8-1-16 starting month off good
Caught a limit of reds and trout. Didn't have any mullet so trout were mostly Dink's and had to work for them catching 5 or more before one would keep. Reds were all 16-17". No pics ! Gave em to the guy that cuts my grass. Today was a little better on size and will post when clean em with pics. Took my dad out and we had a lot of action. Caught 2-3 limits but he only wanted to keep one limit so we released alot. Made some more memories!
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Here is pics from 8-3. After catching mostly small fish 7-31 and 8-1 it was nice to see bigger fish again. Fish were caught in or near Turners Bay and the Washout area on live shrimp, pogies, mullet, and gulp baits. Tide was coming in and water clear as could be. Ive noticed that outgoing tide not as good where I been fishing and will often mudfy it up a bit and no tide I won't even stop there. We released at least 15 more trout and a fdew reds.
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