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BassYakR 08-03-2015 07:03 AM

Great tourney guys! And thats a huge payout right there. Fishing was really tough for us. found some fish but they werent the size we needed!

fishwater 08-03-2015 03:55 PM

Glad i finally got to weigh some fish in, it was a tough day, i couldn't catch a third trout to save my soul. Guess i should have booked a trip on that 24' Skeeter.

Pat Babaz 08-03-2015 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bluechip (Post 766385)
Lol..... From Brandon Picou, to the Pink Banana and now his amateur guide service name.

Is Southern Salt the Brandon Picou guy? Wasn't he the one that hired on at PPG saying how he was gonna go in and fix all the problems that lazy operators caused or something like that:rotfl: Then they called him out on it on Salty Cajun, I think he ended up getting fired for posting on company time which was a blessing for him because they were all ready to beat him down out there anyway..... That was about two years ago, what an awesome thread that was

Bluechip 08-03-2015 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pat Babaz (Post 766655)
Is Southern Salt the Brandon Picou guy? Wasn't he the one that hired on at PPG saying how he was gonna go in and fix all the problems that lazy operators caused or something like that:rotfl: Then they called him out on it on Salty Cajun, I think he ended up getting fired for posting on company time which was a blessing for him because they were all ready to beat him down out there anyway..... That was about two years ago, what an awesome thread that was

Yep.....that's him. His story is he quit, which he did because it was either quit or they were going to fire him lol...

Trout rivers 08-03-2015 11:11 PM

Its all good cause the battle on the border for the hammer fisherman! Hahaha ^ picou lost lol

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