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AceArcher 07-23-2016 12:55 PM

Who's leading the fight?
In consideration of how awesome of a job NOAA is doing in managing the red snapper, and now evidently the amberjack stocks in the GOM.

I want to know who is leading the fight against these money grubbing butt munchers. Who are seemingly happily selling of our national resources, in order to fatten bank accounts.

I want to know who has boots on the ground and is fighting this nonsense.

I'm looking for an organization that is going to fight for real scientific data to be used to manage the gulf, who is going to fight to make sure that we don't end up with a precious few "fish" barons holding the reigns to all the fish in the gulf.

I am looking for an organization that i can learn from and donate time and if needed money.

I am looking for an organization that has form letters drawn up that i can sign and email to every darn congressman and senator that i can find an email address on.

If your aware of who is leading this charge, please point me in that direction. Because i need to make sure that i cast my lot in with the correct side.

Thank you for any information you might have to share on this subject. If possible let us please keep this discussion moving in a direction of what I and "you" can do to stop this insanity.

May God bless America.

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