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Finfeatherfur 06-07-2010 08:48 AM

****Update - Boat Operators*****
The response from my original post was incredible, and I was surprised at the number of people I was able to get info on by posting here on the Saltycajun. I have everyone's email list and saved their contact info for future use.

At this time, we can not come to terms on the deal w/ for leasing of boats w/ operators. They want us to go through another contractor and I am not willing to cross my fingers and do a rain dance for payment. Our company has a contract w/ them and have been working for them long before the spill. If we can not run our own invoicing, then we will stick to what we do best, managment of people and projects. Besides, why should we carry all the insurance and liability for someone else to make a dime off of us. I was born at night, but wasn't last night.

If something changes, I will again post and see what comes up, but for right now, we are walking away from this one!

southern151 06-07-2010 08:50 AM

Thanks for the update! Hopefully you guys can reach some sort of agreement on this.

CatDaddy 06-07-2010 09:23 AM

My e-mail address is

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