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mrex 07-09-2012 05:30 PM

Capt Pauls waypoints?

Tried to send him a email but it came back.
Just purchased Vermillon bay way points and cannot figure out how
to get them off of SD card to HDS-5 (gen 2)

Think I have done everything correctly except load into the hds-5.

I updated to the lastest version with sd card, downloaded gdm-6,
exported to SD card. How do I upload to hds-5? Tried to read the book but I cannot find a load from data card selection?

Never mind I figured it out was on the wrong page

jchief 07-09-2012 05:55 PM

Not sure the same on Gen 2, but I just put them on and sd card put it in the unit, scrolled to files, highlighted the file, pushed menu and it asked if I wanted to download them.

May try downloading easygps or garmin basecamp importing them to the program and then send them to the sd card after you select your unit from the program

SaltyShaw 07-09-2012 06:00 PM

search how tos on youtube it will walk you through step by step on how to load an SD card on the HDS series
Good luck lol i know your frustration, i have been down that road hahaha and then i found youtube videos and it made it a breeze!

Tonka337 07-10-2012 03:51 PM

I went through the same thing a few weeks ago. I phoned up Lowrance and they were great. Walked me through step by step instructions. It was really simple with the right instructions. It was similar to what jcheif said. Use your pages carousel to get to utilities then highlight your SD card> press enter. Then pick your SD card files and I believe it asks you if you want to import or export. Sorry for the shotty memory. I wrote down the notes, if I can find them I will PM you with them. Good luck. What an awesome unit. Now all you need is a navionics chip!

PaulMyers 07-10-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tonka337 (Post 460095)
I went through the same thing a few weeks ago. I phoned up Lowrance and they were great. Walked me through step by step instructions. It was really simple with the right instructions. It was similar to what jcheif said. Use your pages carousel to get to utilities then highlight your SD card> press enter. Then pick your SD card files and I believe it asks you if you want to import or export. Sorry for the shotty memory. I wrote down the notes, if I can find them I will PM you with them. Good luck. What an awesome unit. Now all you need is a navionics chip!

Don't just pm the OP the instructions, post them up for all of us.

Tonka337 07-10-2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by SaltyShaw (Post 459462)

search how tos on youtube it will walk you through step by step on how to load an SD card on the HDS series
Good luck lol i know your frustration, i have been down that road hahaha and then i found youtube videos and it made it a breeze!

Shaw, you're right. I found lots of youtube videos on the Lowrance HDS system, and best of all it's free. Though, I ordered some instructional videos from Dr Sonar. I have to admit, what I've seen so far is very useful. He has videos for the HDS system along with additional videos on structure scan. I'm learning more and more about this system every day.

I would recommend Dr Sonar to anyone. I can't wait to dive into the structure scan videos.

Likeuhboss 07-10-2012 04:31 PM

How are the cpt Paul waypoints? Would they be very helpful for a newbie on the lake?

jchief 07-10-2012 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Likeuhboss (Post 460127)
How are the cpt Paul waypoints? Would they be very helpful for a newbie on the lake?

For the price, I think they were worth it.

meaux fishing 07-10-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by jchief (Post 460252)
For the price, I think they were worth it.

I agree but all the points in the world won't substitute for time learning the patterns on any particular body of water

jchief 07-10-2012 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by meaux fishing (Post 460265)
I agree but all the points in the world won't substitute for time learning the patterns on any particular body of water

Most definately

Likeuhboss 07-10-2012 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by meaux fishing (Post 460265)
I agree but all the points in the world won't substitute for time learning the patterns on any particular body of water

Right. But it's a good starting point, right?

jchief 07-10-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Likeuhboss (Post 460283)
Right. But it's a good starting point, right?

I would say yes, but just a starting point

mrex 07-13-2012 04:17 PM

I got all the waypoints loaded using the Lowrance program and the USR.files. However waypoint data loaded but none of the decription like names of reef.
Just downloaded the easy gps program
it uses a different set of files (GPX) If I redo it using the gpx will it download the description of the way points. The first way left everything blank but it did put the waypoints in. If I load the second file does it erase the first ones or do I need to erase before I try and load it again? Thanks for the help

latravcha 07-13-2012 04:32 PM

If you download another card it will put the additional coordinates in. That is how it worked with the LMS system anyway. I have not uploaded anything to my HDS yet because I can't find the files on my computer.

BTW Captin Paul was having some health issues a while back. I don't know if he has gotten better or not.

jchief 07-13-2012 07:54 PM

You need to delete all of the ones on your GPS or you will have duplicates.

mrex 07-14-2012 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by jchief (Post 462178)
You need to delete all of the ones on your GPS or you will have duplicates.

Do not need them all on there twice but I would like to have the description loaded too. Printed the pdf file it was like 4 pages.
No way would be able to keep up with those in the boat.

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