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Dblbeard 10-22-2014 07:25 AM

Young fawns everywhere
There are young fawn all over the place. Checked my cams yesterday and I've got pics of fawn still nursing. I have two young boys that are itching to sling a bolt but I'm very proud of them for holding off. Neither one of them have killed there first deer yet. These does are teasing them big time. Lol

MathGeek 10-22-2014 01:04 PM

Dat's tender dere.

Back when I hunted deer a lot in Ohio, most young of the year (born in May) were 50-80 lbs by October and some were pushing 100 lbs by gun season in December. These were well fed deer, next to corn fields, orchards, quality cow pasture, and oaks and hickories that dropped heavy mast crops most years. I'd take two of those fawns over a 2.5 year old buck any time. Shoot 'em, wipe the milk off their mouths, and trow dem in the truck!

Dblbeard 10-22-2014 01:20 PM

Lol, these deer may be about 40 lbs. I'm bringing my kids up a little different than that. We generally take doe's for meat . The let the bucks grow unless they are 4.5 years or better. I do agree, 80lbs do taste better.

simplepeddler 10-22-2014 06:09 PM

I've never been able to guess the wieght or sex when smothered for hours.....

swamp snorkler 10-23-2014 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by simplepeddler (Post 726027)
I've never been able to guess the wieght or sex when smothered for hours.....

I shot a does once (my first deer ever) that tipped the scales at 62 pounds. Everybody made fun of me, my mom was even making fun of me.....till they were stuffing their mouth. I deboned the whole thing and made a Sauce Picaunt with everything but the backstraps, that was the most tender venison I've even eaten.

tboy 10-23-2014 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by simplepeddler (Post 726027)
I've never been able to guess the wieght or sex when smothered for hours.....

You and I would get along just fine!

Dblbeard 10-23-2014 10:37 AM

What ya think about this buck?
Let him grow, looks 3.5 years old!
Kill a 5.5 year old,, that's a awesome buck
Kill a 50lb deer,, that's some good eatin right there !

Lol, I guess there is a congrats on every deer killed. Lol

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