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Marshjugger 03-18-2013 11:31 AM

Starks ,LA
Anyone hunt in or around Starks la? I'm looking at leasing some property in that area an was wondering how the deer hunting was an if there are hogs around there!???

Any info would be appreciated! 10-4

bearwash87 03-18-2013 12:10 PM

Just hunt the Sabine island. I live in starks and I would rather hunt for free on the island. But I can give you some info for a lease on green island road. Pm me if you are interested.

Bluechip 03-18-2013 03:51 PM

I hunt a few miles east of Starks off of 12 and property borders Green Island Road... Deer hunting is hit and miss, especially after the first few weeks of the opener.....but the hogs are plentiful.

paublo25 03-18-2013 05:35 PM

I've hunted that area for two years, all I can say is that on our lease after the first few weeks I saw 3 does, 6pt, 8pt, and either a 11 or 13pt (couldn't get a good picture). Everything was caught on camera at night, and there was only one cow horn spike killed this year. I'm getting out b/c I would also rather hunt for free then pay to not see anything. We were surrounded by a large lease so I didn't see anything not even hogs. Not trying to discourage you just giving you my experience.

Hey Ted 03-18-2013 05:42 PM

Be sure and buy plenty locks and cameras to put on the cameras that you have on your cameras.

Top Dawg 03-18-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Hey Ted (Post 561311)
Be sure and buy plenty locks and cameras to put on the cameras that you have on your cameras.

Lol this!!! ^^^^

bearwash87 03-18-2013 07:04 PM

Island is hard hunting I'm not going to lie but the wildlife is more plentiful there than anywheres in the area I would say.

Duck Butter 03-18-2013 07:11 PM

Not to discourage you, but the company I work for owns a few hundred acres near Starks (Big Woods) and I am out there a good bit and I have never seen one living deer out there (hogs are a different story though) and not even any good sign I would consider hunting. The property is leased and the hunters kill very few deer but it would be gone by tomorrow if they decided not to lease it again. Why anyone would pay, awe nevermind :confused:
The surrounding areas are pine plantations and I notice that the people who lease in that area have certain areas they can hunt which is maybe 50 acres and every plot has a box stand, corn feeder, and food plot and all day long you would be staring at a bunch of pine trees, an occasional oilfield worker, and/or a tweaker checking on his/her meth lab:grinpimp:
There are roadrunners in the area which is pretty cool though:rotfl:

ETA: and X 1000000 on the thieves!

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