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jakekern 05-30-2011 06:29 AM

Henderson Lake still on the rise!
3 Attachment(s)
Enclosed or a few pictures of the water level at Kern's Landing. It's been comming up about a foot a day. The river crested yesterday but it will be a few days before we see it level off. When it starts to drop slowly, the fishing will be ON. Have a great Memorial Day. Jake Kern

southern151 05-30-2011 07:59 AM

Good luck Jake. I sure hope your property is spared serious damage!

blackmamba 05-30-2011 08:08 AM

Good luck Jake. I will be there as soon as it starts dropping.

jakekern 05-30-2011 07:04 PM

Thanks Guys. It looks like we gonna make it thru this and come out OK. All I can say is don't forget about Henderson, cause it's gonna get REAL GOOD before this is all over. So hope to see you then. Jake

wetaline 05-30-2011 07:46 PM

high water
Went to henderson today. We could actually run the boat over the mounds. Fished the banks under I-10, the dogleg, the boulevard - passed in front of your place, Jake. Actually able to go in the south flat - lots of hyacinth, but water is so high that you can easily navigate around them. Picked up 18 bream and saca-a-lait. Hard to find them - so much area for them to go into now. Very hot, but enjoyed the day on the water.

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