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jchief 05-23-2010 09:24 PM

Going to have an injection in the morning in my lumbar, lower back, Have had several in my neck and hope this helps the burning in my legs. Don't know why, but this one has me worried. Oh well. Hope to get some relief so I can get back to some fishing.

Anyone had this before and if so any relief?

fishinpox 05-23-2010 09:31 PM

good luck man !!! holler at salty

Salty 05-23-2010 09:33 PM

Sometimes they work well and sometimes they don't. I got an epidural back in March and it's held up good so far. The couple before that sucked, tho. Good luck with yours.

Big Flounder 05-23-2010 09:34 PM

I have a herniated disc in my back and I get steroid injections when it really starts getting bad which is about twice a year. Trust me when it gets to hurting that bad you don't even feel the pain of the shots and it is instant relief. I feel like I am a teenager again!

hankscke123 05-24-2010 04:28 AM

well i fell 30 foot in 95 from a tree stand and couldnt move legs for hours.come to find out i broke my back between t-11 t12 but didnt know.i would fight back pain and back going out couple times a year.last year back went out for good one month no go said i needed surgery.the did a gel/injection it took two but one year and going strong.who is your dr.mine is from im not the man i use to be but im learning each day what i can do.if you get to feeling better and ever need someone for a trip your boat or mine pm.

Ray 05-24-2010 07:49 AM

The doctors in Lake Charles couldn't help me, but I found one in Houston that gave me injections for 5 or 6 years. Worked for 2 to 3 months at a time, then the disk ruptured. Had to have surgery after that.
If you want the Dr.'s name, let me know. He did several different minor things to help out over the years.
I had some nerves ablated and had some kind of shocking maching installed internally and then the shots. All worked well for a certain amount of time, but none of them could work for a long long time.
My problems started in 1992 and lasted until the surgery in 2009.

Is it October YET? 05-24-2010 01:20 PM

I have had 14 shots from epidurals to facet injects to spinal blocks all in the last 3 years. I never got one minute of relief from any of them. I will be getting a discogram on the 14th and will be getting an XLIF fusion in the next few months. It is supposed to be only 14 day recovery and it is my last resort. Good luck and I hope that you get better soon.

whunter29 05-24-2010 04:32 PM

I had the steroid injections in my back and they worked for a month the first time and then two weeks and then I said the hell with it a had lumbar fusion of L3 and 4. Good luck man I know what you are going threw and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When your legs start feeling like they are sleeping and when your toes burn life sucks.

jchief 05-24-2010 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by whunter29 (Post 156156)
I had the steroid injections in my back and they worked for a month the first time and then two weeks and then I said the hell with it a had lumbar fusion of L3 and 4. Good luck man I know what you are going threw and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When your legs start feeling like they are sleeping and when your toes burn life sucks.

Unfortunately am getting there quick. Some numbness in toes now. The freaking burning in the thigh keeps me up at night.

Have experience with the injections. I have had for neck fusions. Tried the epidurals for this both pre and post surgeries with very limited relief.

Praying I get some relief with the lumbar injections. Trying to target the thigh issue right now. Had one about a month ago for the pain and it has given me limited relief.

thanks for all the info/suggestions.

By the way, the neuro I am seeing is Dr. Wolf in LC. He is the only one I would let cut on me here.

Salty 05-24-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by whunter29 (Post 156156)
I had the steroid injections in my back and they worked for a month the first time and then two weeks and then I said the hell with it a had lumbar fusion of L3 and 4. Good luck man I know what you are going threw and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When your legs start feeling like they are sleeping and when your toes burn life sucks.

Yep, I can tell from that description that you've been there.

whunter29 05-24-2010 06:05 PM

Yeah I left out the pain in the thigh which for me was right about where you put your wallet in your back pocket. Just don't take the pain killers unless you absolutely have no choice. I have a number of friends who have gotten addicted to them. I was on hydrocodone and oxycodone at the same time at night to sleep. Also stay away from alchol while taking the pain meds are you will be on cloud nine quickly as I learned from one 24 ounce beer and a painkiller. I asked my gf at the time what in the world is going on and she reminded me that I had taken a pain pill about an hour before drinking that beer. If you need any advice let me know as I have been threw it all. Thank god I found a wonderful doctor in Dr. Louis Blanda in Lafayette. I have no pain on most days now and just a little when the weather changes. A word of advice is to not let it go on to long or the nerve damage could become permanent.

jchief 05-24-2010 07:17 PM

Unforunately with the neck issues I have been on pain meds for about 4 years. good days are one pill and bad are four.

I have permenant spinal cord damage at C 5-7 for waiting too long for my first surgery and the doc in Houston told the wife I was very fortunate I was not in a wheel chair.

Amazing how many people have these issues when you start talking about them.

shellman 05-24-2010 07:23 PM

Good luck man...prayers sent....

hankscke123 05-24-2010 07:31 PM

Same here but my t-11 and 12 break does not go down but around to my scotum.imagine some one taking a pair of pliers and twisting.i also c-3 thru 6 l-3 l5 s-1 also messed up.the 35 foor fall i landed sitting.this caused the compression.i also have spinal requires me to sit when hurting use restroom and causes other male starting to learn my limitations like how long to fish.

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