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noodle creek 05-29-2012 08:43 PM

Any offshore workers...
happen to work on hess, salsa, the auger, red hawk, magnolia or any other rigs in that general area? If so, have you been seeing any tuna or marlin around and what time of day? Gonna be out there thurs-sun, just wondering if anything has been going on. Thanks. Oh and any good rips?

jdm4x43732 05-29-2012 09:52 PM

Not in that area sorry.

"W" 05-29-2012 10:10 PM

Kade Shaw will be at work tomorrow he might have a tip.

SaltyShaw 05-29-2012 10:12 PM

I'll let you know tomorrow when I get out there we usually have alot of tuna hangin out but we are in the VK block

noodle creek 05-29-2012 10:23 PM

Alright cool thanks

meaux fishing 05-29-2012 11:32 PM

I know there is a bunch of tuna at Brutus. I just got a report from there a day or two ago. Thats probably too far east for you though

troutwhisperer 05-30-2012 12:08 AM

I work on gb260 just south of salsa saw Tuna last hitch and lots of grass. I'll let you know when I head out thursday

dveronie 05-30-2012 06:46 AM

I workin on green canyon-52 and we got lots of tuna blowing up and running right at sunset and throughout the night

calcutta37 05-30-2012 09:28 AM

I'm about a mile from auger and will be there today

calcutta37 05-30-2012 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by calcutta37 (Post 439695)
I'm about a mile from auger and will be there today

Forgot to say I'm on the Jim Thompson. Chopper leaving at 1:30 I'll ask if they have been seeing any action.

noodle creek 05-30-2012 08:32 PM

Cool deal thanks everyone.

calcutta37 05-30-2012 08:38 PM

The guys said they have been seeing some action but its been pretty calm today the wind is blowing and i haven't seen anything worth talking about. One thing is on the chopper ride out here today there was a lot of broken up patches of grass everywhere. Tomorrow i will give you another update..

"W" 05-30-2012 09:02 PM

I'm deep Grand Isle field tonight and lots of grass lines and grass beds while flying around today....saw about 4 boats fishing grass beds

latravcha 05-30-2012 09:45 PM

I was on auger last Thursday and Friday. Lots of grass in the area several large mats. Several tuna were feeding right about dark. One of the mats of grass that passed by had several large bull nose feeding around it. Also had sever large rays hanging around.
When do you plan on making the run. I will be out there for a few days next week also

noodle creek 05-30-2012 10:14 PM

latravcha, we will probably be close to auger and jim thompson around fri night. thanks calcutta. is ocean monarch still around there too? we'll be in a light yellow viking if you happen to look around. hopefully the grass won't be too bad to troll but thats what it's sounding like

calcutta37 05-31-2012 05:35 AM

don't know about the ocean monarch. The grass comes and goes so if y'all pick spots out of the grass then trolling should not be a prob..

latravcha 05-31-2012 09:15 PM

Only one out there now is the Jim Thompson

calcutta37 06-01-2012 02:06 PM

Just watched these guys catch a blackfin its a little windy with a chop on the water hope it gets calm for these guys tonight..

southern hunter 06-07-2012 05:53 PM

How did you guys end up doing?

noodle creek 06-07-2012 06:23 PM

7 yellowfin and a few blackfin, about a 35 pound dolphin, a wahoo, lost a big wahoo, 16 grouper, limit of red snapper and 4 queen snapper. oo much scattered grass to do much trolling. Also caught 2 sharks that were about 10ft long but don't have a clue what kind they were and an amberjack pushin 100 pounds on the bottom in 700 feet of water while grouper fishing.

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