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Duck Butter 11-28-2011 12:52 PM

Question for you internet lawyers
To: My fellow Salty Cajuns

From: Ticked off in Youngsville

I sold my truck on October 1. The payoff was $X. The bank the buyer used paid that amount - $X. The title was mailed to that bank. Toyota sends me a letter saying the account was overpaid in the amount of $996.20 and a check was given to me in which I deposit. On November 18 (41 days later), I get a letter saying I OWE $1,007.97 to Toyota due to the amount of X + 996.70 (plus interest) that was erroneously posted to my account in error!

I calmly call customer service and speak with 10 different people and have to give each one of them my updated information, so about the time I get up the chain to a manager I am really perturbed. He says I owe them the money even though it is their fault and that in the future if someone gives me a check I should call about it before I cash it! I told him that when someone makes an error it should not take 41 days to process, but that is beyond the point.:(:cry:

My questions are:

Do I owe them the money for their error?


Should I call IronMan?

iron man 11-28-2011 12:55 PM


Bluechip 11-28-2011 12:58 PM

Yes, I would pay up but I would argue the intrest charges.

Duck Butter 11-28-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bluechip (Post 355698)
Yes, I would pay up but I would argue the intrest charges.

I refuse to pay the interest. I will stick it to em:grinpimp::(:pissed::cry:

I am so mad right now, I have not had this truck for nearly 2 months and I still have to make payments on the SOB! Told the manager person wife and I were about to sign the paperwork on a new Tundra and a new Highlander but we aren't now, but they didn't bite:redface:

Armand16 11-28-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bluechip (Post 355698)
Yes, I would pay up but I would argue the intrest charges.

x2.. i wouldnt pay a dime of interest fo rthe 41 day period it took them to notify you

Bluechip 11-28-2011 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Duck Butter (Post 355702)
I refuse to pay the interest. I will stick it to em:grinpimp::(:pissed::cry:

I am so mad right now, I have not had this truck for nearly 2 months and I still have to make payments on the SOB! Told the manager person wife and I were about to sign the paperwork on a new Tundra and a new Highlander but we aren't now, but they didn't bite:redface:

Yes, I agree....that really sucks..:(

Duck Butter 11-28-2011 01:05 PM

I picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue

youmyboyblue 11-28-2011 01:06 PM

Yes, you owe the principle amount. You had to have an idea what you owed on the truck so when you received the check it had to not make complete sense. Would not pay interest charges.

Duck Butter 11-28-2011 01:07 PM

My "thing" is that the title is NOT in my name, the lien has been released. I should have no more dealings with Toyota.

I do remember when I was in the military some soldiers got overpaid and Uncle Sam came back to get that money. They worked for free for a few months

Armand16 11-28-2011 01:17 PM

after you pay em off, mail them another check and charge them 33% interest from the mail date

kibb 11-28-2011 04:56 PM

^ :lol:

jdm4x43732 11-28-2011 05:00 PM

I'd tell them they will get it minus the intrest but I need to make installments to the tune of about 10 bucks a month, intrest free. If you don't care about your credit tell em to shove it.

PUREBAY2200 11-28-2011 05:12 PM

Pay the amount that the check was for. Tell them u got a lawyer and are willing to fight the interest charges.

I sold my ford last October. The dealer didn't pay my loan off the the old loan company till jan .... So I got hit with 3 months on non payment. Hit my credit score hard. But after calling, writing , calling more and finally getting a letter from the dealer explaining it was their error the old loan company contacted the credit score companies & got the 3 month late payment take off. But the actual score was not fixed...

So advice for everyone; stay ontop of that stuff when u trade vehicles!! Get the payoff in writing! Get all the info you can ASAP!

Best of luck to ya man!

LPfishnTIM 11-28-2011 07:35 PM

`I wouldn't pay interest on there error! I'd pay back the money they sent in error, I went to school with a girl who noticed 7K more in her bank account then what was suppose to be in it, she went out and spent it, had to get a loan to pay back bank

Raymond 11-28-2011 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by LPfishnTIM (Post 355937)
`I wouldn't pay interest on there error! I'd pay back the money they sent in error, I went to school with a girl who noticed 7K more in her bank account then what was suppose to be in it, she went out and spent it, had to get a loan to pay back bank

Bet she rode the short bus to school!

southern151 11-29-2011 09:28 AM

If you know you are paid more than you deserve, it's best to NOT spend the money. I've got one now from and insurance co. that I'm sure they'll be calling about. I ran the check because it took 2 months to get paid by them but, the excess is in the bank and waiting on them to call for it. I'll be glad to pay it back but, I will not pay any interest. The only reason I ran it in the first place was because of how long I figured it would take to get the correct one! They were SLOW!:pissed:

Duck Butter 11-29-2011 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by southern151 (Post 356109)
If you know you are paid more than you deserve, it's best to NOT spend the money. I've got one now from and insurance co. that I'm sure they'll be calling about. I ran the check because it took 2 months to get paid by them but, the excess is in the bank and waiting on them to call for it. I'll be glad to pay it back but, I will not pay any interest. The only reason I ran it in the first place was because of how long I figured it would take to get the correct one! They were SLOW!:pissed:

I paid a stripper twice the amount on accident and she refused to give me the money back, she did not deserve that money

evidrine 11-29-2011 10:28 AM

I got hit up with late fees once on my house note because the bank had been puting my payments in someone elses account. Crazy thing is that it was me who had to figure out what was going on and have them fix it. They took care of the late fees, but man that was a pain in the a**.

Ragin_Cajun 11-29-2011 10:32 AM


Duck Butter 11-29-2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by evidrine (Post 356163)
I got hit up with late fees once on my house note because the bank had been puting my payments in someone elses account. Crazy thing is that it was me who had to figure out what was going on and have them fix it. They took care of the late fees, but man that was a pain in the a**.

That is the problem, I will end up paying them but if it would not have been 41 days later I would have been a little less frustrated. Right at Christmas time too:redface:

Duck Butter 11-29-2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ragin_Cajun (Post 356171)

I should tell that story to Toyota.

I AM going to tell that story to Toyota:D

right before I pay them:(

Dink 11-29-2011 11:47 AM

Why are you still making payments on the truck? You traded it in and the dealership didn't pay it off??? I'd go after the dealership to pay this fee to the bank

Duck Butter 11-29-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dink (Post 356223)
Why are you still making payments on the truck? You traded it in and the dealership didn't pay it off??? I'd go after the dealership to pay this fee to the bank

Great question! Sold the vehicle on autotrader 40 + days ago. Guy paid the payoff amount to Toyota. Done deal so i thought, but whomever received the check and entered the amount into the computer added an extra $1000 (their fault). I get a check saying the payoff was overpaid, (yay me right?!). Payoffs change all the time with interest rates, etc. Didn't think twice, deposit the check, 41 days later get letter saying I owe that money back (plus interest:shaking:) due to an error on their part, they admit their error, I still owe the money apparently. Called my best friend attorney thinking I am in the right, unfortunately I am not, on top of all this my freezer went out = bad week:(

I will not be paying the interest on their behalf, that does not amount to much but it will make me feel better. I was just about to lay down some cash on a few things, but instead I will be paying for a truck I have not even ridden in in over a month and a half. I will be writing a letter to Toyota telling them of this experience. I do not want anyone to be fired, as mistakes happen all the time and in this economy jobs are pretty scarce, but this just flat sucks to pay for something I don't even own. It is about like paying installments on a lapdance you had 3 months ago, the thrill is gone

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