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redalertlures 10-03-2015 03:40 PM

I admit it...I am FAT!!!
1 Attachment(s)
I have come to the realization that if I want to change my body I have to start somewhere...

I am ashamed to say I am 321 lbs. I have tried to justify my weight in every way possible. I am 6'1" and people say you don't look close to 300...well the scales do not lie...I am 47 years old. The same age as my father when he had his first heart attack. He wasnt heavy, but he was a heavy drinker and I rationalized it won't happen to me....Did I mention I am a Licensed Nurse, former body builder, and former HEAVY STEROID user? My military days took away my ability to effectively run more that 3 steps without wincing in pain...

But as GOD IS MY WITNESS, I will lose 100lbs!!!

I am not diabetic...YET. My last A1C was close to the border as you can get...

I ask for a simple prayer that I can overcome my late night binges and constant need for food... I have been laid off for 6 months and have gained 40 pounds in that time frame...

Thanks for reading my post, and thanks in advance for your prayers...

PaulMyers 10-03-2015 03:56 PM

Best of luck to you my friend!

ckinchen 10-03-2015 04:39 PM

Best of luck to you I really hope you can do this and you can.

Ed32 10-03-2015 08:39 PM

I know you can do this. think about your family and why you want to be around for them. Also if you mess up its not the end of the world. You can pick back up at the next meal

redaddiction 10-03-2015 09:03 PM

The first step is always admitting the problem. So kudos to you and good luck.

redalertlures 10-03-2015 10:40 PM

Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I am determined to get to where I need to be.

meaux fishing 10-03-2015 11:07 PM

Healthy eating and exercise. Stay away from fad diets and miracle pills. Good luck on your journey

fullrutt 10-04-2015 05:30 PM

Redalertlures i own a couple gyms and a personal training business. I can tell you that admitting you have a problem is the first step like some have said.
The next step is setting monthly goals. 20-30-40 pounds are easy to get ride of but it takes dedication to do it. It's extremely hard the first 30-45 days but once you get past that it's easy maintaining it. There are NO miracle drugs and so many ridiculous diet companies out there.

Set monthly goals, eat right and find a workout that makes you want to keep going.

If you ever have any question please email me anytime

Sent from the baddest GYM in La

swamp snorkler 10-05-2015 06:31 AM

I really need to do the same. I've dropped 40lbs in 2 months just by moving around more, went from 238 to 198 and I need to do it again. Remember the only way to loose weight and keep it off is to eat less and move around more.

BassYakR 10-05-2015 09:52 AM

all you have to do is create a Calorie defict....if you consome 2500 per day... burn 2800.... I am doing this journey also. Good luck...

Lyle Savant 10-05-2015 12:18 PM

Admission is the 1st step! Lol

Seriously, you can do it. Get active, don't drink Pop & reduce portions. Oh, & don't snack at night.

You'll be glad you did it. God Speed

tboy 10-05-2015 02:11 PM

Best of luck to you. I have to agree with your friends, you definitely don't appear to weigh over 300 pounds.

Gasper Master 10-05-2015 10:02 PM

as a former bodybuilder, you know your way around the weight room. Hit the weights and work on your diet. A guy here at work was just like you, former bodybuilder, steroids, etc. weighed well over 300. he hit the gym and adjusted his diet. he has lost 75lbs so far. Good Luck!!!

Crawl79 10-06-2015 09:03 AM

You got this! Find something you like and will keep you interested and motivated.

I started CrossFit 4 weeks ago and have been loving it but whatever works for you and your life style. Just remember have to eat right as well to loose the weight.

redalertlures 10-06-2015 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by tboy (Post 774881)
Best of luck to you. I have to agree with your friends, you definitely don't appear to weigh over 300 pounds.

I certainly wish it were not so...In2011 I reached 387lbs...I was working as Nursing supervisor in a prison. The inmates would cook anything I asked for so I got big...I lost down to 275 and in 2014 I just got depressed with my daughter being gone and that empty next syndrome...I was 321 at last md I weighed I have lost 6 lbs in the past week. Just cut way back and making a conscious decision to eat better...I have had 13 knee surgeries so when I get back to a respectable weight I am sure my knees will thank me as will my back LOL

Thanks to all of you for your encouragement...I am not stopping and God willing I will bet back to 210-215 range...I can live with that.

redalertlures 10-06-2015 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Gasper Master (Post 774963)
as a former bodybuilder, you know your way around the weight room. Hit the weights and work on your diet. A guy here at work was just like you, former bodybuilder, steroids, etc. weighed well over 300. he hit the gym and adjusted his diet. he has lost 75lbs so far. Good Luck!!!

I am doing just that sir!

I have a 13 year old stepson that wants to work out with me so I have him
for motivation and hopefully we can build on a solid Father/Son relationship. His dad is seldom around. I will not knock the guy, he just lives in Abilene. I know I can't replace his dad, not trying to, just wanna build a good thing.

fishinpox 10-06-2015 11:04 PM

It dawned on me when I was looking at having custom lightweight mountain hunting rifles built to shave 2+ lbs off a gun .... Then I realized I didn't need to spend 8000 on a rifle I could go to the gym n lose 25-30lbs . Been at it everyday for past 3-4 weeks... Huge change mentally and physically !

redalertlures 10-06-2015 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by fishinpox (Post 775100)
It dawned on me when I was looking at having custom lightweight mountain hunting rifles built to shave 2+ lbs off a gun .... Then I realized I didn't need to spend 8000 on a rifle I could go to the gym n lose 25-30lbs . Been at it everyday for past 3-4 weeks... Huge change mentally and physically !

I was definitely a gym rat back in the day...I loved the feeling of a great workout...

I am looking forward to getting that back again...

kudos to you sir for doing it and encouraging me to also

AcadianaProp 10-08-2015 02:44 PM

High cholesterol at 36. Not good. The wife started cooking everyday and within 6 months we were back in normal range. Meat, Veggies and Fruit. Lots of water. Don't give up! You can do this!

redalertlures 10-12-2015 12:19 PM

down to 312 in 2 weeks...Tonight I start taking my 13 yo to the gym. He wants to see if lifting weights is something he wants to do. I am praying this will be something he and I can do to build a great Father/Son relationship.

I am nervous and excited!! Thanks again for the support gents!!

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