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shrky57 03-02-2013 01:08 PM

Uh ohhhhhh.
Uh ohhhhhh.............

A man goes to see the dentist for a toothache. The dentist informs him that it's become abscessed and will have to be pulled. The dentist begins to fill a needle with novocaine, but the man stops him. "I don't need any, " the man says, "just go ahead and pull it." The dentist looks at the man quizzically, "This will be quite painful sir, I think I should numb you first." The man responds, "It's ok, I've had alot of great pain in my life and I've learned how to block it out." "Okay, " replies the dentist, not entirely sure that he should proceed with out anesthetic. Amazingly, the man never even winces while the dentist pulls his tooth. "I can't believe you just went throuh that without any anesthetic. You must have had some incredible pain to be able to tolerate that." The man responds, "Yes I have, in fact the second greatest pain I've ever felt was while I was hunting." The dentist listens intently as the man tells his tale. "I had to take a dump and I squatted down over a log. Well, when the **** fell, it landed on a bear trap. The trap snapped down right on my balls." The dentist winced grabbing his own pair. "My god, " responds the dentist, "that was only the second greatest?" "Yes, " replies the man, "the worst pain came after that." "You see, " continues the man, "when the trap snapped down on my balls, I jumped up and took off running." The dentist looks at the man a bit bewildered. "Yeah, " the man says, "the trap was staked to the ground."

DUCKGOGETTER 03-02-2013 02:36 PM


jkcckc2002 03-02-2013 10:29 PM


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