, you are not the first one that has "talked" about "it". You might be the first one that has posted a campaign on the interweb. I can tell you right now that it's gonna take more than Salty Cajun to get it overturned. If those guys really cared what you thought....they'd have invited you to the meeting. :smokin: |
1. There was no scientific basis to change the limit from 25 to 15. 2. The Calcasieu estuary would be more likely to produce more large trout if the limit were changed back from 15 to 25. In support of part 1 (no scientific basis for limit change to 15), it has been pointed out in W's thread that: 1A. The original rule change was motivated by political rather than scientific factors. 1B. LDWF biologists openly stated that there was no biological need for the rule change. 1C. An LSU PhD Thesis states: Stock assessments periodically conducted by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF), the agency that assesses, manages, and protects the state’s fisheries resources, suggest that Louisiana’s spotted seatrout population is abundant, in good health, and not overfished (LDWF 1997; Blanchet et al. 2001). Indeed, fishing regulations for the recreational sector have remained unchanged since 1988, except for the recent (2006) implementation of more stringent creel and size limits in the southwestern portion of the state (Cameron and Calcasieu parishes), which was largely due to socio-economic factors rather than compromised productivity of the stock. See: http://etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/et...lihan_diss.pdf I think there were even more facts brought out into the discussion in support for W's theory. But the most telling thing (in my opinion) is that with such a long discussion, no one really brought anything approaching a scientific argument to the table in support of the limit change to 15. I am also underwhelmed with a state agency refuses to share it's data, especially if the data are likely to support the theory that a rule change occurred at the same time as a sharp decline in the fishery. |
Im not saying I can turn the limits around..but I can get proof.... And SPR #s are FACTs... |
In support of part 2 of W's theory (a limit change back to 25 would produce more bigger trout), it has been pointed out in W's thread that:
2A. An angler who fishes the estuary over 100 days a year is seeing far fewer large trout than before the limit change. 2B. The tournaments since the limit change in 2006 are recording far fewer of the largest trout than the tournaments before 2006. 2C. The available data suggest that while the trout in the Calcasieu estuary were fatter than the Louisiana average before 2006, the trout are thinner than the Louisiana average after 2006. This suggests an overabundance of trout relative to their food sources after the limit change. It is well known in fisheries science that reducing a population of fish relative to their food sources will probably produce faster growth and larger fish. There were probably additional facts that I am not remembering right now, but the totality of the facts are rather compelling, though not definitive. |
The acceptable minimum limit for trout SPR in Louisiana is 18. That means that Louisiana’s fishery could remain healthy with 18 percent of spawning-age trout compared to an unfished stock.
Last check Big Lake was 18 SPR |
:beathorse::beathorse::beathorse::beathorse::shaki ng::beathorse::beathorse::beathorse::beathorse::be athorse::beathorse::beathorse::beathorse::beathors e::shaking:
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
If you have a river flowing through your pond it would over populate a lot faster right?
Weird are the most pressured spot on the lake and fella had a 3 man limit in orange basket of 3-7brs
I feel the big girls are still in there but when u have running and gunning up and down all the banks reefs etc more than likely she ain't going for your hook I'll try the deep water channel soaking and post reports. I'm even thinking about making my own channel reef outta cinder blocks busted up in 8-15 ft of water off the channel;) |
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