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"W" 01-31-2013 05:50 PM

Obama shutting Air support on the South

CajunSaint 01-31-2013 08:53 PM

He ain't that fing STUPID!! Or is he?????

Montauk17 01-31-2013 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by CajunSaint (Post 543623)
He ain't that fing STUPID!! Or is he?????

I think he proved that already

CajunSaint 01-31-2013 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 543629)
I think he proved that already

Yea u rite:help::help:

"W" 01-31-2013 11:48 PM

Watch the video

CajunSaint 01-31-2013 11:49 PM

Saw it...

Montauk17 01-31-2013 11:59 PM

I been reading into obamas america hating schemes way before all this went down. All the "crazy" people making predictions were dead on. That being said there really is not a damn thing we can do about it. I suggest you make your peace with god and hunt and fish as much as possible! History repeats itself and I think we are about to be in for one hell of a wicked ride.

"W" 02-01-2013 12:10 AM

Obama wants all Military Leaders to swear they would fire upon Americans if they had too.

Obama wants our own Army to kill on American soil

The Government is buying 750000 rounds of ammo as we speech , the Military is being built and Governed to fight on American soil

Civil War is not far from us!

Montauk17 02-01-2013 12:22 AM

Lets not forget one big thing here....everyone talks about obama. He is not that damn powerful,the whole system is corrupt. It all makes sense for them to shut down the radars in texas cause they know southern people will not hand over their gun rights to a corrupt government or anyone for that matter.

CajunSaint 02-01-2013 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by "W" (Post 543740)
Obama wants all Military Leaders to swear they would fire upon Americans if they had too.

Obama wants our own Army to kill on American soil

The Government is buying 750000 rounds of ammo as we speech , the Military is being built and Governed to fight on American soil

Civil War is not far from us!

It's about to come to that!!!!
I'm armed, maybe not enough????

CajunSaint 02-01-2013 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Montauk17 (Post 543743)
Lets not forget one big thing here....everyone talks about obama. He is not that damn powerful,the whole system is corrupt. It all makes sense for them to shut down the radars in texas cause they know southern people will not hand over their gun rights to a corrupt government or anyone for that matter.

Preaching to the quire my man!!

CajunSaint 02-01-2013 12:29 AM

For all the spelling p!ricks I know!!

meaux fishing 02-01-2013 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by CajunSaint (Post 543748)
For all the spelling p!ricks I know!!


Micah 02-01-2013 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by CajunSaint (Post 543748)
For all the spelling p!ricks I know!!


Dink 02-01-2013 12:39 AM

Folks make fun of me for being a prepper.....I say better to be prepared.....

Montauk17 02-01-2013 01:07 AM

I hate to say it but no matter how much you prepare you will be no if your name is Ted Nugent you may have a shot.

LPfishnTIM 02-01-2013 01:20 AM

all this stuff makes me stop and think, stop living in fear and put your faith in God, nothing else matters. He is my provider, my help in time of need, no good thing does he withhold from those who serve him. my trust isn't in my own ability, because on my own I'm nothing. but while I'm trusting in God, its hard to not get caught up in the cares of the world, I hate to stand by and watch what this corrupt government is doing against its own citizens. Our rights have been infringed on ever since 9/11 when we allowed the usa patriot act of 2001 to come about for "public safety". We have slowly allowed this slow degrading of our rights to happen by not standing up and being passive. People's fear of the unknown has let this happen, and I'm tired that every time something happens a law or something to "prevent" something else, comes and takes away even more of our rights.

Goooh 02-01-2013 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by LPfishnTIM (Post 543757)
all this stuff makes me stop and think, stop living in fear and put your faith in God, nothing else matters. He is my provider, my help in time of need, no good thing does he withhold from those who serve him. my trust isn't in my own ability, because on my own I'm nothing. but while I'm trusting in God, its hard to not get caught up in the cares of the world, I hate to stand by and watch what this corrupt government is doing against its own citizens. Our rights have been infringed on ever since 9/11 when we allowed the usa patriot act of 2001 to come about for "public safety". We have slowly allowed this slow degrading of our rights to happen by not standing up and being passive. People's fear of the unknown has let this happen, and I'm tired that every time something happens a law or something to "prevent" something else, comes and takes away even more of our rights.


Plus, when it comes to guns everyone gets all rowdy and talks a real big game because IMO it's easy to fight it because taking them would require face to face encounter of some sort.

But what about our money? They been stealing that right out from under us for as long as we can all remember, and are doin it even more now then ever! 50 million abortions that WE paid for! Welfare has doubled in 4 years! Illegals breaking in, getting shot by homeowners And WE airlift then to save their life on OUR dollar, then let them walk out of the hospital.

Guns will always be around an always be available, our money being taken is the biggest fight and nobody fights it, the battle is already over. Both parties have brought us to this point.

They've inculcated a culture change, the honest, law abiding, working man is now the enemy in the eyes of the majority of folks that vote - and these people (voters AND politicians are payed by US. Genius scheme, they aren't stupid...

simplepeddler 02-01-2013 09:42 AM

I agree with most of this.......In particular the words of my buddy LPfishinTim...

But rest assured, if you have the attitude of "out my dead hands" with your guns, then you may want to read up on Waco.

Not sure I have a remedy or answer, but the MSM will use the idea of "fighting" as showing us as wackos and unreasonable....Hell, look at what they are doing to the tea party and there still has been no tea thrown in the Ponchatrain.

At some point in time, we have to turn them against themselves.....likely by pointing out to Obama loyalist that they are now paying MORE in taxes, even though thier chosen one swore they would not.

Look at what is happening to the unions today.......THEY will be paying MORE for health care, while lower paid folks will be getting CREDITS!

The money CANNOT come from just those that make over 250K a year, there is not enough people that make that to take that.

If you are out there making wild *** unprovable claims (even if true) Like "OBAMA wants military leaders to swear they would fire on Americans" then you are going to be treated as unreasonable. Unreasonable people get treated unreasonably.

Again, I am not sure of the remedy, but .......just acting like a one tooted redneck will get us treated like one toothed red neck (said with apologies to all my one toothed red necked cousins and friends)

ironworker 02-01-2013 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Goooh (Post 543770)

Plus, when it comes to guns everyone gets all rowdy and talks a real big game because IMO it's easy to fight it because taking them would require face to face encounter of some sort.

But what about our money? They been stealing that right out from under us for as long as we can all remember, and are doin it even more now then ever! 50 million abortions that WE paid for! Welfare has doubled in 4 years! Illegals breaking in, getting shot by homeowners And WE airlift then to save their life on OUR dollar, then let them walk out of the hospital.

Guns will always be around an always be available, our money being taken is the biggest fight and nobody fights it, the battle is already over. Both parties have brought us to this point.

They've inculcated a culture change, the honest, law abiding, working man is now the enemy in the eyes of the majority of folks that vote - and these people (voters AND politicians are payed by US. Genius scheme, they aren't stupid...

^^^^ yup

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