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DUCKGOGETTER 01-11-2013 03:42 PM

Stupid things you've told your wife
I saw this on 2cool and thought it was pretty funny so let's hear them i'll start, but boy there's been many of stupid things come out my mouth. You see my brain really doesn't have a filter and when alcohol is involved i really get the runs of the mouth.

One day at my brother-n-laws after we got back from fishing and we've done had a few cool pops we were having a get together at his house. Well my wife and 21yr old sister-n-law are talking and my wife said i really want some implants. She said babe buy me some implants and my sister-n-law says while you're at it buy me some too. Well without thinking i said i'll buy them if i can try them, and the fireworks began.

"W" 01-11-2013 03:47 PM

Pics of Sister N law???

DUCKGOGETTER 01-11-2013 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by "w" (Post 537095)
pics of sister n law???

won't do that due to all the nasty comments that would be made. Trust me

weedeater 01-11-2013 03:53 PM

I seen this on there the other day and my favorite was saying "I Do"....haha

DUCKGOGETTER 01-11-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by weedeater (Post 537104)
i seen this on there the other day and my favorite was saying "i do"....haha

yeah that was good

DUCKGOGETTER 01-11-2013 03:55 PM

Come on guys i can't be the only ****head of a husband out there

rustyb 01-11-2013 03:57 PM

"Thats the way your sister likes it too"!

Jordan 01-11-2013 04:03 PM

"your voice really is annoying me"------Said that last night to my girlfriend.... in my defense-- she has pneumonia and her voice is really squeaky---it was annoying !!

southern151 01-11-2013 04:04 PM

The list of stupid crap I've said to my wife would burn up a 100 gig hard drive!

Finfeatherfur 01-11-2013 04:09 PM

Not really the same thing, but close!

My sis-in-law is really coming out of her shell following her divorce. At a Sunday lunch not long ago, I stopped by to eat while on duty. My wife, her mom, and the 78 y/o grandmaw were in the kitchen. My sis-n-law makes the comment "did you taze anyone today". Well, not thinking, I pulled my Tazer, removed the dart pack, and gave her a glancing blow on the hip that lasted all of about 0.5 seconds. The point of impact was right above her back pocket and w/o warning - the loudest "F" bomb ever spoken in my mother n law's house was let out in front of everyone!!! Even the kids were like "Holy crap"!!!!

To make it worse, a few minutes later she dropped her pants in front of everyone to show us the marks from the Tazer. Apparently, when the drive stun made contact, a rivet from her jean was in the middle of the pattern. To this day, her grandmother and mom both look at me with evil eyes when I walk in the door in uniform.

Big Flounder 01-11-2013 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by southern151 (Post 537112)
The list of stupid crap I've said to my wife would burn up a 100 gig hard drive!

Lol! I'm in the same boat as you! If I gave my wife this keyboard it would be smoking! I'm trying to think of one of my better ones.

Finfeatherfur 01-11-2013 04:11 PM

There was also the time I shot my wife in the azz with a BB gun - think Goldenrod was there! Trust me fellas, don't ever do that!!!!

Red Devil 01-11-2013 04:23 PM

I've said lots of stupid things, but the one that really hit her godd was " quit being a beotch"

southern151 01-11-2013 04:24 PM

Recently, when I replaced the dishwasher, I told her that the next one...

Oh, even better, the joke about coming in drunk at 2 am, slapping her on the arse and, saying, "You're next big-un" really does start a fight!

Oh yeah, we got into a pretty heated argument a while back...I did the typical say some stupid **** that you know you shouldn't...Well, a couple of days later, she came back and said, "Have you noticed that I haven't been talking to you?!" The funniest thing I could think of and, apparently, the worst thing I could have said was, "Have you noticed that I haven't given a %#*# ?!" Let me testify now, before you all, she made up for those 2 days of silent treatment in 2 minutes! I'm not saying she stopped screaming obsenities at me in two minutes but, she made up for lost time!

There's plenty more but, I have to pay that vulture that sells insurance here so, I gotta go for now!

Red Devil 01-11-2013 04:32 PM

She begged and begged for that Zumba fitness video and used it about six times. After about three months of it sitting on the shelf and knowing full well that I have paid attention for her not using it, I slapped her on the behind one day and said "I see that Zumba dance I spent 100 bucks on is paying off." You could of cut diamonds with those eyes after that.

BIG-C 01-11-2013 04:35 PM

In front of friends i told her that it was time to trade my hen in for a chick,that did not sit well with her.

southern151 01-11-2013 04:40 PM

Had a big stack of cash in hand back when we moved the shop...About $6k in hundred dollar bills. When she saw me counting it, she inquired as to where it came from and how she had never seen it. I told her it came from work and that I had it hidden in places she would never think to look...The kitchen and the laundry room.

I had to give her a hundred just to shut her up after that dumb statement!

meaux fishing 01-11-2013 04:57 PM

Told an ex after she asked.. Yeah I've dated prettier girls than you.

Matt G 01-11-2013 05:13 PM

After a little fooling around I threw a rag at her and said, "Clean yourself off beotch. I'm threw with you."

Her and my SIL were eating a cookie they got in the mall one day and I sat there staring at them. When they said WHAT? I calmly told them that I could hear them getting fatter with each bite! Pissed the SIL off more than the wife.

Told her parents that she couldn't cook worth a crap, but it's ok because I married her for her abilities in the sack! Should have saw her dad's face!!

Trying to score one night and she kept pushing me off. I got out of bed and started geting dressed. She asked where I was going and I said out..... But remember, I asked you first!! It actually freaking worked!

These are some of the milder ones....... My wife is an angle for putting up with me.

southern151 01-11-2013 05:28 PM

LOL Matt! I told my f-i-l when he was down last here last time that I've just about got her trained on how to be a good woman...My m-i-l blew a cork and made them both leave for the evening!

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