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Capt. Marty LaCoste 12-30-2012 10:34 PM

Windy Day Trout 12-29-12
Day 2 with Roy Buchlers crew out of The Reel Inn Lodge. Well after a incredible steak dinner from Chef Shawn and a few cocktails everyone hit the sack. We woke up to 25 mph winds and cold temps. No stopping the A Team as we were on the water ready. It Didn't take long before we had the yellow mouths hitting the Yeti. Solid fish up to 20 inches today. TTF KFM's in East Beast, and Matrix Shad Tiger baits tight lined slowly did all the damage today, as the fish have not been taking the swim baits the past couple weeks. Good times had by all and the crew is going home with a 150qt cooler full of fillets. Big thanks to Capt's Travis Miller & Chris Venable for running the two other boats making the trip a huge success in such adverse conditions! Thanks again Roy for setting everything up and to chef Shawn for all the incredible food.
First class lodging and Charter fishing, give me a call for your next trip.

Capt. Marty LaCoste

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