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Baychamp1 02-26-2016 11:03 AM

Trump's first day as POTUS
1. President Donald J. Trump is sworn into office.
2. In a rare event on inauguration day, Congress convenes for an emergency meeting to repeal the illegal and unconstitutional Socialist Healthcare Farce piece of ****, known as the unconstitutional obamacare.The new Director of Health and Social Services Dr. Ben Carson announces that an independent group of healthcare management professionals is hired to handle healthcare services for poor and low income people. They are also assigned the duty of eliminating Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Government's costs for public healthcare are reduced by 90%. Healthcare insurance premiums for working Americans are reduced by 50%. The move saves billions of taxpayer paid dollars. Healthcare service in the U.S improves 100%.
3. Newly appointed Department of Homeland Security Chief Lt. Col. Allen West announces the immediate deployment of troops to the U.S. Mexico border to control illegal immigration and the immediate deportation of illegals with criminal records or links to terrorist groups. New bio-encrypted Social Security IDs are required by every American citizen. Birthright to illegals is abolished. All immigration from countries that represent a threat to the safety of American citizens is terminated indefinitely. The move saves American taxpayers billions of dollars. Several prisons are closed.
4. Newly appointed Secretary of Business and Economic Development Sarah Palin eliminates more than half of the Government agencies operating under the Obama administration saving taxpayers billions of dollars. Stocks rise 100%.
5. Newly appointed Director of Government Finance Donald Trump Jr. announces the abolition of the IRS and displays a copy of the new Federal Tax Return form. It consists of one page. The instructions consist of two pages. The Federal Reserve is audited. The move saves American Taxpayers billions of dollars and increases tax revenue.
6. Hillary Clinton is in prison, where she belongs. Her cell is directly across from Jessie Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton (who has NEVER been an ordained reverend) who are serving time for 'Hate Crimes". She *****es at them constantly from behind the bars of her cell in what some might call 'cruel and unusual punishment'.
7. U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders is in the nuthouse, where he belongs. His room is directly across from Nancy Pelosielosi, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chris Matthewshews and U.S. Senator Al Franken. They meet for tea every day at 10 AM and discuss the success and benefits of Communism and Socialism throughout the world. They also wonder when the "Mothership" is going to pick them up and return them to their home planets.
8. Barack Obama flees the United States under cover of darkness and returns to his homeland of kenya before his trial for treason begins. He deplanes on a remote jungle airstrip. It was reported that he was last seen wandering through the jungle singing "Hakuna Matata" with a chimp named Osama Commie.
9. A committee is not established to determine what is causing global cooling. Billions of taxpayer dollars are saved.
10. Dead people are no longer allowed to vote in Chicago, a huge blow for the Democrat Party in the State of Illinois.
And this my friends is just DAY ONE!

BloodKnot 02-26-2016 11:28 AM

Or Trump is elected and he becomes a everyone that blows hot air just to be elected.

marty f 02-26-2016 11:28 AM

I'll buy that for a dollar!!

B-Stealth 02-26-2016 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by BloodKnot (Post 788060)
Or Trump is elected and he becomes a everyone that blows hot air just to be elected.

Yes I hear you, and I'm not really supporting him but........

I just don't see his actions changing drastically once he becomes elected, besides fear of his life, what does he have to lose?

He's not a career politician, but that's a double edge sword.

keakar 02-26-2016 12:25 PM

the sad thing is, most of that does indeed need to, and should happen.

I do think, if he had the balls to, trump could do this and put people in those jobs to get it done efficiently and quickly and get it done right, not the liberal PC way. not the suggested well liked conservative names, I prefer someone fully qualified with experience over those who are well meaning with good intentions any day.

keakar 02-26-2016 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by B-Stealth (Post 788069)
Yes I hear you, and I'm not really supporting him but........

I just don't see his actions changing drastically once he becomes elected, besides fear of his life, what does he have to lose?

He's not a career politician, but that's a double edge sword.

yes he has always been a staunch liberal in terms of social issues like abortion and free healthcare, but he has always held just as staunch a conservative mindset on the issues of trade, immigration, fair trade, and lower taxes. you can go back 20 years and his views have never changed on things, say what you will but he is no phony about his conservatism nor is he apologetic about his liberal thinking on many things. he truly is a mix of both and while that doesn't make me like him a whole lot, I still think he is someone who can get the job done that needs to be done and that's not playing politics, its walking in, blowing things up, firing "everyone" then rehiring only those with proven track records of being able to do the job.

