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-   -   why was the "CCA STAR Tournament Big Trout West Leader" thread moved? (

keakar 10-04-2016 04:27 PM

why was the "CCA STAR Tournament Big Trout West Leader" thread moved?
as the title asks, why was the "CCA STAR Tournament Big Trout West Leader" thread moved?

this was a very popular and lively thread being discussed here on the forum and "by definition" this forum section is

"General Discussion (Everything Else) Discuss anything that doesn't belong in any other forums here."

and this thread fits that description to the letter

so why was it moved to the restricted access section of the forum?

you actually had new members joining the forum because of this thread yet you choose to bury it, why?

FREON 10-04-2016 04:28 PM

X2.....Inquiring, non gill net, minds want to know.

redaddiction 10-04-2016 04:32 PM

I was actually wondering why it wasn't removed a long time ago. I thought moderators were supposed to keep his kind of bashing, name calling, and overall bad taste off the boards.

ckinchen 10-04-2016 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by redaddiction (Post 808528)
I was actually wondering why it wasn't removed a long time ago. I thought moderators were supposed to keep his kind of bashing, name calling, and overall bad taste off the boards.

Agreed we let it go on long enough it is now in the gill net.

keakar 10-04-2016 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by redaddiction (Post 808528)
I was actually wondering why it wasn't removed a long time ago. I thought moderators were supposed to keep his kind of bashing, name calling, and overall bad taste off the boards.

that description of the content only applies if you automatically presume the claims of cheating were false and those claims, as we saw, seam to have been proven to be accurate.

if they wanted to remove the thread before such claims were proven accurate, then that would be fine on the grounds of it being "unproven allegations", but to move it to a restricted viewing area now, makes no sense and has no basis in reason based on the forum posting description.

it wasn't posted in the fishing section, it was posted in the appropriate general discussion section for threads such as that as mentioned above

Mr Bojangles 10-04-2016 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by keakar (Post 808531)
that description of the content only applies if you automatically presume the claims of cheating were false and those claims, as we saw, seam to have been proven to be accurate.

if they wanted to remove the thread before such claims were proven accurate, then that would be fine on the grounds of it being "unproven allegations", but to move it to a restricted viewing area now, makes no sense and has no basis in reason based on the forum posting description.

it wasn't posted in the fishing section, it was posted in the appropriate general discussion section for threads such as that as mentioned above

You will notice that he didn't deny the use of the delicious Jiffy corn muffin mix to enhance his weigh-ins. The Muffin Man was caught red handed.

lil bubba 10-04-2016 05:23 PM

Jiffy isn't really all that tasty but I guess if it all you can do it'll pass.......It really isn't all that hard to make a good corn bread ........

pricecb 10-04-2016 05:35 PM

Bra dont dis the Jiffy!

lil bubba 10-04-2016 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by pricecb (Post 808537)
bra dont dis the jiffy!

ha ha ha ha ha....................

lil bubba 10-04-2016 05:42 PM

Ate my share of jiffy .........Then I married a good cajun woman..........

Smalls 10-04-2016 06:39 PM

Heck, there are better options for PREPACKAGED cornbread. Jiffy is only good for peanut butter.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

keakar 10-04-2016 06:43 PM

if you cook a corn bread stuffed fish whole, do corn fritters pop out?

speck-addict 10-04-2016 07:10 PM

Well this sucks

ScubaLatt 10-04-2016 08:08 PM

just man up and pay the $50 to join and see everything your missing. This site doesn't pay for itself, you know.

keakar 10-04-2016 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by speck-addict (Post 808557)
Well this sucks

yep, definitely looks like someone trying to cover all this up now that he has been caught red handed cheating.

even the thread over at bayou bucks was taken down to prevent anyone from reading about it.

the cover up is always worse then the crime as they say

its a shame too, because he seams like a really good captain who has skill and can put his customers on big fish but for whatever reason cant resist cheating in order to win free stuff

DaPointIsDaBomb 10-04-2016 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by keakar (Post 808568)
yep, definitely looks like someone trying to cover all this up now that he has been caught red handed cheating.

even the thread over at bayou bucks was taken down to prevent anyone from reading about it.

the cover up is always worse then the crime as they say

its a shame too, because he seams like a really good captain who has skill and can put his customers on big fish but for whatever reason cant resist cheating in order to win free stuff

Where you caught that drum in your pic?

keakar 10-04-2016 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by DaPointIsDaBomb (Post 808569)
Where you caught that drum in your pic?

that was west delta 40 rigs, about 20 years ago though.

had a big jack crevelle on that trip too and thought I had something until I was told it was trash not worth cleaning, really disappointed me about that. never did get a picture of it because I dumped it on the side of the road for the crabs to eat

Gasper Master 10-04-2016 08:55 PM

whats the inside joke about the cornbread and redfish???

speck-addict 10-04-2016 08:56 PM

If anyone wants to start a new thread on the hull truth about it I think it would be fun to see haha

And also to the 50$ this site isn't worth the 50. maybe $0.05...maybe

DaPointIsDaBomb 10-04-2016 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by keakar (Post 808574)
that was west delta 40 rigs, about 20 years ago though.

had a big jack crevelle on that trip too and thought I had something until I was told it was trash not worth cleaning, really disappointed me about that. never did get a picture of it because I dumped it on the side of the road for the crabs to eat

Jack crevalle are down eating. Call them bay yellowfin. Most people don't know how to cook them

Were you ever on tv?

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