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Deadly D 12-08-2013 11:21 AM

Ribbon Dog vrs Rock Dogs
Ok Raymond if you would like to run your dog against mine in the marsh I game. We can have a blind at 300 or 400 yrs. the blind will consist of cut grass, cattails and a thick patch of rozas. You will cast the dog from the dogplatform and let him go no whistles or hand signals after the cast. You will be able to see your dog for about 50 yrds and after that he is on his on. I will place a private substanal amount with you

speckdaddy 12-08-2013 11:24 AM

Boom lets rumble

lilrab1989 12-08-2013 11:28 AM

Let the party begin im ready to see this show down

Raymond 12-08-2013 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Deadly D (Post 649406)
Ok Raymond if you would like to run your dog against mine in the marsh I game. We can have a blind at 300 or 400 yrs. the blind will consist of cut grass, cattails and a thick patch of rozas. You will cast the dog from the dogplatform and let him go no whistles or hand signals after the cast. You will be able to see your dog for about 50 yrds and after that he is on his on. I will place a private substanal amount with you

Would love to but that's not a Blind its a SOB (stumble on blind). By definition a blind retrieve is one the dog did not see fall and is handled to by the handler generally in the straightest line possible. You can check my stats on and find that I'm not big into $2 ribbons. Quit years ago and have only played with Gun dogs for the past 13 yrs. my definition of rock dogs; not steady, break on either shot or safety going off, not force fetched and generally a PIA to be in a blind with. If that's not what you have then what's your issue? Do you not agree that hard charging dogs will almost always be the ones who get lost the most? I couldn't pull braquets dog off a cripple last year at 600yds with a 6 high continuous. Maybe you should come over and see for yourself how I build a dog, its about giving them the tools to get the job done.

"W" 12-08-2013 11:53 AM

hankscke123 12-08-2013 12:18 PM

well im stuck in the gulf since wed and suppose to be back wed so im ready for the ansews yall making miss my dog.

lilrab1989 12-08-2013 12:32 PM

It's hard to eat bumpers no matter how much you boil them they just don't get tender!!!!!!!

Raymond 12-08-2013 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by lilrab1989 (Post 649436)
It's hard to eat bumpers no matter how much you boil them they just don't get tender!!!!!!!

Use a pressure cooker and season with a little crab boil.;)

duckman1911 12-08-2013 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Raymond (Post 649440)
Use a pressure cooker and season with a little crab boil.;)

LMBO... that made my morning...:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

lilrab1989 12-08-2013 12:47 PM

U don't have to 4 grand in a dog to have a good dog u got all that money in a dog to pick up rubber dummy's really!!!!

hankscke123 12-08-2013 01:02 PM

yea lil rab seen tboys dog clyde we would half to stop on a gravel rd.before getting to blind to fill pockets with rocks but he work.

mallardhead 12-08-2013 01:25 PM

Ribbon dog or rock dog neither ones worth a crap in a bad grassy marsh if they dont have a good nose seen both fail terribly because their Cc nose wasnt worth a damn. And that a fact jack.

Spunt Drag 12-08-2013 01:33 PM

So what is y'all's definition of a "good dog"?

hankscke123 12-08-2013 01:41 PM

obedience first family dog and hunting partner and best friend

Deadly D 12-08-2013 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Raymond (Post 649424)
Would love to but that's not a Blind its a SOB (stumble on blind). By definition a blind retrieve is one the dog did not see fall and is handled to by the handler generally in the straightest line possible. You can check my stats on and find that I'm not big into $2 ribbons. Quit years ago and have only played with Gun dogs for the past 13 yrs. my definition of rock dogs; not steady, break on either shot or safety going off, not force fetched and generally a PIA to be in a blind with. If that's not what you have then what's your issue? Do you not agree that hard charging dogs will almost always be the ones who get lost the most? I couldn't pull braquets dog off a cripple last year at 600yds with a 6 high continuous. Maybe you should come over and see for yourself how I build a dog, its about giving them the tools to get the job done.

That's what I thought you have to have a robot dog to have a dog. I guess my dogs are rock dogs because neither is forced fetched but they pick up over 800 birds a year. I don't believe in having collars on the dog at all times you work them either. If you as the handler cant build a trust and relationship with your dog than you don't need to handle them. I cant run my dogs in the ribbon contest cause mine learn to pick up more than one duck on a pass, that's just hunting dogs. Now on the hard charging dogs that's what you trained and that is not good for hunting. Looks good in the field runs but not for rock dogs

Bdub 12-08-2013 02:05 PM

My dog was picked up from the pound, I did a little work with him but for the most part he just likes to hunt and its in his blood. Maybe he came from good blood who knows but I couldn't ask for a better dog all around. First time I brought him to the marsh he decided he would make his own blind...never even seen a duck before. I've heard plenty of bad about ribbon dogs and rock dogs...glad I've got a natural...and they all got bad habits just depends on how the owner reacts..

bgizzle 12-08-2013 02:18 PM

Mines no ribbon dog. But I don't have to throw rocks for it. Has great drive and a helluva nose. He had confidence issues before but now he is straight and loves to hunt. 4am every morn he ready to hunt even if we aren't going he lets me know he is sad we aren't, he whimpers a lil then realizes we aren't going and goes back to bed. Very obedient as well

"Go ahead, share your opinion! I won't cry"

Raymond 12-08-2013 02:23 PM

Nope, never said that. Said trained dogs are generally more pleasurable to be around and hunt with. See, you have never owned one but have a preconceived idea of what they are. Ask Braquet, Cajunforeman,Geraldtt,chicken, if they can tell a difference between what their thoughts are now versus before owning a trained dog. Anyone who says they don't want a trained dog is either lying or stupid. No different than saying you would hate to be rich, just a way to try and justify a shaky position; opinion not fact. You'll find more people who change their idea of trained dogs after owning one than those who say they'll go back to rocks.

Deadly D 12-08-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Raymond (Post 649478)
Nope, never said that. Said trained dogs are generally more pleasurable to be around and hunt with. See, you have never owned one but have a preconceived idea of what they are. Ask Braquet, Cajunforeman,Geraldtt,chicken, if they can tell a difference between what their thoughts are now versus before owning a trained dog. Anyone who says they don't want a trained dog is either lying or stupid. No different than saying you would hate to be rich, just a way to try and justify a shaky position; opinion not fact. You'll find more people who change their idea of trained dogs after owning one than those who say they'll go back to rocks.

See my dog is trained and it was trained by me. He cost me 600.00 when I bought him at 3 weeks old. He is very obedient and will do anything I ask of him. He is also one of my family laying in the utility room right now out the weather. You have always contradicted everyone on training there dog, that it has to be this way are you don't have nothing. Like force fetching that's bull to have to do it to dogs, now on some cases I understand. If you have to handle your dog the whole way on a blind don't come to our marsh unless you cant get him to go more than 50 yrds

Nickt87 12-08-2013 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Spunt Drag (Post 649461)
So what is y'all's definition of a "good dog"?

Mine? One that doesn't tear **** up all over the house, is happy to see me everyday when I get home, and enjoys the afternoon walk with me while I drink my beer. Having a Titled dog, that is a machine in the marsh and field that loves to hunt as much as she loves to lay on the couch turned out to be lagniappe!

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