I think if he is elected, I wont like most of his decisions about things in general (such as not wanting to get rid of Obama care but fix it instead) but I think we are drowning and we need someone like him who knows how to take a bankrupt failing business and turn it around and that is what our country is today, a bankrupt failing business with the roof on fire and no one cares about it.

tojoe 02-26-2016 01:08 PM

I don't think Obama has anything to worry about since Trump did come out and say he was doing a good job a while back!!!!

Top Dawg 02-26-2016 01:14 PM

U forgot appointing Ted cruz to scotus

Cappy 02-26-2016 01:52 PM

My one and only political comment ....... today....... I really dont like talking politics but yall fired me up.
If Trump wins the nomination I guess I'm gonna hafta vote for him. The one thing that would make me feel good about it would be if Dr. Ben was the VP That I could get behind fully. I havent voted for some one since Reagan. It's always been voting against the Dems. I aint been doing so good lately and am sooooo ready for a change for the better.

ahlangle 02-26-2016 06:31 PM

Get out next Saturday and vote for who you believe would be the best leader for this country. If you don't vote, you don't have any room to speak.

Baychamp1 02-26-2016 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by ahlangle (Post 788100)
Get out next Saturday and vote for who you believe would be the best leader for this country. If you don't vote, you don't have any room to speak.

The easiest way for the US to make America Great Again is through Energy Independence, we need an energy policy that gets us off the tit!!!

eman 02-27-2016 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Baychamp1 (Post 788115)
The easiest way for the US to make America Great Again is through Energy Independence, we need an energy policy that gets us off the tit!!!

I am not in the oil patch like alot of yall. But the way i understand it ,if the USA wanted to, we produce enough oil to be self sufficient.
Open up drilling in other coastal areas if need be.

mcjaredsandwich 02-27-2016 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by B-Stealth (Post 788069)
Yes I hear you, and I'm not really supporting him but........

I just don't see his actions changing drastically once he becomes elected, besides fear of his life, what does he have to lose?

He's not a career politician, but that's a double edge sword.


what do you say about his former support and donations to Hillary Clinton and Trump recently changing from Democrat to Republican?

mcjaredsandwich 02-27-2016 12:50 PM

Gary Johnson for POTUS 2016

mriguy 02-27-2016 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by mcjaredsandwich (Post 788131)
Gary Johnson for POTUS 2016


PaulMyers 02-27-2016 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by mcjaredsandwich (Post 788130)

what do you say about his former support and donations to Hillary Clinton?

Like any good businessman, he was buying influence. Just good business. It never hurts to have a politician in your pocket. That's a big part of what's wrong with America now. Until the system is changed, that's the way it will be.

swampman46 02-27-2016 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Cappy (Post 788085)
The one thing that would make me feel good about it would be if Dr. Ben was the VP That I could get behind fully.

Dr. Ben? Lol, How could that possibly make you feel good about voting for Trump? What could he possibly bring to the table as VP? I can't wait to hear.

Baychamp1 02-27-2016 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by mcjaredsandwich (Post 788131)
Gary Johnson for POTUS 2016

Had to Google his name, never heard of him, I'm just asking do you really think this is a viable candidate?

noodle creek 02-27-2016 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Baychamp1 (Post 788150)
Had to Google his name, never heard of him, I'm just asking do you really think this is a viable candidate?

No, but Rand Paul was extremely overlooked.

mcjaredsandwich 02-28-2016 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Baychamp1 (Post 788150)
Had to Google his name, never heard of him, I'm just asking do you really think this is a viable candidate?

Viable as in having the mainstream support of news channels and publicity?


But he stands for more of my beliefs and my way of thinking. Just read about what the man did as governor of New Mexico.

Hundreds of thousands of American men and women didn't give their lives to secure my freedom vote for me to pick between the lesser of two evils. It would dishonor them if I DIDN'T vote for what I believe in, regardless of what kind of publicity the candidate receives.

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