2012 Gulf Coast Delta Waterfowl Banquet
http://www.deltawaterfowl.org/images...anvasbacks.jpg Gulf Coast Chapter of Delta Waterfowl Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Burton Coliseum 7001 Gulf Highway Lake Charles, LA 70607 Doors Open 6:00 pm $250.00 Reserved Table of 6 $500.00 VIP Sponsor Table of 6 $50.00 Couples Ticket $40.00 Single Ticket For more information contact David Kestel at (337) 478-1511. |
Gonna be a great time guys, and supporting a great cause. We will have some great items to raffle off plus on the silent and live auctions.
I am getting a VIP table. I have bluechip, Paul Myers and meaux fishing that are already in. I will be leaving to go hunt in North Dakota the next morning and I cannot go so I have three more seats available first come first serve $80 each for the VIP table which includes an annual membership and they serve you.
x2!!! You going duck hunting? |
i can finally tell my wife that i know someone at up with the duck hunting more than me. Lol!!!!!! |
i love it!!! It's not just about the watching a duck fold from the blast from my shotgun. It's about the brushing of the blinds, the rigging decoys, the watching the sunrise with family and freinds, the calling and watching the birds work to the decoys and many more i don't have enough room to list. I love this sport and i am ate up with it. |
I love it. Its a way of life for me filled with tradition. Passed on through the generations. I still remember my pawpaw before he died at 92 years old we would bring the ducks by after a hunt just to let him see the birds. You could see in his face him re living all his years hunting. Now we clean ducks at my dads every weekend and he always has something cooking while we are waxing birds. And it's tradition the opener of every season that mornings kill gets cooked. It is in my blood and I couldn't live anywheres else.
Casey save me a seat ..please.
Can I get a YAHTZEE!!!!!!!!
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