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meathauler 06-21-2011 09:45 AM

6-16-11 Big Lake area
3 Attachment(s)
The lake was too windy to fish, so I finished pumping out my 2 acre pond. I pumped it out with a 6 inch and then finished the pot holes with a 2 inch. I never knew that I had these fish in there. I thought it was just trash until the water got real low. I was like DAAAAAAM go get a ice chest. These fish were from when hurricane Ike flooded us. THere were several more from another hole but they were dead before I notice what they were with all the mud on them.

specktator 06-21-2011 09:47 AM

Man that's crazy!!

fishinpox 06-21-2011 09:49 AM

Reds n trout in yer pond????

SaltyShaw 06-21-2011 09:50 AM

Damn that is wild!!

Salty 06-21-2011 09:51 AM

That is just nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess all that stuff about salinity is BS.

bjhooper82 06-21-2011 09:51 AM

That's pretty cool!!

specktator 06-21-2011 09:52 AM

I would be :pissed: at myself for draining it!! How many ppl could say they got specks and reds in their 2 acre pond!!

meathauler 06-21-2011 10:24 AM

I was shocked to see they had a bass also. There were no shrimp and crabs left in there. The summer after Rita I drained it and it had a bunch of crabs and a bit of shrimp, but no trout. We had so little rain that the water was a little salty to taste but barely noticeable. I'm pissed since I burn fuel on Big Lake and I had a limit sitting in my back yard LOL. The up side is that my neighbor has a 7 acre pond that borders mine and he has no clue of these fish:D

SaltyShaw 06-21-2011 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by meathauler (Post 272734)
I was shocked to see they had a bass also. There were no shrimp and crabs left in there. The summer after Rita I drained it and it had a bunch of crabs and a bit of shrimp, but no trout. We had so little rain that the water was a little salty to taste but barely noticeable. I'm pissed since I burn fuel on Big Lake and I had a limit sitting in my back yard LOL. The up side is that my neighbor has a 7 acre pond that borders mine and he has no clue of these fish:D

Go get em haha!

Raymond 06-21-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by meathauler (Post 272734)
I was shocked to see they had a bass also. There were no shrimp and crabs left in there. The summer after Rita I drained it and it had a bunch of crabs and a bit of shrimp, but no trout. We had so little rain that the water was a little salty to taste but barely noticeable. I'm pissed since I burn fuel on Big Lake and I had a limit sitting in my back yard LOL. The up side is that my neighbor has a 7 acre pond that borders mine and he has no clue of these fish:D

Think they would mind me doing a little fishing while dog training??:work:

Dink 06-21-2011 11:02 AM

Hmmm......I'd feed them everyday. Imagine how big the trout would get!!

meathauler 06-21-2011 11:04 AM

You need to focus at the task at hand, but me and your boys could. HaHA:smokin:

BossHog 06-21-2011 11:16 AM

We pumped a pond out a year after Rita and had every type of fish from biglake in it. Even had a bunch of small mangrove snapper in it...explain that?

huntin fool 06-21-2011 11:20 AM

Ive seen ponds with redfish. They just can't reproduce in the freshwater..

Montauk17 06-21-2011 11:53 AM

Pretty cool! I stayed at a camp ground on big lake road a few years ago. Guy that owned the property told us his pond was full of sw fish from the storms. It was super windy that weekend so we ended up catching more trout and reds in his pond instead of big lake.

bgizzle 06-21-2011 02:30 PM

2 acre pond
My buddy had the same thing happen to his pond in grand chenier after ike and they r still in there but wont reproduce...wildlife and fishereis are currently doing studies on the pond to see how they can survive in the pond after all the fresh rain water and no more salt intrusion... they still catch trout and black drum in it but only one red was ever caught in it

jdugan 06-21-2011 06:52 PM

Man that's unreal. For those of you that have caught saltwater fish out of ponds, what did you catch them on?

Montauk17 06-21-2011 06:53 PM

They have some lakes in texas that are stocked with redfish,pretty cool.

Ray 06-21-2011 07:42 PM

The pond should stay salty. Only way to get it out is to pump it out and fill with fresh water.
When I hunted gators in Hackberry, Ted Johanen(spelling) the biologist said that when the sun evaporates water, only fresh water goes up. So the water will get more salty with evaporation.
Only way to get salinity down is to pump out the salt water and pump in fresh water or rain water.

meathauler 06-21-2011 09:55 PM

Mr. Teds knowledge of the marsh is unbelievable. He is so fun to talk with. We used to field trial dogs together. He is known as the guy who brought back the gators to outsiders.

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