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bull1134 11-06-2011 02:27 PM

freshwater barrier 11-5-11
2 Attachment(s)
got to the freshwater barrier at first light, hooked up with a lot of big specks, but couldn't keep em on. A buddy told me my rod was too stiff, and I was rippin too big a hole in their mouths. must have been right, switched to a different rod and started boatin fish. got em on a tko white with red sparkle. tried to move and fried my starter! at least I managed to land a few before the breakdown.

DUCKGOGETTER 11-06-2011 09:39 PM

Nice trout

youu_whoo_whoo 11-06-2011 10:09 PM

not a bad day except for the starter issues

Will"E"Fish 11-06-2011 10:36 PM should help you with parts

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