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Mediumheavyaction6'6 11-15-2009 09:46 AM

Personal Goals
In the past when I have been losing weight I find it easier to stay on track if I set a personal goal. I think this will help everyone on the site who wants to continue this journey with me. I always try and set weekly and monthly goals. The weekly goals may just be that I am going to stay away from a certain food or drink (i.e. alcohol) for that week. The monthly are normally a weight loss goal I want to achieve by the end of the month.

Right now I am setting a personal goal to have lost 30 lbs by the first of the year. That would be an average of 5 lbs a week which for someone as big as me would be easily attainable.

I want to hear everyone else's goals.

bay_slayer 11-15-2009 05:53 PM

I'm at 192lbs right now, and would like to drop about 20 lbs by February. I just need to stay away from the Cokes and candy, and do a little more activity during the day.

Mediumheavyaction6'6 11-15-2009 07:28 PM

Anyone else have some goals they want to post?

fishinpox 11-15-2009 07:33 PM

i want to be able to drive in the car w/o un buttoning my pants!

fishinpox 11-15-2009 07:41 PM

real goal this week is to drop 3-5 lbs by next Sunday I'm 199 now my overall goal is to hit 180 by my anniversary in Feb

yak'em-n-stack'em 11-15-2009 10:10 PM

well, ill be loosing some weight this week since im gonna have to run a mile or two for missing the womens basketball game

but i had a good excuse, we found a good trout bite

Ray 11-16-2009 11:16 AM

I went from a 34 to a 35 jeans a couple years ago.
Now all my 35's are too tight.
I just want to be able to get in my 35's so I don't have to buy a new set of jeans.

BIRD DOG 11-27-2009 03:11 PM

I was 170lbs and set a goal to gain weight!I joined the gym and started eating right and taking LOTS of protien.I an @ 210 now in 6 months and my goal is 220! Its all in what you eat.

jlsch1 01-24-2011 09:54 PM

Went from 210 to 180 last year in three weeks by cutting out cokes, eating almonds for snacks, fruit & grain cerial for breakfast with 1 can of v-8 juice low sodium, green tea instead of cokes, water. Lunch and dinner no fast food mostly chicken with vegtables or mix chicken with salad.

Did the P90 video's and moved up to P90X which more advanced.
Lost around 30lbs quick. I could feel my neck tighten up.
Did the personal trainer thing just hard to getup at 4:30 am to get to gym by 5am when you can pop a dvd in player.
Then I made excuses the weight came back quick which is mostly coca cola and fast food.

This time I am get netflix on my blueray dvd player so I mix my exercise videos between core, weights, bootcamp video's, and beachbody p90x videos.

So far I only lost 2lbs in a week which is a start.
Went to doctor he said to get off cokes maybe go from 6 a day to 3 a day then go down to 1 day then quit. Start trying 3 a day tommorrow.

Hopefully I can lose the weight and keep it off this time. Soda what keeping the weight on.

bay_slayer 01-24-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by bay_slayer (Post 77579)
I'm at 192lbs right now, and would like to drop about 20 lbs by February. I just need to stay away from the Cokes and candy, and do a little more activity during the day.

Dang.......I forgot I even posted on this. So since I'm here I'll update a little bit. I started off at 192 lbs and I am currently 173lbs. I actually got down to 168 lbs but I started lifting weights at least 4 time a week a few months ago and eating halfway decent, but most importantly, taking in alot of protein and minimal calories. I shed fat quickly like this and I am starting to gain muscle mass. I am taking some supplements, but I am feeling better than I have felt in like 5 years.

Dink 01-25-2011 12:58 AM

In other words, your getting fat again?? And your proud of it??

Mediumheavyaction6'6 01-25-2011 07:51 AM

Well, I guess it is safe to say that I failed miserably the last time I attempted this. I was just reading the first post and I was at 242. I started this time 29 pounds heavier than that!!!! I tell you what the justification our minds can come up with is astonishing. Good luck to all those who are doing this because I know we all need it.

SaltyShaw 01-25-2011 08:55 AM

After my foot heals up I'm getting back on it, time to shed the winter coat, I'm at 160 trying to get back to 140 and then maybe try to put on a little muscle!
Few years ago I was 198 and in a matter of 6 months I was back at 140 by strictly just paying attention to my diet, food is the key here! Eat 6-8 small portioned meals a day!
Tuna Fish + Sweet Potatoes = Superfood
Good luck to everyone else trying this!!

bay_slayer 01-25-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Dink (Post 223335)
In other words, your getting fat again?? And your proud of it??

Negative.......I'm still losing B/F and inches. I'm just putting on muscle at the same time. Even tho I am putting on some mass, I am getting a smaller waist.

Garfish 01-25-2011 01:08 PM

Down to 195 from 243 since about this time last year. Watching what I eat and drinking lots of water and not drinking as much beer. Goal was 200, but still trying. Plateauing right now. Need 10-15 more off to keep up w/ my little ones and get to my playing weight in high school and college.

Mediumheavyaction6'6 01-25-2011 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Garfish (Post 223402)
Down to 195 from 243 since about this time last year. Watching what I eat and drinking lots of water and not drinking as much beer. Goal was 200, but still trying. Plateauing right now. Need 10-15 more off to keep up w/ my little ones and get to my playing weight in high school and college.

That's awesome man! You should try incorporating in some new exercises and try and mix it up. That might be all you need to get off those last few pounds. They are definitely the hardest.

adamsfence 01-25-2011 05:39 PM

yall don't need no weight loss program just contract your own lucky if i eat once a day....between stress and not much time i should be losing a luck i'll gain....good luck to you guys

"W" 01-25-2011 05:47 PM

I have a tip...#1 I don't diet it takes to much time and work...but I have lost 15 lbs in one month........

my cholesterol is off the charts and medication will not bring it down..........


I eat a bowl of cereal in morning with lots of fiber

small lunch (anything I want) just little portions

Eat a bowl of cereal with lots of Fiber for supper.....

it works for me

Montauk17 01-25-2011 07:31 PM

The easiest way to loose weight is to plan your meals before hand. If it comes time to eat and you don't know what your going to eat,that is when you fail.

Garfish 01-26-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mediumheavyaction6'6 (Post 223413)
That's awesome man! You should try incorporating in some new exercises and try and mix it up. That might be all you need to get off those last few pounds. They are definitely the hardest.

Thanks MH.
Gotta admit that I'm not exercising as much as I was. Probly need to kick it up a notch. With Baseball season coming up, I know I'll be able to work a few off throwing batting practice and hitting fungo. Also the yard work around the house will pick up as it gets warmer. I'm glad I'm at least staying the same and not puttin it back on during the these dreary Winter days.

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