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Capt. Marty LaCoste 07-10-2014 04:49 PM

Beat The Heat Trout Slam

I had the Camp Greasy Prop/Whitley Jo Specialty crew back onboard the Big Bluewave for one of their annual night trips. Blake Foley, Chad Viator, Josh "Ace" Hebert, and Aaron Stanfield got to experience the best trout trip if their lives!! We had the ice broken before the sun went down!! Double rigged Matrix Shad in Shrimp Creole and green hornet worked best, with a steady retrieve. Solid trout up to 20 inches. Good times with plenty laughs, the guys were a blast to fish with. Sure felt good to load the K2 while beating the heat. Big thanks to Toby Rich for the continued business.

Give me a call if you would like to beat the heat, over 20 yrs running night trips.

Capt. Marty LaCoste

ronniem 07-10-2014 07:11 PM

nice load of fish!! Will be trying out some night time fishing tomorrow night

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