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AceArcher 05-30-2013 11:35 AM

Need some help for tommorrow.
I would like to try and make a run down to BL tommorrow, Going to try and be on the water by 7:30-8am will probably stay out till 2-3pm.

Mainly want to fill up an ice chest with some crabs and cast net up some shrimp.

It's been better than 20 years since I have been to BL, could some of you guys in the "know" throw me a pm with a chicken bone attached.. pretty please?

I would like to put in at either calc point or spicers..... but whatever i do i need to stay in a pretty sheltered area. wind forecast is for 10-15 out of the south :(

I will bring a rod along just for the heck of it but mainly will have 10 or so crab traps and cast net.

AceArcher 05-30-2013 12:45 PM

fyi, have space available in the boat if anyone wants to hop in with me. (it ain't much of a boat for big lake.. but i'm sure it will get it done)

meaux fishing 05-30-2013 01:09 PM

Better not have more than 10 crab traps unless you have commercial license

swamp snorkler 05-30-2013 01:19 PM

Look for some cuts in the marsh to put you traps around and don't crowd the guys that's doing it for a living

AceArcher 05-30-2013 01:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I need to quantify a bit more... I used these "traps" in maryland chasing blue crab's up there, these are actually what we would call crab dropnets down here (the ones you can buy that are made out of wire and have the doors that close when you pull them), a crab can enter / leave them anytime he likes.

here is a pic of one.

I already touched base with DNR and they advised that this style is considered to be a crab dropnet.

Just need some feedback "thru pm is fine" if im in the right general area around spicers and calc point or if that's to far north / south.

usually in maryland there would be a 10-20 mile stretch of the chesapeake that had the best salinity and water to hold the most crabs.... is it the same here? or is pretty much all of big lake a good spot for crabs?

AceArcher 05-30-2013 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by swamp snorkler (Post 586938)
Look for some cuts in the marsh to put you traps around and don't crowd the guys that's doing it for a living

Thanks swamp, will do... i never set close to commercial guys. They are relying on this for a paycheck.... whereas i just want to catch a few to steam up :)

Duck Butter 05-30-2013 02:54 PM

I would pass that up and head to Rockefeller, we kept 5 dozen big full crabs at the concrete weir 2 weekends ago in an hour max. A couple folks had their limits but we were not wanting to fool with that many. The shrimping was 'slow' but they were catching 5 or 6 per cast and you can get your limit if you put the time in

swamp snorkler 05-30-2013 02:59 PM

That's an interesting net. I use 24" nets with a 6" lip. bait with leg quarters.

I've never found that salintiy had on affect on crabs as much as current does. Find some decent current and you find the crabs.

Pat Babaz 05-30-2013 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Duck Butter (Post 586990)
I would pass that up and head to Rockefeller, we kept 5 dozen big full crabs at the concrete weir 2 weekends ago in an hour max. A couple folks had their limits but we were not wanting to fool with that many. The shrimping was 'slow' but they were catching 5 or 6 per cast and you can get your limit if you put the time in

I second this advice. This is the BEST place for what your wanting to do and the size of your boat.

Goooh 05-30-2013 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pat Babaz (Post 587072)
I second this advice. This is the BEST place for what your wanting to do and the size of your boat.


weedeater 05-30-2013 07:38 PM

I have never fished, crabed or shrimped at Rockefeller and its been along time since I worked down there so can someone give a little input of where to go down there? I know where Price Lake Rd is and the headquarters but not sure where to launch a boat and then where to run to but I want to bring my wife and 3yr old next monday or tuesday and think Rockefeller would probably be safest and easiest with a small kid in a 17' flat

Duck Butter 05-30-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by weedeater (Post 587080)
I have never fished, crabed or shrimped at Rockefeller and its been along time since I worked down there so can someone give a little input of where to go down there? I know where Price Lake Rd is and the headquarters but not sure where to launch a boat and then where to run to but I want to bring my wife and 3yr old next monday or tuesday and think Rockefeller would probably be safest and easiest with a small kid in a 17' flat

Price Lake Road is closed but go to Josephs Harbor just east of there a few miles. The main canal heads south and goes straight to the Gulf. The first? big canal to your left a mile or 2 down the stretch will lead you to the concrete wier (its right there 100 yds from the intersection), if you keep going down that canal you will pass a big oil 'rig' thing? and right past that to your left is the MudHole wier.
The LSU wier is just before you get to the Gulf in that canal to the right heading south.
We went 2 weekends ago with the kid in a 15' boat and were fine and have done it several times. Right there at the mouth of the Gulf there is a nice shell 'beach' to the right that is always fun to walk around and look for stuff with the kids, lotsa driftwood, shells, hermit crabs, etc.

Most people there are very nice and will let you know if the fish/shrimp are running and what wier they are running at. I enjoy the hell outta Rockefeller, you meet people from all walks of life and most are out there having a good time:)

AceArcher 05-30-2013 07:56 PM

Looking like i am gonna be headed there in the morning... lol i don't know if i am gonna be more tired from almost 6 hours of driving roundtrip... or from crabbing and shrimping.. Might have to take me a little siesta at some point.. :)

Gerald 05-30-2013 08:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is it time to catch some crabs?????

When I go crabbing, I only do it from the boat. If I don't have some fish [Trout] heads, I will use whatever is the cheapest chicken....usually leg quarters or cut up a whole chicken.

To make it easier to put the bait on the string, I go the Walmart and buy a pack of metal shower curtain rod holders. I will sharpen the tip some so that it is easier to poke it through the bait. If you just tie the bait onto the string, the crabs will sometimes cut the line while eating and you loose your bait.

I will use several strings long enough to throw the bait 10+ feet away from the boat and have the bait drop down the the bottom. This allows you to cover a larger area. After the bait has been in the water for a little while [30 seconds to a couple minutes, depending on how fast they are coming to the bait] I will slowly....don't jerk the string....pull up the line. When the bait gets close to the surface, I put the dip net in the water…..below the bait/crabs….and scoop them up. It is important to get the net in the water below the bait, or you will not catch all the crabs. A large net with a 4+ foot long handle works best.

If the water is muddy, tie a knot in the line about a foot above the bait. This will give you an "indicator" for when to put the net in the water. Depending on the current, I use a 2 to 4 oz weight.

I will also bring a clothes basket [covered with a towel when it is hot] to put all the crabs in. I also bring a 5 gallon bucket and some long “tongs”. I use the tongs to pick out the biggest crabs [6”+ tip to tip] and put them in the 5 gallon bucket. Then after putting 10 to 20 crabs in the bucket.......I count them as I put them into the ice chest and write down how many each bucket had in it.

When it is hot, it is important to have lots of ice to keep the crabs cold……and alive. If you don’t have enough ice, some of the crabs will die and the meat will be mushy after you cook the crab.

When the basket gets too many small crabs in it, I pull up the anchor, and take a ride away from this spot to dump the small crabs. That way, I don't keep catching the small crabs over and over again.

Moving water is the best, and don't be afraid to try where the current is really moving.....just need a lot more weight to hold the bait to the bottom.

Pat Babaz 05-30-2013 08:47 PM

Weedeater and Acearcher, ya'll be sure and let us know how you did down there. Especially on the shrimp size.

weedeater 05-30-2013 08:53 PM

I will let yall know what we end up with, hope the weather cooperates

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