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lil bubba 05-25-2014 03:03 PM

Show off your balls......
2 Attachment(s)
Somebody out there got to have some balls they proud of.....

alphaman 05-25-2014 09:17 PM


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duckman1911 05-26-2014 08:40 AM

You got some organic truck

Bluechip 05-26-2014 09:17 AM

Nice set...

Matt G 05-26-2014 10:36 AM

Very nice! My zucchini made 2 last week, but they rotted so I picked them off while they were still little. I noticed yesterday I have 2 more coming on strong. My squash are just vining like crazy, but no flowers or anything yet. Same thing with my eggplant. I'm starting to worry about them. My roma tomatoes are starting to make a few as are my cherries. The celebrity is getting big, but no tomatoes yet.

lil bubba 05-26-2014 10:50 AM

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My squash had only that one and another and it looks like a jungle. Thats only 2 plants. Got a lot in there rotting off. Egg plant finally starting to set a few. Oh well we just have to eat tomato's and cukes.......

Gerald 05-26-2014 12:17 PM

If your fruit is rotten off, it could be due to lack of bees to pollinate the flowers.

You could break off one of the male flowers [they are more pointed than the female flowers] and shake it over the female flowers.

Cappy 05-26-2014 01:27 PM

2 Attachment(s)
My big red balls are yummy, and the only way to tell if they are ready is to fondle them. If they feel soft bite them but make sure ya lean forwards or they will drip their sweet sticky juice on the front of your shirt.Attachment 67682

Attachment 67683

duckman1911 05-26-2014 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cappy (Post 692524)
My big red balls are yummy, and the only way to tell if they are ready is to fondle them. If they feel soft bite them but make sure ya lean forwards or they will drip their sweet sticky juice on the front of your shirt.Attachment 67682

Attachment 67683

No hidden meanings there at all hey Cap?:rotfl::grinpimp:

lil bubba 05-26-2014 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gerald (Post 692511)
If your fruit is rotten off, it could be due to lack of bees to pollinate the flowers.

You could break off one of the male flowers [they are more pointed than the female flowers] and shake it over the female flowers.

Well i went and break off a couple that had no fruit and had a party with the ones that did so i'll see. Also had a rub fest with the eggplant. Had 2 tomato's in containers early for the fun of it and used a cotton swab on them and that was the best i ever had container grown tomato's. Time will tell, be nice if we get some rain. Cappy what kind of plums them is you having fun with ? I think one of those would be a nice addition to my yard.

Cappy 05-27-2014 06:07 PM

They aint Plums buba, yum-yums are a nectarine variety and very peachy in nature. Peaches don't do good here deep south, but these yum yums are going great and our lil 3 year old tree was loaded this year. Picking them is tricky we go out several times a day and fondle them. if ya feel the fruit give to a soft pinch give it a twist and it falls right off. if they still hard they are good but no where near as sweet.

Cappy 05-28-2014 07:57 AM

Well the yum yum tree is really catching hell right now:cry: The wind is gusting rain pelting and it is swaying dangerously. I am afraid it may split and break. Hope it makes it. This is the first year we really got a bunch to enjoy I sure hope it aint the last.

lil bubba 05-28-2014 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cappy (Post 693196)
Well the yum yum tree is really catching hell right now:cry: The wind is gusting rain pelting and it is swaying dangerously. I am afraid it may split and break. Hope it makes it. This is the first year we really got a bunch to enjoy I sure hope it aint the last.

Man its disgusting when something finally comes in then its lost. Good luck. I'm rite down the road from ya'll and we on the edge rite now. I'm hope'n my top heavy tomato's don't topple. Just saw on news the powerline poles down by marathon area.

Chip Landry 06-01-2014 09:31 PM

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My dad's nectarine tree is loaded and is catching hell with the weather the past few days..

Cappy 06-01-2014 10:39 PM

The rain and strong wind leaned our lil tree over some and gave it hell too. We got most of our fruit in and passed alot out to our country folk trading network. In return for our grocery bag fruit gifts we got back red fish, speckled trout, cat fish , a sack of onions, and a pack of home smoked turkey necks. We kept enough to make a glorious pie and hot with a scoop of ice cream on top it was wellll yum yum :-D The few remaining fruit got attacked by small fly like bugs and love bugs of all things. Ask ya Dad for me if he sprays and what and when if ya dont mind. We had like 10 lbs spoil and rot bug infested in the rain.

Bad Boy 06-02-2014 07:31 AM

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Heres Mine.

red robin 06-02-2014 10:21 AM

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Been picking two or three for about a week now.

red robin 06-02-2014 10:25 AM

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they fixing to ripening big time.

lil bubba 06-02-2014 11:06 AM

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You rite red robin. I was picking 6 to 8 on 12 plants and day before yesterday only 1. I must have been sleepwalk'n cause this what i hauled in today......One thing with the late cool weather I have'nt had any blight yet....

red robin 06-02-2014 11:19 AM

you're right ,no bugs,last yr. I had big prob. with leaf miners,so far none.

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